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Mis Mandana Vali Yousefi, Mis Zahra Shahbazi Badi, Mr Seyed Sajad Tabatabaei,
Volume 16, Issue 3 (1-2023)

The purpose of this study was to meta-analyze the research on the effect of having a child with a mental disability on the mental health of mothers in Iran. The research method was meta-analysis. A meta-analysis checklist was used to collect data. The collection of researches on the effect of having a mentally retarded child on the mental health of parents in the country between 2001-2011, methodologically acceptable researches that had the conditions to enter the meta-analysis, 11The article was selected as a sample that contained 44 sizes of works. The total sample size of this study was 2005. The results showed that the effect of having a mentally retarded child on maternal mental health in Iran was 0.20. Also, the effect of having a child with mental disability on mothers' depression is 0.16, on mothers' anxiety is 0.19, on mothers' social dysfunction is 0.18, on mothers' physical symptoms is 0.10, on mothers' obsession-compulsion is 0.40, aggression Mothers were 0.15, maternal morbidity was 0.22 and maternal psychosis was 0.24. The results of the present study indicated that the effect of a mentally retarded child on the mental health of parents in Iran is low based on the Cohen interpretation criterion.
Mr Salar Seyyed Majidi, Dr Keyvan Salehi, Dr Yaser Madani, Dr Somaye Shahmoradi,
Volume 17, Issue 1 (6-2023)

Self-differentiation is a contextual phenomenon and dependent on social conditions that is formed and experienced in a dynamic process under the influence of various conditions. Considering this issue, the question was raised, what are the basic components in the formation of self-differentiation? For this purpose, the qualitative approach, the systematic design of grounded theory at the level of conceptual ordering has been used. Through theoretical sampling and according to theoretical saturation, 17 people were interviewed. Data analysis was done using the first stage of theoratical coding method. After data analysis, 112 primary codes were identified, then 28 subcategories and 3 categories were formed. The findings show that self-differentiation emerges and flows in the form of independent thoughts, behaviors and attitudes along with identity seeking and social dignity. As a result, in the formation of self-differentiation, the basic components are mainly experienced as intellectual independence, but identity seeking and social dignity are another part of these components that are experienced. The findings of this study, guidance for future researches and provided a deeper understanding of this psychological characteristic in the cultural context, which can also have practical consequences in family therapy with regard to multicultural issues.

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