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Showing 17 results for Injury

Farshid Aghabeigi, Mohammad Karimizadeh Ardakani, Mohammad Hossein Alizadeh, Hooman Minoonejad,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (11-2019)

The purpose of this research was to design and implement a system for the surveillance of sports injuries in students. Sports injuries of male and female high school students in Ilam province were recorded by physical education teachers using online methods and paper forms during one academic semester. At the end, a questionnaire was used to survey them regarding these methods. The research is of a descriptive-comparative type and Chi-square (x2) was used at the significance level (P<0.05) to analyze the results. A total of 151 injuries were reported, of which 76 injuries (50.4 percent) were registered with the online method, 70 injuries (46.3 percent) with the online paper method, and 5 injuries (3.3 percent) with the paper method. Online registration (146 injuries) is significantly more used than paper registration (75 injuries) (p=0.001) physical education teachers give the reasons for using the online method more: availability, easier working with it, and recovery It is easier to record information. On the other hand, they mentioned the interruption and slowness of the internet speed as things that can cause disruption. According to the results, it seems that the use of online methods is more effective in registering sports injuries in schools.

Dr Maryam Kavyani, Mr Hadi Babarahimi, Miss Mahtab Amiri,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (11-2019)

The purpose of this study was determining validity and reliability of the Athlete Fear Avoidance Questionnaire (AFAQ). For this purpose, 120 atheltes with different levels of skills in different fields, were chosen and completed the the AFAQ, the Kinesiophobia Questionnaire, and the Pain Catastrophizing Scale and the Sport Injury Appraisal Scale. AFAQ was confirmed by using translation-back translation method and face validity and translation accuracy. Cronbach's alpha index, exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, Pearson correlation coefficient and intraclass correlation coefficient were used to check construct validity, internal consistency and temporal reliability. The results showed that the one-factor model of the athletes' fear-avoidance questionnaire had a poor fit, for this reason, after conducting the exploratory factor analysis and identifying three factors in these questionnaires, the confirmatory factor analysis model also fitted the data well with this the three-factor model. So that the CFI index was 0. 96 and the TLI index was 0. 94 as well as the RMSE index of 0. 05 and the chi-square ratio to the degree of freedom(X2/DF) was 1. 39. The internal consistency of the questionnaire was also confirmed. Based on this, the Persian version of the AFAQ has 3 factors and includes 10 questions and three catastrophic constructs (items 1, 5, 8), fear of movement (4, 6, 7) and fear-avoidance beliefs (items 2, 3, 9, 10) was confirmed in the community of Iranian athletes.
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Volume 12, Issue 7 (4-2014)

Introduction: Taekwondo is one of the most popular martial arts in the world and Iran. Taekwondo is a contact
sport which contains a high rate of injuries. Thus, the more travelling through the time, the more protective
equipments is provided to prevent injuries. The present study purposed to compare the sport injuries of premier
leagues in 2 season and study the effectiveness of protective equipments such as protective gums, particular gloves
and socks, and electronic Hugo in the Iranian taekwondo athletes.
Method: For this prospective study, 197 athletes(with the mean age and body mass of 23.2 year-old and 70.52
kg, respectively) were studied for injuries incurred in 2011-2012 league. Afterward, the collected results were
compared with the results of the same league in 2006-2007, descriptively.
Results: As shown, the injury rate was declined from 69.5 injury per 1000 AE in 2006-2007 league to 19.09 injury
per 1000 AE in 2011-2012 league. All injury types were decreased except epistaxis. Likewise, number of injuries in
upper extremity, lower extremity, head and neck and trunk were decreased.
Discussion: The injury reduction may be due to the application of protective equipments like electronic Hugo which
was a main factor in reducing strikes’ power, and the usage of particular socks and gloves for more coverage and
protection. Additionally protective gums could protect tooth and mandible from injury. Of course the effect of getting
more professional and performing scientific conditioning trainings should not be ignored.

