Volume 21, Issue 26 (12-2023)                   RSMT 2023, 21(26): 103-117 | Back to browse issues page

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Mohammadnia Ahmadi M, Heidari R. Acute Effect Of Hydro Alcoholic Extract Of Melissa Officinalis On Metabolic Rate, Substrate Oxidation, And Salivary Cortisol Of High-Intensity Interval Exercise In Inactive Women. RSMT 2023; 21 (26) :103-117
URL: http://jsmt.khu.ac.ir/article-1-613-en.html
University of Birjand , m.m.ahmadi2005@birjand.ac.ir
Abstract:   (2017 Views)
Nowadays, the use of traditional herbal remedies for the prevention and treatment of diseases along with exercise has become very popular. The aim of this study was to investigate acute effect of hydro alcoholic extract of melissa officinalis on metabolic rate, substrate oxidation and salivary cortisol during and after high-intensity interval exercise (HIIE) in inactive women. Ten inactive women were selected based on criteria (BMI 22.28±0.60 kg/m2). Individuals participated in two separate sessions. In the first session, extract of melissa officinalis (500 mg) were intake one hour before HIIE. In the second session, the placebo (500 mg of starch) was intake. The HIIE program consisted of 11 alternates (1-minute with 90% vVO2max followed by 2-minute rest intervals with 60% vVO2max). Pre, during and after HIIE, respiratory gases was measured using the respiratory gas analyzer and was used to calculate metabolic rate (Energy Expenditure, VO2) and substrate oxidation (Fat oxidation, Respiratory Exchange Ratio (RER)). Heart rate monitored by polar sensor. Salivary cortisol after collection was measured by chemiluminescence method. Based on results, there was no significant difference in VO2 (P =0.51), Fat Oxidation (P= 0.9), RER (P= 0.76), Heart rate (P= 0.42) and energy expenditure (P=0.6) between melissa officinalis and placebo intake. Also, there was no significant difference in salivary cortisol (P= 0.15). Generally, hydro alcoholic extract of melissa officinalis supplement intake along HIIE has no effect on metabolic rate, substrate oxidation and cortisol level in inactive women.

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Type of Study: Applicable | Subject: sport physiology
Received: 2023/08/29 | Accepted: 2023/11/26 | Published: 2023/12/31

