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Showing 2 results for Naghavi

Narges Naghavi, Mehdi Akbari, Alireza Moradi,
Volume 11, Issue 2 (September 2017, Volume 11, Issue 2 2017)

The present study was conducted to evaluate the model which investigate predictive role of emotional dysregulation (ED), intolerance of uncertainty (IU), experiential avoidance (EA) and repetitive negative thinking (RNT) in positive and negative perfectionism. Participants were 412 B.S students of Tehran university, Allameh Tabatabei and Kharazmi university.The positive and negative perfectionism, repetitive negative thinking questionnaire, disorder in emotion regulation scale, intolerance of uncertainty scale and multidimensional experiential avoidance questionnaire were used for gathering data. Data was analyzed by structural equations modeling. ED does not have significant relationship with positive perfectionism. But there is mediated and unmediated significant relationship between ED and negative perfectionism. IU has unmediated significant relationship with perfectionism and has mediated and unmediated significant relationship with negative perfectionism. EA has unmediated significant relationship with perfectionism and has mediated and unmediated significant relationship with negative perfectionism. ED, IU and EA were significantly predicted 12 percent of positive perfectionisms, 64 percent of negative perfectionisms and 58 percent of RNT. The results showed that positive and negative perfectionism are two different structural models. And RNT mediates the association just between negative perfectionism and some of outcome variables.

Somayeh Naghavi, Parisa Faraji, Bardia Nemati,
Volume 13, Issue 4 (volume, Issue 4 2020)

In many of heart patients coronary artery bypass surgery is the best choice for treatment. Two types of techniques are used in this type of surgery. One of them is on-pomp surgery and another is off-pomp surgery. Based on some studies, patients experience some complications after surgery, including: depression, anxiety and decreases in cognitive performance. In this study, the patients psychological conditions and memory functioning which is one of cognitive function are described before and after surgery in two groups. Descriptive- comparative method is used. Total of 62 patients participated in this study, convenience Sampling is used. At the first patients one day before and then two months after surgery were evaluated. Depression, anxiety and stress scale (DASS-21) and also, Wechsler Memory Scale (WMS-R) are used. Results showed that patients in both groups had similar preoperative psychological conditions. The groups showed differences in memory function, on-pomp group showed significant decreases in memory functioning after surgery. According to these results, it seems temporary heart failure and use of cardiopulmonary pump device during surgery, leading to a decline in cognitive function. Because of these, should consider some interventions to improve memory function and psychological conditions of cardiac patients that undergoing cardiovascular surgery.

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