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Showing 4 results for Elahi

Kobra Ghasemi, Tahereh Elahi,
Volume 13, Issue 3 (volume13, Issue 3 2019)

The purpose of this study was to investigate the mediating role of experiential avoidance in relationship of early maladaptive schemas with illness anxiety.  The research was carried out using correlation method on 308 students of Qazvin University who were selected with convenience sampling method. Data were collected using Early maladaptive Scheme (Young), hypochondrias (Evans) and Acceptance and Action Questionnaires (Hayes). Results showed a significant role of schemas of impaired autonomy - performance and impaired limits domains in illness anxiety. Also, the role of vulnerability to harm or illness and entitlement/undeveloped schemas was significant predictor of illness anxiety. The results of hierarchical regression showed that the mediating role of experiential avoidance in the relationship between vulnerability to harm or illness and entitlement/ undeveloped schemas with illness anxiety severity was significant. It could be concluded the experiential avoidance and early maladaptive schemas were contributed in the maintenance of illness anxiety.   

Afagh Zolfaghari, Tahereh Elahi,
Volume 14, Issue 1 (volume14, Issue 1(COVID-19 and Mental health) 2020)

The aim of this study was to investigate the relationshipbetween children'sanxiety level and children'sawareness of coronavirus based on the healthbelief model and their mothers'anxiety, stress   and depression during social distancing period. This correlational study was done on260students of preschool and elementary schools of educational areas in Tehran in 2020 and theirmothers that were selected as available sampling. Data were collected by a self-designed questionnaire of children'sawareness and attitude to coronavirus, Spence Children'sAnxiety Scale (SCAS), and depression, anxiety and stress scales (DASS-42) in adults.
The results indicated significant relationship of children'sanxiety with anxiety (r = 0.45), stress (r = 0.35) and depression (r = 0.44) of their mothers and level of their awareness ofCorona (r = 0.19) and age (r = 0.14).Also, the results of multiple regression analysis in step-by-step manner showed that anxiety, depression and stress of mothers and children'sawareness of Coronavirus were significant predictors of children'sanxiety (altogether 34%).
According to the results of this research, one of the necessary measures toprotect and improve the mental health of children in critical conditions consequent Coronavirus is parents'training to regulate their negative emotions. It is also important to provide information about coronavirus to children with considering their age and cognitive development.
Elham Ghasemi, Mohsen Amiri, Tahereh Elahi,
Volume 14, Issue 3 (12-2020)

The present study aimed to investigate the effect of Parent-Child Interaction (PCIT) Therapy of mothers on children with separation anxiety disorder, on reducing over protection, parenting anxiety and anxiety symptoms of their 3-6 years old children. The research design was quasi-experimental with pre-test and post-test and control groups. To do so, 30 mothers of children with SAD (separation anxiety disorder) were selected using at-hand sampling and, then, they were replaced into two experimental and control groups after being matched. The research tools were included CSI-4 questionnaire (Sprafikin & Gadow, 1994), MCRE questionnaire (ROBERT, 1961), and State-trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) (Spielberger, 1960). The parental behavior training was performed in ten 90-minute sessions in experimental group. Data were analyzed using analysis of covariance, gain score, and T-test. The results show the effectiveness of experimental treatment on reduced scores of anxiety in children of mothers in the experimental group compared with the control group. The results also showed decrease in over protection and anxiety in mothers in the experimental group. Generally speaking, the findings demonstrated that parent-child interaction education causes to reduce the separation anxiety disorder signs, parental anxiety symptoms, and over protection. Moreover, it constructs secure attachment between child and parents.

Doctor Tahere Elahi, Afagh Zolfaghari,
Volume 16, Issue 2 (9-2022)

The presentstudy was conducted with the aim of investigating the role of interpersonal communication skills, personalitytraits and family cohesion with the mediating role of loneliness in the psychological problems of the physical disabled during social distancing. This correlational study byconvenience sampling method was done on 133of Physical disabled in Tehran in2020. For collecting data, the Anxiety, Stress, and Depression Scale(DASS-21), theMatson InterpersonalCommunication Skills Scale, the Samani Family Cohesion Scale (2002), the Neo Personality Traits, and the Russell Loneliness Scale were used. Pearson correlation coefficients betweenfamily cohesion and interpersonal communication skills with anxiety, stress and depression and between neuroticism with anxiety,Loneliness with stress, interpersonal communication skills and family cohesion were significant. The results of Multivariate regression analysis in hierarchical method showed that all of variablesinterpersonal communication skills, family cohesion,Personality Traits and loneliness accounted for61% of the variance in the psychological problems of the physically disabled.  The mediating role of loneliness with R3% was significant. interpersonal communication skills and neuroticism with beta coefficient -0.69and0.113 acordingly were significsnt predictors of psychologicsl problems, too. According to these results, Lack of interpersonal communication skills and tendency to experience negative emotions mediated by loneliness has been an important factor in aggravating the psychological problems of physicaldisabled.

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