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Ms Tayebe Taziki, Phd Khoda Morad Momeni, Phd Jahangir Karami, Phd Gholamali Afroz,
Volume 15, Issue 1 (5-2021)

The aim of this study was to investigate the predictors of quality of life and psychological well-being of mothers of students with intellectual disabilities mediated by mothers' mindfulness. In this descriptive-correlational study, 298 students (out of 878 students) from primary schools with students with intellectual disability in Golestan province, in the academic year 2019-2020, were selected by multi-stage cluster sampling. The instruments used in the study were: The Rutter childrens behavior questionnaire, Matson’s social skills scale, Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire, World Health Organization Quality Of Life, and Ryff Psychological Wellbeing Scale. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation test and structural equation modeling. The results showed that here is a significant positive correlation between social skills and mindfulness with quality of life and psychological well-being. There is a significant negative correlation between behavioral problems and quality of life and psychological well-being. The mediating role of mindfulness in relation to social skills and behavioral problems with quality of life and psychological well-being was also confirmed (P <0.01). Based on the research findings, it can be concluded that increasing social skills and reducing students' behavioral problems in school improves the quality of life and psychological well-being of their mothers.

Mahla Gilakhakimabadi, Azizallah Tajikesmaeili,
Volume 15, Issue 2 (9-2021)

The aim of this study was the effectiveness of compassion-based therapy on reducing rumination, distress tolerance and sense of coherence in patients with MS. The design of this study was applied in terms of purpose and also a quasi-experimental pretest-posttest design with a control group in terms of implementation. The statistical population of the study included all female patients referred to the Tehran MS Association in 2020. According to the inclusion and exclusion criteria and after the initial screening (completion of pre-test questionnaires), 30 female patients were selected through available sampling and randomly assigned to two 15-individual experimental and control groups. Data collection tools included Nima Ghorbani Rumination Scale (RRS) Questionnaire, Simmons and Gaher Distress Tolerance Scale (DTS) Questionnaire and Antonovski Sense of Coherence (SOC). Data analysis was conducted using multivariate covariance analysis and SPSS 25 software. The results indicated that there is a significant difference in a specific level (P <0.001) between the experimental and control groups in terms of rumination, distress tolerance and sense of coherence. Compassion-based therapy is one of the therapies in the field of third wave psychology that reduces rumination and increases the distress tolerance and sense of coherence in patients with MS.

Dr Shaghayegh Modaberi, Dr Hasan Pourrazi, Mrs Rahele Kabiri,
Volume 15, Issue 3 (12-2021)

Aim: Quarantine is a condition that many societies forced for controlling the COVID pandemic. Quarantine threatens many mental and physical health aspects of human beings. Physical activity play a main role in improving health and quality of life. The current study was assessing the eating disorder and coping strategies in active and inactive people duringCOVID-19lockdown. Method: The present study was done by three online questionnaires was included: physical activity (16 questions), coping styles (48 questions), and eating attitude(26 questions) questionnaires, and these questionnaires completed by anybody who was > 18 years old in Iran in summer of 2020. Questionnaires included demographic information and main questions that were completed by 705 persons. Results: results showed that there was a positive significant relationship between physical activity and eating disorder attitude (p= 0.04), especially in active females(p= 0.0001). In order to, results identified there was a negative significant relationship between eating disorder attitude and coping strategies in active(p= 0.02) and inactive (p= 0.03)males. Conclusion: according to the findings of this study, the eating disorder attitude has increased in active females and they preferred to follow the problem-focused style for coping with crisis conditions. Furthermore, active males had showed more likely for eating disorder.

Doctor Tahere Elahi, Afagh Zolfaghari,
Volume 16, Issue 2 (9-2022)

