Showing 11 results for Minoonejad
Mehran Salimi, Dr Hooman Minoonejad, Dr Mohammad Karimizadeh Ardakani, Mohammad Javad Sherafat, Dr Elahe Arab Ameri,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (11-2019)
Purpose: Core endurance is one of the factors that measuring the core stability. Researches have shown that the change in the attention during the activities causes changes in the electromyography activity of the muscles as well as changes in the quality of the movement. The purpose of this research is to determine whether changes in the focus of the attention can change the measurement of the core stability. Methods: 22 healthy non-athletes participated in this research ((
,which their core stability was measure by McGill test. These people were divided into three groups and performed this test in three consecutive days with a different attention (internal, external, control). Results: The results of the one-way repeated-measures ANOVA showed that there was a significant main effect of type of attention on core stability of nonathletic persons. However, the average core stability of the external attention stage was significantly higher than the average of the pre-test stage (P<0.001). CONCLUSION: Focus of attention can cause changes in the measurement of the core stability, in such a way that adopting the external focus of attention during the test recorded more average core stability.
Farshid Aghabeigi, Mohammad Karimizadeh Ardakani, Mohammad Hossein Alizadeh, Hooman Minoonejad,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (11-2019)
The purpose of this research was to design and implement a system for the surveillance of sports injuries in students. Sports injuries of male and female high school students in Ilam province were recorded by physical education teachers using online methods and paper forms during one academic semester. At the end, a questionnaire was used to survey them regarding these methods. The research is of a descriptive-comparative type and Chi-square (x2) was used at the significance level (P<0.05) to analyze the results. A total of 151 injuries were reported, of which 76 injuries (50.4 percent) were registered with the online method, 70 injuries (46.3 percent) with the online paper method, and 5 injuries (3.3 percent) with the paper method. Online registration (146 injuries) is significantly more used than paper registration (75 injuries) (p=0.001) physical education teachers give the reasons for using the online method more: availability, easier working with it, and recovery It is easier to record information. On the other hand, they mentioned the interruption and slowness of the internet speed as things that can cause disruption. According to the results, it seems that the use of online methods is more effective in registering sports injuries in schools.
Khatere Teknik, Reza Rajabi, Hooman Minoonejad,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (11-2019)
Background and Aims: The current study aims to investigate the immediate effect of a researcher-made wedge treadmill on the activity of the selected lower limb muscles of flat feet individuals, so by activating the muscles, it can be used to help in the area of corrective exercise and correction of flat feet, rehabilitation and injury prevention.
Methods: The current study was a semi-experimental intervention based on the creation and introduction of a new tool and its effect evaluation. 16 subjects over 18 years old with flat feet deformity were included in this study. The subjects performed the protocol of walking at a normal speed on the researcher-made wedge treadmill at each of the lateral angles of 0, 5 and 15 degrees for 90 seconds. The electromyographic activity of five selected muscles was recorded at those angles. Statistical analysis was performed on Matlab and SPSS software. Friedman's test was used to evaluate the significant differences between angles and Bonferroni's post hoc test was used to compare two-by-two means.
Results: According to the results, the average activity of selected muscles (peroneus longus, tibialis anterior, gastrocnemius, soleus and hallucis longus) during walking between angles of 5 and 15 degrees on a wedge treadmill had a statistically significant difference compared to 0 degrees (P≤0.05).
Conclusion: This study showed that the amount of muscle activity of the lower limbs of subjects with flat feet during walking at 5 and 15-degree lateral angles has a significant difference compared to the same people walking at a zero-degree angle. Our results suggest that using the researcher-made wedge treadmill can significantly increase lower limb muscle activity in people with flat feet.
S Mohammadi, H Minoonejad, R Rajabi,
Volume 15, Issue 13 (9-2017)
The purpose of present study is to investigate epidemiologic kabaddi injuries of premier league in Iran. This study is a descriptive, , and prospective survey. Participants are men players of kabaddi league in 2014 and sample athletics who have been injured at least once in competitions and have been received medical care. Information related to this study is completed through registration in the injury form by the researcher and tournament doctor during the competitions. So, x2 is applied with less than 0.05 significant and descriptive statistics is used in the form of numbers, charts, and curves to describe research results. Injury rate in 1000 hours match was 229.9 and the most potential parts for injury were head and face (26.2%) and knee (15.5%). 48.5% of injuries are contusion, bruise, and haematoma. Contact with opponent was the most important reason for injury. Injury rate for defense players is 50.5%. According to the results which show the high prevalence in Kabaddi. To the medical teams, coaches, and athletics is recommended identify factors influencing potential dangers associated with injury and therefore to perform efficient solutions to prevent injuries.
