Vida Hashemi, Parviz Azadfallah, Ali Fathi Ashtiani, Abbasali Allahyari,
Volume 4, Issue 2 (3-2011)
Recently, the study of cognitive processes in impulsive individuals has attracted the researchers’ attention. Considering impulsivity as a multidimensional construct, this study was performed to compare cognitive processing speed in 80 female college students who, on the basis of their scores on UPPS Impulsivity Scale (Whiteside & Lynam, 2001), were divided into four groups (n=20 for each) which were dominant in one of the impulsivity components (i.e. Urgency, Lack of Premeditation, Lack of Perseverance, Sensation seeking). Reaction time task was administered on all participants in two positive and negative mood contexts (which was induced by music). Results revealed a significant difference between the functioning of Urgency group and two other groups (Lack of Premeditation & Lack of Perseverance) in negative mood context. There were no significant differences between four groups’ functioning in positive mood context. The role of impulsivity dimensions and mood context on cognitive processing speed was discussed. In general the findings of present research emphasize the multidimensional concept of impulsivity & provide new guides to study lateralized cognitive processes according to personality constructs.
Mozhgan Patou, Alireza Moradi, Abbas Ali Allahyari, Mehrdad Payandeh,
Volume 9, Issue 1 (11-2015)
Mental adjustment to cancer is known a psychological, physical and psychological health variable in cancer patients. The present study examined the factor structure and psychometric properties of the Mini - Mental Adjustment to Cancer Scale (Mini-MA)in a sample of Iranian adults.The sample consisted of 320 cancer patients selected through non-random convenient sampling procedure from the hospitals and clinics in Kermanshah and Shiraz, and was conducted Mini - Mental Adjustment to Cancer Scale, among of them 100 was also completed the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale. Statistical methods for analysing the data exploratory, discriminate validity and for internal consistency Cronbach alpha coefficients were used. Alpha coefficients for the subscales helplessness/hopelessness, 0.94, cognitive avoidance 0.76, anxious preoccupation, 0.90, Fatalism, 0.77, the fighting spirit 0.80 and the total scale as well as 0.84, respectively. Factor analysis confirmed that the five factors in the Mini-MAC. Significant correlations between subscales of Mini-MAC and Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale also show that this scale has discriminate validity. The results confirm the five-factor structure of the Mini-MAC scale and also a reliable and valid scale, shows this scale has power to measure aspects of mental adjustment with cancer.