The presentstudy was conducted with the aim of investigating the role of interpersonal communication skills, personalitytraits and family cohesion with the mediating role of loneliness in the psychological problems of the physical disabled during social distancing. This correlational study byconvenience sampling method was done on 133of Physical disabled in Tehran in2020. For collecting data, the Anxiety, Stress, and Depression Scale(DASS-21), theMatson InterpersonalCommunication Skills Scale, the Samani Family Cohesion Scale (2002), the Neo Personality Traits, and the Russell Loneliness Scale were used. Pearson correlation coefficients betweenfamily cohesion and interpersonal communication skills with anxiety, stress and depression and between neuroticism with anxiety,Loneliness with stress, interpersonal communication skills and family cohesion were significant. The results of Multivariate regression analysis in hierarchical method showed that all of variablesinterpersonal communication skills, family cohesion,Personality Traits and loneliness accounted for61% of the variance in the psychological problems of the physically disabled.  The mediating role of loneliness with R3% was significant. interpersonal communication skills and neuroticism with beta coefficient -0.69and0.113 acordingly were significsnt predictors of psychologicsl problems, too. According to these results, Lack of interpersonal communication skills and tendency to experience negative emotions mediated by loneliness has been an important factor in aggravating the psychological problems of physicaldisabled.
Youness Yousefi, Asrin Mohamadi, Sara Tavazoei, Ahmad Amani,
Volume 16, Issue 3 (1-2023)

Down syndrome is a genetic disease that affects parents and impairs the functioning of the family, especially the mother .Mothers of children with Down syndrome face many challenges.
Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of group intervention based on acceptance and commitment on family protective factors, emotional and social loneliness and parenting stress in mothers of children with Down syndrome.
Method: The design of the present study was a quasi-experimental type of pretest-posttest and follow-up with a control group.
Results: The results showed that group intervention based on acceptance and commitment increases mothers' scores on family protective factors, reduces feelings of emotional and social loneliness and parenting stress (in the dimensions of parental confusion and dysfunctional parent-child interaction).
Conclusion: According to the research findings, it is suggested to use group intervention based on acceptance and commitment to improve value-based interactions and strategies in mothers of children with Down syndrome.
Nasrin Homayounfar, Behzad Taghipuor, Parisa Serajmohammadi, Latifeh Dida, Fariba Abdi, Elham Ahadi,
Volume 16, Issue 4 (3-2023)

 The present study was conducted with the aim of determining the effectiveness of Mindful Self-Compassion Training on worry and Distress Tolerance in the mothers of children with intellectual disability. This semi-experimental study was conducted using pre-test and post-test with control group. The statistical population was whole client mothers of the children with intellectual disability in Ardabil comprehensive health clinic in the year 2022. 30 mothers were selected through the purposive sampling method and randomly assigned into two equal experimental and control.  Experimental group received 8 weeks of Mindful Self-Compassion Training 90 minutes each session. During this period, the control group did not receive any intervention. Pennsylvania Worry Questionnaire and Distress Tolerance were used in pre-test, post-test to assess the subjects. Data were analyzed by Multivariate Analysis of Covariance (MANCOVA) and Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA). The result showed that Mindful self-Compassion Training was effective on worry and distress tolerance. Therefore, it could be said that the Mindful self-Compassion Training improvement worry and distress tolerance scores in the mothers of children with intellectual disability.
Maryam Zareei, Dr Abdolmajid Bahrainian, Dr Qasem Ahi, Dr Ahmad Mansouri,
Volume 17, Issue 3 (12-2023)

The present study was conducted with the aim of comparing the effectiveness of cognitive therapy based on mindfulness and schema therapy on mental rumination and social anxiety of women with practical obsessive-compulsive symptoms. The current research method was semi-experimental with pre-test, post-test and follow-up. The statistical population of the research included all women with obsessive-compulsive disorder who referred to the counseling centers of Mashhad in 1402, based on the entry and exit criteria, 48 people were selected as a sample using the purposeful-available sampling method and randomly divided into two experimental groups. and a control group were assigned. Subjects were evaluated using Hoeksma and Maro (1991) rumination questionnaires and Wells' (1994) social anxiety questionnaires in the pre-test, post-test and follow-up stages. The results of mixed analysis of variance showed that the difference Significance between intervention groups with control in mental rumination and social anxiety of women with obsessive compulsive symptoms, the presence of medication, cognitive therapy based on mindfulness and schema therapy has led to the reduction of mental rumination and social anxiety. Also, schema therapy is more effective than cognitive therapy based on mindfulness in mental rumination.