Mohammad Reza Mahmoudkhani, Hooman Minoonejad, Reza Rajabi, Amir Hossein Barati,
Volume 16, Issue 16 (12-2018)
Judo is one of the most popular martial arts in the world. Researchers reported a higher risk of injuries during training rather than the time of competition. So, the safe and effective training methods should be considered. As development and application of injury prevention approaches and athletic performance enhancement is necessary, the purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of 8-week Judo Specific Functional Training on the injury risk factors and athletic performance in non-elite male judokas. 46 non-elite judokas participated in this study. Subjects were randomly divided into two groups of experimental (23:N) and control (23:N). For a period of 8 weeks, the experimental group attended a special judo functional training program designed by the researchers. At the same time, the control group participated in the usual judo training program presented by the coaches. The exercises were performed 3 sessions per week and 90 minutes per session. The subjects participated in pre- and post-tests. After data collection, in order to approve data normality and compare the variables, Shapiro-wilk, ANCOVA analysis was implemented at the significant level (p≤0.05) using SPSS version 21. The results showed that scores of functional movement screening (p=0.001), upper extremity Y balance test (p=0.001), vertical jump (p=0.001) and special judo fitness test (p=0.001) significantly increased among the experimental group in comparison to the Control group. This Judo specific functional training program simultaneously modifies or decreases the injury risk factors and improves the athletic performance and has more efficiency and effectiveness rather than the usual judo training program.
L Ghanbari, M.h Alizadeh, H Minoonejad, S.h Hosseini,
Volume 17, Issue 17 (4-2019)
Considering the important role of the scapula in the glenohumeral joint movements, its position on the thorax can affect the function of the joint. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the predictive relationship of the strength and glenohumeral rotation range of motion (ROM) with scapular dyskinesis (SD) in female athletes with
overhead-throwing pattern. The present study was a descriptive-correlational research on 60 athletic female in volleyball, handball, basketball and badminton. The Lateral scapular slide test was used to examine SD. the dynamometer and goniometer were used to measure the strength and glenohumeral rotation ROM respectively. Data were analyzed using Spearman correlation and multiple regression tests. The correlation coefficients between SD and the glenohumeral internal rotation ROM (r=-0.734; p=0.000), the glenohumeral external rotation ROM (r=0.693; p=0.001), the glenohumeral internal rotation strength (r=0.674; p=0.005) and the glenohumeral external rotation strength (r=-0.719; p=0.001) were significant. Analysis of the research model showed that about one-third (30.1%) of total changes in SD were dependent on the independent variables mentioned in this regression model. therefore, screening of athletes with overhead-throwing pattern must be taken into consideration in order to recognize SD, and participate in corrective exercises to increase the glenohumeral internal rotation ROM and the glenohumeral external rotator muscles strength.
M Karbalaeimahdi, M.h Alizadeh, H Minoonejad,
Volume 18, Issue 19 (7-2020)
Ankle sprain is one of the most commonly damaged lower extremities. More than 70% of people with ankle sprain experience chronic ankle instability. However, some people are well adapted to this damage (Coper people) and do not suffer from chronic ankle instability. The aim of this study was to compare EMG activity of the selected involved muscles in balance control strategies in athletes with chronic ankle instability, coper and healthy athletes during one leg standing. 11 noninjured controls and 13 participants with CAI and 10 ankle sprain ‘copers’ participated in this study. Each participant for 20 seconds maintained their single-foot balance on the 3rd and 12th balance points of Biodex, and EMG activity of the muscles was recorded by the electromyography device during this period.The significance level for all analyses was set as p≤0/05. The results showed Tibialis Anterior, Gastrocnemius and rectus abdominal in the participants with CAI had significantly lower levels of activity than coper group and rectus femoris and Gastrocnemius muscle activity in the participants with CAI had significantly lower levels of activity than control group (p≤0/05). Increasing muscle activity in the Coper group can be due to compensatory mechanisms, which results in greater stability of the trunk and ankle set.
Mr Iman Rouzbeh, Dr Amirhossein Barati, Dr Hooman Minoonejad,
Volume 19, Issue 21 (9-2021)
As Squat is a popular exercise for support of lower extremity muscles in order to injury prevention this study has been hold to comprise the electromyography of vastus medialis and vastus lateralis muscles in three Squat techniques of man soccer players. 15 soccer players, aged 18-25 years old, who had regular exercise more than two years did open, closed and lung Squats exercise while electromyography of vastus medialis and vastus lateralis muscles were recorded. Data analyzed by using dependent and independent T test and repeated measure ANOVA. There was not significant difference of vastus medialis and vastus lateralis muscles’ electromyography during getting up, going down phases and also for different squat techniques. The vastus lateralis muscle show more activity in all conditions. Though, it is recommended that vastus medialis has bold role for controlling of squat exercise, reduction of Q angle and participants’ knee varus in this study can be the reason of antithesis.
