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Showing 3 results for Akbari Zardkhaneh

Mohammad Khodayarifard, Jalal Yonesi, Saeed Akbari Zardkhaneh, Ali Naghi Fagihi, Ahmad Behpajouh,
Volume 3, Issue 4 (2-2010)

The Purpose of current article is to report a study on group, and individual cognative-behavioural psychotherapy in decreasing prisoners' psychological symptoms based on their religious knowledge.
By using systematic sampling technique 45 male prisoners in Rajaei Shahr Prison was selected randomly and allocated into three groups : a) 15 participants was allocated in individual cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy alongside group cognitive-behavioral one based on participants' religious knowledge(combined therapy group) b) 15 participants took part in individual cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy, based on participants' religious knowledge (individual  therapy group)and c)15 participant was placed on the waiting list for obtaining individual therapy(control group).
By using GHQ and SCL-90 tests, as well as a diagnostic interview done by a psychiatrist based on DSM-IV-TR criteria in pre and post period of recruiting interventions, participants' psychological status was measured.
The data was analyzed by using Multiple Analysis of Variance. The findings indicated that although both of combined therapy approach and individual therapy one had immense influence on decreasing prisoners' psychological symptoms, the amount of effectiveness of combined therapy approach was higher than individual therapy was.
One of the factors that have a remarkable impact on a successful cognitive therapy based on religious knowledge is the similarity of principles related to health psychology in cognitive-behavioural approach, and religious knowledge. Beck believes that a fruitful therapy happens when a patient approaches to realties. That point refers to aims, and consequences of saying prayers in Islam. Since Islam has an influential role in Iran culture, any kind of cognitive-behavioural intervention based on religious coulter have a considerable role in enhancing social-psycho adjustment for Iranian population. 
Saeed Akbari Zardkhaneh, Nader Mansurkiaie, Alimohammad Zanganeh, Mojtaba Mahdavi, Shirin Osanloo, Mohsen Jallalat-Danesh, Siamak Tahmasbi Garmtani, Seyyed Eynollah Teymourifard,
Volume 12, Issue 4 (volume12, Issue 4 2019)

Adolescents’ mental health is important in any society and protecting their mental health help them to be mentally and physically healthy adult who can play their social role as they should. The present study aimed to develop a self-report scale for high school student’s mental health. A pool item of 200 items was developed and after the first edition, 119 items were selected for preliminary scale. The target population of the present study was high school students of Alborz, Kermanshah, Eastern Azerbaijan, Sistan & Baluchestan, Fars, and Khorasan Razavi in 2016-17. The sample includes 642 students who were selected by random sampling. Explanatory Factor analysis with varimax rotation indicated six-factor structure as the simplest factorial solution which consisted with theoretical background. In addition, all the subscale had good reliability which ranged between 0.63 (for disruptive behavior) to 0.85 (for academic achievement deficit, self-regulation, attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, and self-harm). In general, results showed good psychometric properties for this mental health scale among high school students. This scale could be used for assessing behavioral and emotional problems for clinical, or research aims among adolescents in Iran.

Saeed Akbari Zardkhaneh, Baharehalsadat Heidariehzadeh, Ali Mohammad Zanganeh, Nader Mansourkiaei, Siamak Tahmasebi Garmatani, Mohsen the Glory of Knowledge, Seideinollah Teimori,
Volume 14, Issue 4 (2-2021)

Due to the great importance of mental health students screening and lack of an appropriate native tool that was prepared based on prevalent psychopathological problems in students, the aim of this study was to provide an Short Scale-Electronic Secondary Adolescent Mental Health Problems-Teacherchr('39')s Edition.The purpose of the present study was to conduct a descriptive survey in terms of purpose of applied research. The statistical population of this study was second year high school students in Sivik province in the year 1396-97 with a total of 3761 students. Results: The results of item analysis showed that most items have the necessary conditions for tool presence. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis showed that the eight-item 40-item model could be considered as the most appropriate scale factor structure. Factor correlation coefficients ranged from 0.7 to 0.94, and item-to-item correlation coefficients ranged from 0.63 to 0.82. Also, the coefficients of correlation between short and long-range factors were between 0.65 and 0.97. Conclusion: It can be concluded that the resulting psychometric properties indicate the suitability of the short form of psychological health questionnaire for screening practices in the student population. 

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