1- , faramn37@yahoo.com
Abstract: (11509 Views)
This study aimed to prepare a personality profile of Gardoon personality questionnaire in which developed by Farahani in 2009, in tree groups of jobs: teachers, workers, and nurses. For this purpose, 506 individuals out of the teachers, workers and nurses were selected randomly, so that the Gardoon personality questionnaire could be performed on them. The results showed that there were no significant differences between the workers, teachers and nurses in terms of agreeableness, conscientiousness, openness to experience and neuroticism, but considering their sex, there was a significance difference between them in extraversion. Female teachers and male nurses were more extravert than male teachers and female nurse, and this characteristic, having an extravert personality, was also existed among the workers. As far as the subjects’ sex was concerned, the results showed that women were more agreeable than men. Based on the results of the previous studies and this study, it can be said that there are some differences between them in which has been discussed
Type of Study:
Research |
Published: 2012/03/15