Mr Saeid Eimani Zadeh, Dr Mansoor Sahebzamani, Dr Mohamad Taghi Amiri Khorasani,
Volume 13, Issue 10 (10-2015)

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of soccer specific functional fatigue on hip and knee
joints angles during landing in professional players.15 soccer players with at least 2 years experience in
Kerman soccer clubs were selected randomly. To evaluate the lower extremity kinematics following
jumping and soccer specific- heading, three cameras (with50Hz) were used. To cause fatigue in subjects,
specific functional protocol similar to specific bangsbo soccer was used and Quantic sport v21 soft ware
was administrated for kinematic analysis of the recorded films. To statistical analyzing of data, descriptive
statistical methods, and paired-t test were administrated at α=0.05.Finding revealed that hip and knee
angles in sagittal and frontal plane in landing is influenced by functional fatigue. This results has been
reducing knee and hip flexion angles and increased varus in knee joint. Results demonstrated a more
erect landing posture due to a decrease in hip and knee flexion angles in the post fatigue condition.
However, functional fatigue significantly decrease lower extremity control ability in male soccer player
during landing.

Mrs Mostafa Zarei,
Volume 14, Issue 11 (4-2016)

The incidence of lower extremity injuries in young soccer players is high, but the risk factors for injuries are unknown. Thus, the aim of this study was to investigate relationship between static lower extremity alignment and injuries in adolescent soccer players. Four teams (78 players) playing at Tehran Asia vision adolescence primer league (14-16 years old) participated in this study. Before entering the season Navicular drop, quadriceps angle, knee hyperextension, genu varum and body mass index was measured. Players were monitored for musculoskeletal injuries through a season (7-month period). overall injury rate was 8.7 injuries/1000 player-hours (95% CI=7.01-10.10). Logistic regression modeling indicated that Navicular drop in preferred foot (OR=4.5; p=0.001), Q angel in preferred leg (OR=2.77; p=0.048), and genu varum (OR=4.06; p=0.021) were all associated with injuries but no association was found in other parameters. Players had an approximately 4.5 times greater chance of suffering a lower extremity injury if they have Navicular drop greater than 1.5 centimeter and approximately 2.77 times greater chance of suffering injury if they have Q angel greater than 15.5 degrees. These findings show that multiple anatomic measures such as Navicular drop, genu varum and Q angle can predict soccer players’ injuries. Results of this study are valuable for coaches and players for injury prevention.

Dr Mostafa Zarei,
Volume 14, Issue 12 (10-2016)

The incidence of lower extremity injuries in young soccer players is high, but the risk factors for injuries are unknown. Thus, the aim of this study was to investigate relationship between static lower extremity alignment and injuries in adolescent soccer players. Four teams (78 players) playing at Tehran Asia vision adolescence primer league (14-16 years old) participated in this study. Before entering the season Navicular drop, quadriceps angle, knee hyperextension, genu varum and body mass index was measured. Players were monitored for musculoskeletal injuries through a season (7-month period). overall injury rate was 8.7 injuries/1000 player-hours (95% CI=7.01-10.10). Logistic regression modeling indicated that Navicular drop in preferred foot (OR=4.5; p=0.001), Q angel in preferred leg (OR=2.77; p=0.048), and genu varum (OR=4.06; p=0.021) were all associated with injuries but no association was found in other parameters. Players had an approximately 3.47 times greater chance of suffering a lower extremity injury if they have Navicular drop greater than 1.5 centimeter and approximately 2.77 times greater chance of suffering injury if they have Q angel greater than 15.5 degrees. These findings show that multiple anatomic measures such as Navicular drop, genu varum and Q angle can predict soccer players’ injuries. Results of this study are valuable for coaches and players for injury prevention.

S Mohammadi, H Minoonejad, R Rajabi,
Volume 15, Issue 13 (9-2017)

The purpose of present study is to investigate epidemiologic kabaddi injuries of premier league in Iran. This study is a descriptive, , and prospective survey. Participants are men players of kabaddi league in 2014 and sample athletics who have been injured at least once in competitions and have been received medical care. Information related to this study is completed through registration in the injury form by the researcher and tournament doctor during the competitions. So, x2 is applied with less than 0.05 significant and descriptive statistics is used in the form of numbers, charts, and curves to describe research results. Injury rate in 1000 hours match was 229.9 and the most potential parts for injury were head and face (26.2%) and knee (15.5%). 48.5% of injuries are contusion, bruise, and haematoma. Contact with opponent was the most important reason for injury. Injury rate for defense players is 50.5%.  According to the results which show the high prevalence in Kabaddi. To the medical teams, coaches, and athletics is recommended identify factors influencing potential dangers associated with injury and therefore to perform efficient solutions to prevent injuries.