Maryam Zareii, Dr Abdolmajid Bahreinian, Dr Qasem Ahi, Dr Ahmad Mansouri,
Volume 17, Issue 4 (3-2024)

The present study aimed to comparison the effectiveness of cognitive therapy based on mindfulness and schema therapy on emotional regulation and distress tolerance of women with obsessive-compulsive symptoms. The present research method was semi-experimental with pretest, posttest and follow-up. The statistical population of the study included all women with obsessive-compulsive disorder who referred to the counseling centers of Mashhad in 2023-2024. Based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 48 people were selected by convenience sampling and randomly assigned to two experimental groups and one control group. The participants were evaluated using the emotion regulation questionnaire (Gross & John, 2003) and distress tolerance scale in the pretest, posttest and follow-up. Data were analyzed using SPSS 26 software and using descriptive and inferential statistics. The results of and analysis of variance with repeated measures showed that there is a significant difference between the experimental and control groups in emotion regulation and distress tolerance (P<0.05). Cognitive therapy based on mindfulness and schema therapy has led to improved emotion regulation and increased distress tolerance. Cognitive therapy based on mindfulness is more effective than schema therapy in improving emotion regulation.

Samira Atar, Dr Hasan Zareii Mahmoodabadi, Dr Najme Sedrpooshan,
Volume 17, Issue 4 (3-2024)

The purpose of this research was to determine the effectiveness of the mindful parenting training package on improving the parent-child relationship, parenting stress, and feelings of loneliness. The research method was practical in terms of purpose and quasi-experimental in terms of data collection method. The statistical population included all parents referring to psychology and counseling clinics in Shiraz, as well as psychologists and specialists in the field of working with children. Among them, 30 people who visited Aram counseling clinic were selected by available sampling method, then they were randomly replaced in two control and experimental groups (15 people each). The data collection tools were Gerard's Parent-Child Relationship Tension Questionnaire, the Abdin Parenting Stress Questionnaire, and Russell et al.'s Loneliness Scale. In order to analyze the data in the quantitative part of the descriptive statistical indicators such as frequency, mean and standard deviation and in order to generalize the findings from inferential statistics, the analysis of covariance test was used. Finally, the conclusion has been reached that the mindful parenting training package has an effect on improving the parent-child relationship, the mindful parenting training package has an effect on reducing parenting stress in mothers, and the mindful parenting training package has an effect on Reducing the feeling of loneliness in mothers has an effect.

Shima Khajevand, Dr Abdolmagid Bahreinian, Dr Maryam Nasri, Dr Fatemeh Shahabizadeh,
Volume 17, Issue 4 (3-2024)

The present study was conducted with the aim of comparing the effectiveness of treatment based on mentalization and therapy based on parent-child relationship on emotion regulation and eating behaviors of anxious children. The present research method was semi-experimental with pre-test, post-test and follow-up. The statistical population of the research included all the mothers of anxious children of the Bandar Abbas Oil Refining Company in 1402, and based on the entry and exit criteria, 45 eligible people were included in the study using available sampling and randomly selected into two experimental groups and a control group. were assigned Subjects were evaluated using Shield and Kiketi's (1997) emotion regulation questionnaires, Wardell et al.'s (2001) children's eating behavior, and Spence-Parent Form's children's anxiety scale (1998) in the pre-test, post-test and follow-up stages. The results of analysis of variance showed that there is a significant difference between the control group with treatment based on mentalization and treatment based on parent-child relationship in emotional regulation and eating behaviors of anxious children, and treatment based on mentalization and parent-child relationship leads to a decrease Emotional negativity and eating behavior problems and increased adaptive emotional regulation in anxious children.

Zohreh Ghanbari, Zahra Mohseninasab, Majid Taati, Mahsa Mohebiarya, Ahmad Torabi,
Volume 17, Issue 4 (3-2024)

