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Showing 1 results for Hoseyni

A.a. Hoseyni, M. N. Farahani, V. Farzad, E. Kameli,
Volume 2, Issue 4 (3-2009)

This study was an attempt to investigate the theoretical bases of the one of the important theories in the domain of positive psychology that is, flow experience, and it also investigated the factor structure of flow state scale in physical education students of Tehran universities. This scale contained 9 factors, and 4 questions were considered for each factor. 198 physical education students were selected out of 6 universities located in Tehran as the samples of the study. Construct validity and reliability of the flow state scale were tested through factor analysis and Cronbach’s alpha Congruent validity of the flow state scale was tested through correlation coefficient with the  peak-experience questionnaire(10 items).The results indicated that 9 factor model confirmed the flow state. Finally, it should be recommended that for the subsequent research some problematic questions, research method and the samples should be reviewed

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