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Showing 2 results for Saadattalab

Ayat Saadattalab, Farhad Balash, Aref Vahabzade,
Volume 11, Issue 2 (September 2017, Volume 11, Issue 2 2017)

The aim of this study was to examine the effectiveness of the substance abuse prevention among employees of Iran Ministry of Cooperatives, Labour and Social Welfare. Research design were a descriptive and survey study. The sample size was 230 employees in Iran ministry of cooperatives, labour and social welfare. Three researchers’ made questionnaires, includes 36-item reaction scale, 45-item knowledge scale and 34-item attitude scale were used for gathering data. Data were analyzed by one-sample t test, independent t test, One-way Anova,  post hoc(Scheffe) test, and Friedman test for priority setting. The findings showed that the participants' knowledge and attitude in pre-test were increased in comparison to the post-test. At the reaction level, the findings showed that the programs are desirable for the objectives, teacher, and evaluation and are approximately desirable for the content and implementation. According to participants’ perceptions, among all the courses, life skills for drug prevention, basics for drugs, and side-effects of drugs and the consequences are highly considered. Moreover, the courses should be underlining with greater quality.

Ayat Saadattalab, Mostafa Jafari,
Volume 14, Issue 1 (volume14, Issue 1(COVID-19 and Mental health) 2020)

This study examines the mediator role of spiritual happiness in the relationship between social capital and social support with employee’s resiliency against Covid-19 diseases pandemy during social distance. The research method was descriptive correlational.  The study population consisted all of employees (No= 574) in Tehran University Agriculture College, in 1399 spring. 200 employee were selected as a samples by available sampling method. To collect research data questionnaire as Afrooz spiritual happiness, social capital (Nahapiet and Ghoshal), social support  (Phillips) and Conner & Davidson resilience was used. Data analysis was done by using structural equation modeling in AMOS And Spss-22  software. The results showed that the research model was very favorable fit with experimental data, and spiritual happiness has mediating role in relation with social capital and social support with employees resiliency in against Corona virus diseases, in the Social distance period. Accordingly, the relationship between the variables of social capital and social support with resilience through spiritual happiness was confirmed in the form of path analysis. Thus, the variable of spiritual happiness showed a facilitating role in the relationship between social capital and social support with resilience. Also, the two social capital and social support variables had a direct and positive effect on employee resilience. Based on the results, it can be concluded that spiritual happiness among employees is the role of facilitator in promoting resilience. This means that the increase in social capital and social support, led to increase of spiritual happiness, and also resilience increased in front of coronavirus disease stress. In order to explain the resiliency in front of the corona disease during social distance social, we can use benefits of social capital and social support benefits to increase spiritual happiness and resilience.

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