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Showing 1 results for Mohammad Khani

Behzad Salmani, Jaafar Hasani, Hamid Reza Hasan Abadi, Shahram Mohammad Khani,
Volume 13, Issue 1 (volume 13, issue 1 2019)

The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) with or without metacognitive techniques and Zolpidem (10 mg) for people with chronic insomnia disorder. After assessing eligibility criteria, six patients included four female and two male entered the study. All patients allocated randomly to three treatments (CBT, CBT+ & Zolpidem 10 mg.) and assessed 6 times by research instruments. Results were analyzed by recovery percent, clinical significant index, effect size and diagnostic recovery. Results of the study showed that during post-treatment and 1-month & 3-months follow-up, patients who received CBT+ have higher rate of recovery in sleep efficiency and sleep quality than other patients. In terms of insomnia severity, CBT & CBT+ have no significant difference but both were superior to patients who received Zolpidem 10 mg. Also, patients who received Zolpidem (10 mg) failure to keep treatment achievements in follow-up. Adding metacognitive techniques to CBT increased its efficacy. Findings of this study could regard as a pilot information about new ways for raising efficacy of cognitive behavioral therapy for chronic insomnia disorder.

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