Ghazal Mohammad Gholipour Aghdam, Dr Mohammad Hossein Alizadeh, Dr Hooman Minoonejad, Dr Elham Shirzad,
Volume 20, Issue 24 (3-2023)
Neurocognitive motor tasks have been shown to have an effective relationship with athletic performance and musculoskeletal injuries. Cognitive changes following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction surgery may lead to adverse knee biomechanical changes and an increased risk of secondary injury. This study aimed to compare the kinetics of athletes with a history of ACL reconstruction and those without injuries. A total of 30 professional male soccer players, comprising 15 anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction athletes who had returned to the performance and 15 healthy athletes, participated in this study. The subjects performed at least 5 drop landings with cognitive intervention to decide the landing point on the force plate. The maximum ground reaction force, time to stability and center of pressure with length of path index were calculated at the moment of landing. The Mann-Whitney U test was used to compare the variables. The results indicated a significant difference in four variables: the maximum mean vertical ground reaction force in all landings (p = 0.04), the maximum mean vertical ground reaction force in the best landings (p = 0.01), the maximum average vertical ground reaction force in all landings (p = 0.01), and the maximum mean mediolateral ground reaction force in the best landings (p = 0.03). However, no statistical significance was observed in the variable of maximum time to stability in all landing classes (p > 0.05).The study findings suggest that impaired decision-making with cognitive interference during the flight phase may increase the risk of re-injury in individuals with anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction.
Mr Masoud Sebyani, Dr Hooman Minoonejad, Dr Elham Shirzad, Dr Mohammadhossein Alizadeh,
Volume 21, Issue 25 (9-2023)
The Prone Hip Extension test (PHE) is used to evaluate the quality of motor control in the lumbopelvic region. Because of the similarity of this test to the walking and running pattern, it seems that muscle interaction in this test is important in hamstring injury. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the effect of changing the activation patterns of muscles in prone hip extension on kinematical variables affecting hamstring injury. 28 male soccer players participated in this study. The prone hip extension test was used to evaluate and classify subjects, and based on the activation pattern, they were divided into two groups: normal pattern (N=14) and altered pattern (N=14). We used the Myon electromyography device to evaluate the prone hip extension test muscles activation pattern. Also, the kinematic evaluation of running was done on a treadmill at a speed of 20 km/h. Two-dimensional and three-dimensional video analyses were used to extract kinematic data (pelvic tilt, trunk lateral flexion, and trunk flexion). The range of motion in a running cycle and the amount of each variable at the moment of initial foot contact were used. An Independent t-test was used to analyze the data. The results of this research showed that there is a significant difference in the amount of trunk lateral flexion (p= 0/002), and trunk flexion (p= 0/024) at the moment of the initial foot contact and the range of motion of trunk lateral flexion (p=0/019), and trunk flexion (p=0/035) and pelvic tilt (p=0/008) in a running cycle between the changed pattern group and the normal group. The results of this research showed that changing the pattern of muscle activation in the prone hip extension test can increase the risk of a hamstring injury.
Ehsan Tasoujian, Homman Minoonejad, Mr Mohammad Hossein Alizadeh, Shahrzad Zandi,
Volume 22, Issue 27 (8-2024)
Purpose: Volleyball has a high potential for shoulder dyskinesia due to the repetitive nature of it’s movements, so the aim was to investigate electromyography analysis of shoulder girdle muscle in male volleyball players with different types of scapular dyskinesia while performing a floater serve.
Methods: The current research method is the causal-comparative type. 41 volleyball players were selected non-randomly and purposefully and were divided into three groups (n=13 Pattern I, n=13 Pattern II, n=13 without scapulae dyskinesia). Electromyography of serratus anterior, upper, middle, and lower trapezius was evaluated while performing a floater serve using MyoMuscle.
Results: The results showed that during the acceleration phase of the serving, there was a significant difference in EMG of the upper trapezius (p=0.009) and middle trapezius (p=0.01) between the pattern II and no-dyskinesia, and there was a significant difference in EMG of serratus anterior (p=0.007) and middle trapezius (p=0.01) between the pattern I and no-dyskinesia,
Conclusion: It seems that during the acceleration phase, volleyball players with pattern II experienced an abnormal increase in upper trapezius activity and inhibition of the middle trapezius activity, while probably volleyball players with pattern I experience inhibition the activity of the middle trapezius and serratus anterior.