Mr Nemat Allah Behboodian, Mr Jamal Khajeh Ali, Dr Amir Letafat Kar,
Volume 15, Issue 14 (10-2017)

Due to the necessity of screening injury the aim of this study was to screen the scores of Functional movement screening tests in active and inactive subject . The study population consisted of University Students aged 18 to 25 years out of which 50 students (25 active and 25 inactive) were selected. Functional Movement Screen by Cook were used for functional screening. After the normality of the overall scores for FMS, Independed-Samples T-Test was used in SPSS (version 16) to analyze the data at significant level of 0/05. According to the findings, overall scores of FMS was significantly different between active and inactive subjects (P=0/001). Cut-off point of 17 was obtained for all subjects. There was no significant difference in shoulder mobility and straight leg raise test scores in the active and inactive people but there was significant difference among the scores of other five tests This prospective study shows that due to the overall score FMS inactive people than in active people are more prone to injury.
Mohadse Salehi Sarbizhan, Amir Letafatkar, Mehdi Khaleghi,
Volume 16, Issue 16 (12-2018)

The most common side effect of physical activity is the risk of musculoskeletal damage, that anterior cruciate ligament injury is the most common one. Purpose of the study is comparing the effect of six weeks of comprehensive injury prevention training on anterior cruciate ligament with internal and external feedback on the proprioception and knee function of active female university students. Forty five active female university students aged 18-25 years were volunteered and randomly assigned to three groups (internal, external and control) and they performed the protocol three times a week for six weeks. Proprioception and function of the knee joint were measured using goniometer and functional tests in two stages  namely pre-test and post-test. Statistical analysis of covariance, paired t test and Tukey's post hoc tests were used for statistical analysis with a significant level of p≤0.05. Overall results of the study showed that the present exercise protocol with internal and external feedback had a significant effect on the proprioception of p≤0.001 and p=0.000 for the knee performance and there was no significant difference between the two training groups. Regarding the results of the study, it is suggested that the present training protocol be addressed by coaches and sport sciences specialists as a complementary tool and method, along with other training methods, for those who are prone to damage to the anterior cruciate ligament.

Mohammad Reza Mahmoudkhani, Hooman Minoonejad, Reza Rajabi, Amir Hossein Barati,
Volume 16, Issue 16 (12-2018)

Judo is one of the most popular martial arts in the world. Researchers reported a higher risk of injuries during training rather than the time of competition. So, the safe and effective training methods should be considered. As development and application of injury prevention approaches and athletic performance enhancement is necessary, the purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of 8-week Judo Specific Functional Training on the injury risk factors and athletic performance in non-elite male judokas. 46 non-elite judokas participated in this study. Subjects were randomly divided into two groups of experimental (23:N) and control (23:N). For a period of 8 weeks, the experimental group attended a special judo functional training program designed by the researchers. At the same time, the control group participated in the usual judo training program presented by the coaches. The exercises were performed 3 sessions per week and 90 minutes per session. The subjects participated in pre- and post-tests. After data collection, in order to approve data normality and compare the variables, Shapiro-wilk, ANCOVA analysis was implemented at the significant level (p≤0.05) using SPSS version 21. The results showed that scores of functional movement screening (p=0.001), upper extremity Y balance test (p=0.001), vertical jump (p=0.001) and special judo fitness test (p=0.001) significantly increased among the experimental group in comparison to the Control group. This Judo specific functional training program simultaneously modifies or decreases the injury risk factors and improves the athletic performance and has more efficiency and effectiveness rather than the usual judo training program.    

N Boroushak, H Khoshnoodi, H Daneshmandy, M Eslami,
Volume 17, Issue 17 (4-2019)

