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Showing 2 results for Babapour Kheiroddin

Maryam Sharyati, Mirtaghi Garoosi Farshi, Jalil Babapour Kheiroddin,
Volume 3, Issue 4 (2-2010)

The main goal of this  study  was the investigation of  efficiency of  core  self evaluations model in predicting subjective well-being. also, the role of occupational and demographic variables as attention to sub-goals. In order to achieve these goals, the number of 229 employees Kavir Tire Co., South Khorasan province  responded to the  core self evaluations scale (Judge and colleagues, 2003), life satisfaction scale(Diener and colleagues (1985) and positive and negative affect scale (Watson & Associates, 1988). In order to analyze the data, the multiple regression analysis (stepwise) were used. Result indicated that the core self evaluations model were positive predictor of life satisfaction and positive affect and negative predictor of negative affect. The role of demographic and occupational variables showed that the core self evaluations and years of employment were the significant predictors for satisfaction with life, and positive and negative affect .Taken together, results confirmed the efficacy of the core self evaluations model in predicting well-being
Somayyeh Saeadi Dehaghani, Jalil Babapour Kheiroddin, Khalil Esmaeilpour,
Volume 10, Issue 2 (vol 10, Num 2 2016)

Background: fatigue is an unpleasant mental feeling that has also been shown to decrease physical and Mental performance. Fatigue is a very common complaint and it is important to Healthcare Experts. Aim: this study was aimed to compare the meta-cognition of people with cronic fatigue and healthy. Metods: In this study, 120 undergraduate students (60 cronic fatigue and 60 healthy) of Tabriz University were selected by multi-stage cluster sampling and screening metods. The participants filled Fatigue Impact Scale (FIS) and short form of Wells meta-cognition scale (MCQ-30). Analyzing data was performed via independent samples t test. Results: Research findings revealed no diffrences in subscales of cognitive self-consciousness and negative beliefs about thoughts concerning uncontrollability, but there were diffrences in positive beliefs about worry, lack of cognitive confidence and beliefs about the need to control thoughts, significantly. Conclusion: On the basis of results, focusing on the role of meta-cognition could be the important part of therapeutic interventions for the people with chronic fatigue syndrome.   

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