The present study was conducted with the aim of comparing the effectiveness of schema therapy and stress reduction based on mindfulness on emotional dyslexia, self-control and psychological well-being in Tehran. This research was semi-experimental with a pre-test-post-test waiting list group design. The statistical population included all women affected by domestic violence who referred to Menda Ara Psychology Clinic in 1402. In this study, 45 eligible patients were selected and the participants were randomly divided into three groups: behavioral therapy counseling (15 people), mindfulness-based stress reduction group (15 people) and control group (15 people). Strategies methods and techniques were taught to the groups for 8 sessions of 90 minutes. The groups were asked to take the Toronto Ataxia Questionnaire; Answer Tanji's self-control questionnaire and Rif's psychological well-being questionnaire. The results of the research showed that the experimental group of schema therapy and mindfulness-based stress reduction compared to the control group was able to more effectively change the scores of ataxia, self-control and psychological well-being at the level of P<0.001. The results showed that there is a significant difference between the experimental and control groups in reducing emotional dyslexia, and increasing self-control and psychological well-being. Conclusion: The results showed that the use of schema therapy approaches and stress reduction based on mindfulness increases the self-control and psychological well-being of women affected by domestic violence and reduces their emotional ataxia. Therefore, schema therapy and mindfulness-based stress reduction approaches are recommended for women affected by domestic violence to increase self-control and psychological well-being and reduce emotional ataxia.

Mitra Mirjalili,
Volume 18, Issue 1 (6-2024)

The aim of the research was to investigate addiction to virtual social networks with the mediating role of harmful eating behaviors and negative body image in athletes. The method of this research is a correlational design based on the analysis of structural relationships. The statistical sample in this research was 309 athletes from Tehran in 1402. Research data were collected using the Bergen Social Media Addiction Scale (2016), Littleton's Body Image Fear Inventory (2005), Exercise Dependence Scale (2002), and Nutrition Attitude Test (1982). Questionnaires were also completed online. The findings showed that addiction to virtual social networks with the mediating role of harmful eating behaviors can predict sports addiction, but addiction to virtual social networks could not predict sports addiction with the mediating role of negative body image. According to the above results, we can understand the importance of harmful eating behaviors in the path of addiction to virtual networks and addiction to sports, and by targeting these components, we can help to improve addiction to sports.

Dr Zahra Alizadeh Brjandi, Msc Sajjad Bagheri, Dr Seyed Kazem Rasoulzadeh Tabatabai,
Volume 18, Issue 1 (6-2024)

Suicide models suggest that attempts occur when individuals have both a desire to die and the acquired capability for suicide, such as fearlessness about death (FAD), which is crucial for transitioning from suicidal desire to action (Ferm et al., 2022). This study aimed to examine the psychometric properties of the Acquired Capability for Suicide-Fearless About Death (ACSS-FAD) scale based on the Interpersonal Theory of Suicide (IPTS), assessing its factor structure, reliability, and validity among Iranian students. The ACSS-FAD was translated into Persian using back-translation and administered to 380 students from counseling clinics at Ferdowsi University, Imam Reza University, and Hakim Razavi University in Mashhad during the 2022-2023 academic year. Construct and convergent validity were evaluated through data analysis. Cronbach's alpha for all subscales and the overall scale indicated satisfactory psychometric properties across genders and the total sample. Confirmatory factor analysis confirmed the factor structure with good fit indices. Correlation patterns between subscales and the convergent validity with the Beck Scale for Suicidal Ideation demonstrated good validity. The Persian version of the ACSS-FAD shows good reliability and validity in the Iranian population, serving as a useful tool for screening and assessing imminent suicide risk in clinical and research settings.

Milad Rahimi, Vahid Sadeghi-Firoozabadi,
Volume 18, Issue 4 (3-2025)

The aim of this study was to investigate the mediating roles of anxiety sensitivity and body dissatisfaction in the relationship between childhood trauma and eating attitudes in college students. This correlational and path analysis research included students aged 18 to 25 years from Kharazmi University of Tehran, studying in the second semester of the 1402 academic year. A total of 422 students were selected by convenience sampling. The research instruments included the 26-item version of Garner et al.'s eating attitude test (1982), the revised anxiety sensitivity index of Taylor and Cox (1998), the body shape questionnaire of Cooper et al. (1987), and the childhood trauma questionnaire of Bernstein et al. (2003). The findings indicated a good fit between the data and the model. The results showed that there is a direct and significant relationship between childhood trauma, anxiety sensitivity and body dissatisfaction with eating attitudes. Also, childhood trauma have a direct and significant relationship with anxiety sensitivity and body dissatisfaction. In addition, anxiety sensitivity has a direct and significant relationship with body dissatisfaction. Also, body dissatisfaction and anxiety sensitivity play a mediating role in the relationship between childhood trauma and eating attitudes.

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