Nowadays there is no specific and effective standard for evaluating the helmets in martial arts which it has caused a lot of brain damages. The purpose of this study was designing and modeling a helmet assessment machine in martial arts, based on dynamic’s parameters and criteria. SolidWorks, Adams and Catia softwares were used for designing this machine. Also, In order to build this machine, an artificial head that equipped with force and acceleration sensors and a mechanical arm for applying impact to the head were used. The validation of the machine was done by comparing its results (impact force, linear acceleration and rotational acceleration) with the results obtained from the simulated model in the computer. The Pearson correlation coefficient of 0.9 that obtained from this comparison indicates that the results of this machine are correct. To confirm the reliability of the machine, an Intraclass Correlations was used, the results showed values of 0.7 and greater than that and it also confirmed the appropriate repeatability of the machine. According to the results of this study, due to the considering the important parameters of linear and rotational acceleration and the impact force in evaluating helmets and investigating the mechanism of head injury in the conditions close to competition ones, the device can be an appropriate equipment for more accurate measurement of helmets in martial arts.
P Zalbeik, A Letafatkar, Sh Rezvan Nobahar,
Volume 18, Issue 19 (7-2020)

Feedback instruction is a proven modality for the alteration of motion patterns. There are no existing data on the contribution of strength training, when combined with feedback instruction, to the altering of lower extremity biomechanics. Thus the purpose of the current study was comparison of strength training  program with external and internal focus of attention strategies on kinetic and functional factors in athletes with plyometric pattern. 36 athlete females (handball, Basketball and vollyball) voluntarily with avarage age 22.3±2.27 years were randomly assigned to strength training with external focus, strength training with internal focus and strength training groups. Participants completed these training for 8 weeks. Kinetic factors were measured using force plate during landing, as well as functional movement and movement pattern respectively were measured by single leg triple hop test (SLTH) and landing error scoring system. One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) showed that the effect of strength training with external focus group training significantly was better than two others groups in Peak vertical ground reaction  (p=0.039), posterior ground reaction force (p=0.046), mediolateral time to stability (p=0.032), single leg triple hop test (p=0.041) and landing error scoring system  scores (p=0.030). But there was no significant between-group difference in anteroposterior time to stability (p=0.312). Subjects in strength training with external focus group showed significantly within-group changes in all variables except anteroposterior time to stability from posttest to pretest. Programs that include both strength training and movement education through external focus of attention may be necessary in order to prevent ACL injuries and increase athletic performance.


Zahra Ebrahimi, Ebrahim Mohammadali Nasab Firozjah, Sajad Roshani, Mostafa Zareei,
Volume 19, Issue 22 (12-2021)

The purpose of this study was to compare the prevalence of injuries in the Iranian Football Premier League players before and after the outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19) through video analysis in the 2019-2020 season. The types of sports injuries were divided into acute and chronic categories based on the mechanism, and the injuries were analyzed by reviewing 143 videos from 239 matches. Prevalence, time of onset and affected area were recorded in a special sheet. According to the results, 219 injuries occurred before the outbreak of coronavirus and 276 injuries occurred after the outbreak of coronavirus. In the period before and after the outbreak of Corona virus, the lower limbs of the players (58/7%) were damaged more than other parts of their bodies. Also, the highest rate of injury occurred after the outbreak of coronavirus than before in the last minutes of the game (24/3%). Research Findings showed that the prevalence of injuries in Iranian Premier League football players in the post-outbreak period of Coronavirus increased due to home quarantine and closure of matches.

Negin Gilsamaei, Dr Seyd Sadredin Shojaedin, Dr Hassan Sadeghi,
Volume 20, Issue 24 (3-2023)

The prevalence of sports injuries in martial arts is high. Most Taekwondo injuries also occur in the lower extremities. The aim of this study is to compare the effect of a period of plyometric exercises, with and without stretching exercises, on knee valgus dynamics, flexibility and functional variables of elite female taekwondo athletes at risk of anterior cruciate ligament injuries.  45 elite female taekwondo athletes aged 15-25 years with anterior cruciate ligament injuries participated in this study. Knee valgus dynamics in squat movement were measured with KINOVEA software. Flexibility was measured with direct leg lift test and performance indicators were measured with Y-balance, three-step jump and error scoring system. The tests were conducted before and after eight weeks of plyometric exercises, along with the stretching exercises. Then, the data obtained were analyzed.There was a significant difference between the results of pre-test and post-test data measured in the two experimental groups (P ≥ 0.05). According to the stark differences based on the analyzed data, it is clearly evident that the group of athletes with plyometric exercises with stretching have obtained far superior results and outcome..Plyometric exercises with stretching had a significant effect on reducing the risk of injury, as well as increasing the flexibility and performance of elite female taekwondo athletes exposed to anterior cruciate ligament injury. Considering the vast improvements reported for the plyometric training group with stretching, it is recommended that these interventions be used to reduce the risk of injury and increase the performance of taekwondo practitioners.

