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Showing 6 results for Azimi

Maryam Azimi, Robabeh Nori, Shahram Mohammadkhani,
Volume 10, Issue 3 (volume 10, Issue 3, Fall 2016 2016)

The aim of this study was to compare the cognitive emotion regulation, general health, problem-solving style and academic performance of the adolescent girls with addicted parents with nonaddicted parents ones. The research method was causal-comparative. The statistical population was all female high school students of the third District of Karaj. Using convenience sampling method, 120 students was used which was included of 60 students with addicted and 60 students with non-addicted parents. The selected students in both groups were equilized. The groups completed Cognitive Emotion Regulation, general health and problem solving questionnaires. T-test and MANOVA were used to data analysis. Results indicated that adolescents with addicted parents achieve more score in “Blaming others” item and the others achieve more score in “Putting into perspective”, “Positive refocusing”, “Positive reappraisal” and “Refocus on planning” items in Cognitive Emotion Regulation test. Adolescents with nonaddicted parents get more score in “social” context and the others have more score in “Physical”, “anxiety” and “depression” context. Problem solving score in “personal control” item for students with nonaddicted parents and score in “Avoidance” for adolescents with addicted parents is higher than others. Academic Performance of the adolescents with addicted parents was less than that of the others.

Maryam Azimi, Alireza Moradi, Jafar Hasani,
Volume 11, Issue 1 (volume 11, issue 1, June 2017 2017)

The objective of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of face to face and internet-based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia on Cognitive Emotion Regulation Strategies of individuals with Comorbidity of insomnia and depression. This study employed pretest-posttest and follow-up quasi-experimental designs with two experimental groups and one control group. A convenience sample of 45 university staff and professors who theire score were higher than the cut-off score in PSQT and BDI-II questionnaire was selected by using diagnostic interview based on the DSM-5 criteria for depression and insomnia. We randomly assigned 15 people in to three group. The experimental groups received 6 sessions of cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia. The results showed that the face to face procedure was more effective in reducing putting into catastrophizing and increasing perspective- taking, refocus on planning, than internet-based one. The two experimental groups had a significant difference in rumination, “positive refocusing”, “blaming others” and “blaming self compared with the control group. Moreover, the three groups were similar in terms of “positive reappraisal” and “acceptance”. According to the findings, both procedure of treatment was effectively improved the cognitive emotion regulation strategies

Somayyeh Taklavi, Vahideh Azimi,
Volume 12, Issue 2 (volume12, Issue 2 2018)

The present study aimed at comparing pain perception and alexithymia between patients suffering from rheumatoid arthritis, familial Mediterranean fever, and healthy people. The research method was casual-comparative and the sample was drawn from all patients afflicted with rheumatoid arthritis, familial Mediterranean fever, and healthy people in Ardabil city in 2017. The sampling procedure was Convenient. This way, 40 rheumatoid arthritis patients, familial Mediterranean fever patients and healthy people, collectively amounting to 120 subjects, were selected. The data collection procedure involved using McGill pain questionnaire and Toronto alexithymia scale as the instruments. To analyze the data, Manova and Post hoc tests were conducted. The results indicated that there is a meaningful difference in the perception of pain and alexithymia between people with rheumatoid arthritis, familial Mediterranean fever and healthy people. The intensity of pain perception among patients with alexithymia was more than its intensity among patients with familial Mediterranean fever. It can be concluded, therefore, that the disorder of pain perception and alexithymia in patients with rheumatoid arthritis and familial Mediterranean fever can worsen these diseases and affect their treatment process.
Hamid Khanipour, Reza Azimi,
Volume 13, Issue 3 (volume13, Issue 3 2019)

Psychological research in Iran had a unidimensional development and the research programs was influenced by naïve realism and blind positivism. More Recent epistemological tradition like social constructionism and discursive methodologies were ignored in psychological theories and research. The aims of this study were (1) Describing methodological issues in discursive research methods; (2) applying discursive research methods in health psychology. Discourse as a concept is derived from an ontological criticism toward the definition of science based on the objective reality and empiricism. Relying only on the objectivism and empiricism for studying human phenomena is inconsistent with some of the human mind features like intentionality and desire for cognitive consistency. Discursive approaches in health psychology is appropriate for investigating phenomena like noncompliance, representation of illness in patients’ mind and factors affecting in holding responsibility in health-related behaviors. Furthermore, discursive methods could reveal how social discourse and social power could determine the definition of health and responsivity for health related issues. Some of the main analytic methods in discursive methodologies are conversation analysis, identification the discursive performance, finding discursive strategies, and discovering interpretative repertoires. Discursive methodologies could investigate health from the ways of applying language in social context and produce knowledge related to ways people position themselves toward health discourses. So, applying discursive methodologies in health psychology could help health psychologists to find better ways to promote health care and produce novel insights about how clients construct health and illness.        
Reza Azimi,
Volume 14, Issue 1 (volume14, Issue 1(COVID-19 and Mental health) 2020)

Coronavirus, like any other disease, initially manifested itself as a biological phenomenon that threatens people's health, but even non-communicable diseases act as a "multidimensional social reality."In this article; First, a review of theoretical literature seeks to criticised "radical constructivism" by  a perspective that emphasizes "complex", "stratified " and "social" social reality.
Then, these two approaches will be used to study the coronavirus epidemic (as a problem). Corona acts here as a complex reality in biological, human (Agency) and social dimensions. This is a complex and multifaceted reality, each level of reality has unrecognized, and interconnected causal powers. To this end, we encounter a kind of "complexity of causality " in examining the Corona problem.Each level of reality has unrecognized, related, and interdependent causal powers.  Serious shortcomings, in other words, the diminution of social reality to human understanding (epistemological fallacy) will result in nothing but our punishment by reality. The health system has prevailed, and the results have been nothing but "continuous recovery of reality" and the choice of the path of "trial and error" or sometimes confusion in policy-making for society
Akram Azimi, Dr Mandana Niknam, Dr Marzie Hashemi,
Volume 16, Issue 1 (6-2022)

The aim of this study was to investigate the mediating role of metacognition in the relationship between attachment styles and online gambling addiction in adolescents. The method of the present study was descriptive-correlational. The statistical population was all male adolescents in district one of Tehran, from which a sample of 234 people were selected by convenience sampling method. The research instruments were Wells Metacognitive Beliefs Questionnaire,Wang and Chang online game addiction,and Collins and Reed attachment style. Relationships between variables were performed by Pearson correlation test and structural equation modeling test using partial least squares method. Pearson correlation test showed that there is a negative and significant relationship between secure attachment with metacognition and online gambling addiction and between positive avoidance and anxiety with metacognition and online gambling addiction and a positive and significant relationship between metacognition and online gambling addiction (0.05>P)existed. It also clarified the indirect relationship between the dimensions of attachment and online gambling addiction through metacognition and showed that metacognition plays a mediating role in the relationship between the dimensions of attachment and online gambling addiction. It is suggested that psychologists emphasize the role of attachment and metacognition dimensions for preventive interventions and awareness-raising for families and schools.

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