Ghazal Mohammad Gholipour Aghdam, Dr Mohammad Hossein Alizadeh, Dr Hooman Minoonejad, Dr Elham Shirzad,
Volume 20, Issue 24 (3-2023)

Neurocognitive motor tasks have been shown to have an effective relationship with athletic performance and musculoskeletal injuries. Cognitive changes following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction surgery may lead to adverse knee biomechanical changes and an increased risk of secondary injury. This study aimed to compare the kinetics of athletes with a history of ACL reconstruction and those without injuries. A total of 30 professional male soccer players, comprising 15 anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction athletes who had returned to the performance and 15 healthy athletes, participated in this study. The subjects performed at least 5 drop landings with cognitive intervention to decide the landing point on the force plate. The maximum ground reaction force, time to stability and center of pressure with length of path index were calculated at the moment of landing. The Mann-Whitney U test was used to compare the variables. The results indicated a significant difference in four variables: the maximum mean vertical ground reaction force in all landings (p = 0.04), the maximum mean vertical ground reaction force in the best landings (p = 0.01), the maximum average vertical ground reaction force in all landings (p = 0.01), and the maximum mean mediolateral ground reaction force in the best landings (p = 0.03). However, no statistical significance was observed in the variable of maximum time to stability in all landing classes (p > 0.05).The study findings suggest that impaired decision-making with cognitive interference during the flight phase may increase the risk of re-injury in individuals with anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction.

Mr Masoud Sebyani, Dr Hooman Minoonejad, Dr Elham Shirzad, Dr Mohammadhossein Alizadeh,
Volume 21, Issue 25 (9-2023)

The Prone Hip Extension test (PHE) is used to evaluate the quality of motor control in the lumbopelvic region. Because of the similarity of this test to the walking and running pattern, it seems that muscle interaction in this test is important in hamstring injury. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the effect of changing the activation patterns of muscles in prone hip extension on kinematical variables affecting hamstring injury. 28 male soccer players participated in this study. The prone hip extension test was used to evaluate and classify subjects, and based on the activation pattern, they were divided into two groups: normal pattern (N=14) and altered pattern (N=14). We used the Myon electromyography device to evaluate the prone hip extension test muscles activation pattern. Also, the kinematic evaluation of running was done on a treadmill at a speed of 20 km/h. Two-dimensional and three-dimensional video analyses were used to extract kinematic data (pelvic tilt, trunk lateral flexion, and trunk flexion). The range of motion in a running cycle and the amount of each variable at the moment of initial foot contact were used. An Independent t-test was used to analyze the data. The results of this research showed that there is a significant difference in the amount of trunk lateral flexion (p= 0/002), and trunk flexion (p= 0/024) at the moment of the initial foot contact and the range of motion of trunk lateral flexion (p=0/019), and trunk flexion (p=0/035) and pelvic tilt (p=0/008) in a running cycle between the changed pattern group and the normal group. The results of this research showed that changing the pattern of muscle activation in the prone hip extension test can increase the risk of a hamstring injury.

Roghayeh Afzali Nasab Gorohi, Abdolhamid Daneshjoo, Mansour Sahebozamani,
Volume 22, Issue 28 (12-2024)

The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the effect of feedback and feed forward neuromuscular training on balance and isometric strength in female basketball players with a high risk of injury in Kerman.20women basketball players of Kerman city purposely selected and who were randomly divided into two groups of feedback and feed forward and performed intervention for 8 weeks, three sessions per week. Dynamic balance and isometric knee strength was measured using Biodex system and MMT device. One way ANCOVA was used for data analyze. The results showed significant differences between pre-post test balance Overall Stability and  internal/external balance and Anterior/Posterior balance (P=0.001).Significant difference was observed in the strength of quadriceps muscle and hamstring between the two groups of feedback and feed forward exercises (P≥0.05).Isometric Quadriceps strength and hamstring in the post- test showed an significantly improvement of  in feedback and feedforward group compared to the pre-test (P=0.001).It can be concluded that neuromuscular training can enhanced balance and isometric strength, of women and training with feedback has more important  than training with feedforward.

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