1. 1. Pavlović R, Solaković S, Simeonov A, Milićević L, Radulović N. Physical activity and health: The benefits of physical activity on the prevention of Diabetes melitus and cardiovascular disorders. European Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science. 2022; 9(1):22-43. [DOI:10.46827/ejpe.v9i1.4464]
2. Singh R, Pattisapu A, Emery MS. US Physical Activity Guidelines: Current state, impact and future directions. Trends in cardiovascular medicine. 2020;30(7):407-12. [DOI:10.1016/j.tcm.2019.10.002]
3. Edwards ES, Sackett SC. Psychosocial variables related to why women are less active than men and related health implications: supplementary issue: health disparities in women. Clinical Medicine Insights: Women's Health. 2016;9:CMWH. S34668. [DOI:10.4137/CMWH.S34668]
4. Wajchenberg BL. Subcutaneous and visceral adipose tissue: their relation to the metabolic syndrome. Endocrine reviews. 2000;21(6):697-738. [DOI:10.1210/edrv.21.6.0415]
5. Purwanto B, Devi AI, Ilmi SBZ, Karimullah A, Syamsudin F, Ayubi N, et al. Single Bout High Intensity Interval Exercise (HIIE) Prevents Adiponectin Reduction in Sedentary Overweight Women. Sport Mont. 2023;21. (1). [DOI:10.26773/smj.230201]
6. Xu Y, Liang M, Ugbolue UC, Fekete G, Gu Y. Effect of physical exercise under different intensity and antioxidative supplementation for plasma superoxide dismutase in healthy adults: systematic review and network meta-analysis. Frontiers in Physiology. 2022:111. [DOI:10.3389/fphys.2022.707176]
7. Cook MD, Myers SD, Gault ML, Edwards VC, Willems MET. Dose effects of New Zealand blackcurrant on substrate oxidation and physiological responses during prolonged cycling. European Journal of Applied Physiology. 2017;117:1207-16. [DOI:10.1007/s00421-017-3607-z]
8. Morais JBS, Cruz KJC, de Oliveira ARS, Cardoso BEP, da Silva Dias TM, de Sousa Melo SR, et al. Association Between Parameters of Cortisol Metabolism, Biomarkers of Minerals (Zinc, Selenium, and Magnesium), and Insulin Resistance and Oxidative Stress in Women with Obesity. Biological Trace Element Research. 2023:1-15. [DOI:10.1007/s12011-023-03639-7]
9. Athanasiou N, Bogdanis GC, Mastorakos G. Endocrine responses of the stress system to different types of exercise. Reviews in Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders. 2022. [DOI:10.1007/s11154-022-09758-1]
10. Anderson T, Vrshek-Schallhorn S, Adams WM, Goldfarb AH, Wideman L. The effect of acute exercise on the cortisol awakening response. European Journal of Applied Physiology. 2023:1-13. [DOI:10.1007/s00421-023-05132-4]
11. Tsunekawa K, Shoho Y, Ushiki K, Yanagawa Y, Matsumoto R, Shimoda N, et al. Assessment of exercise-induced stress via automated measurement of salivary cortisol concentrations and the testosterone-to-cortisol ratio. 2023. [DOI:10.21203/rs.3.rs-2566682/v1]
12. Hill E, Zack E, Battaglini C, Viru M, Viru A, Hackney A. Exercise and circulating cortisol levels: the intensity threshold effect. Journal of endocrinological investigation. 2008;31:587-91. [DOI:10.1007/BF03345606]
13. Samavati SM, Hashemvarzi SA, Azizpour A. Effect of caffeine ingestion in resultant changes of specific interval exercise on blood lactate and FFA in young wrestlers. Journal of Sports and Biomotor Sciences, 2012; 4(8): 45-50.
14. Namjou A, Eskandari Y, Rafieian M, Farid M. Effect of oral administration and topical application of Melissa officinalis ethanolic extract on wound healing and serum biochemical changes in alloxan-induced diabetic rats. Journal of Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences. 2017 Apr 10;27(147):48-61.
15. Jandaghi P, Noroozi M, Zavoshi R, Naseri M, Hasheminezhad SA, Alipour M. The effect of lemon balm on blood glucose; cholesterol and triglyceride. Journal of Islamic and Iranian Traditional Medicine. 2014 Dec 10;5(3):218-26.
16. Bagdat RB, Cosge B. The essential oil of lemon balm (Melissa officinalis L.), its components and using fields. Anadolu Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi. 2006;21(1):116-21.
17. Eskandari Z, Mirzaei B, Arazi H. The effect of eight weeks of aerobic training and complementary plant supplements (Indian Valerian and Melissa Officinalis) on migraine. Armaghane Danesh. 2017 Oct 10;22(4):442-58.
18. Chung, M. J., Cho, S. Y., Bhuiyan, M. J. H., Kim, K. H., & Lee, S. J. (2010). Anti-diabetic effects of lemon balm (Melissa officinalis) essential oil on glucose-and lipid-regulating enzymes in type 2 diabetic mice. British journal of nutrition, 104(2), 180-188. [DOI:10.1017/S0007114510001765]
19. Abdinezhad F, Mohammadi M. Effect of Lemon balm (Melissa officinalis) aqueous extract on immune response and performance of broilers. Animal Production. 2015 Sep 23;17(2):281-90.
20. Eskandari Z, Mirzaei B, Arazi H. Comparison of an aerobic training course with a herbal supplementation (Valeriana wallichii and Melissa officinalis) regarding serotonin levels, nitric oxide and headache indices in women with migraine. Daneshvar Medicine. 2018 Jun 22;26(2):51-64.
21. Karina Feliú-Hemmelmann , Francisco Monsalve , César Rivera. (2013). Melissa officinalis and Passiflora caerulea infusion as physiological stress decreaser. Int J Clin Exp Med 2013;6(6):444-451 www.ijcem.com /ISSN:1940-5901/IJCEM1303017 Original Article.
22. Paschalis, V., Nikolaidis, M. G., Giakas, G., Theodorou, A. A., Sakellariou, G. K., Fatouros, I. G., ... & Jamurtas, A. Z. (2010). Beneficial changes in energy expenditure and lipid profile after eccentric exercise in overweight and lean women. Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports, 20(1), e103-e111. [DOI:10.1111/j.1600-0838.2009.00920.x]
23. Lohman TG, Roche AF, Martorell R. Anthropometric standardization reference manual: Human kinetics books; 1988.
24. Esfarjani F, Laursen PB. Manipulating high-intensity interval training: effects on V˙ O2max, the lactate threshold and 3000 m running performance in moderately trained males. Journal of science and medicine in sport. 2007;10(1):27-35. [DOI:10.1016/j.jsams.2006.05.014]
25. Khosravi N, Rohani H, Ghaffari S. The effect of exercise day-time on maximal fat oxidation (MFO), Fatmax and Mfotime in normal and overweight women. Metabolism and Exercise. 2017;5(2):121-32.
26. Venables MC, Achten J, Jeukendrup AE. Determinants of fat oxidation during exercise in healthy men and women: a cross-sectional study. Journal of applied physiology. 2005. [DOI:10.1152/japplphysiol.00662.2003]
27. Tschakert G, Kroepfl JM, Mueller A, Harpf H, Harpf L, Traninger H, Wallner-Liebmann S, Stojakovic T, Scharnagl H, Meinitzer A, Pichlhoefer P. Acute physiological responses to short-and long-stage high-intensity interval exercise in cardiac rehabilitation: a pilot study. Journal of sports science & medicine. 2016 Mar;15(1):80.
28. Haratian M, Rajabian R, Ayatollahi H. The correlation of Salivary and Serum estosterone and Estradiol. Journal of Isfahan Medical School. 2008;26. (91).
29. Moshtaghian J. Effect Extract of Melissa Officinal is onblood lipids and lipoproteins and the prevention of diabetes in rats. Iranian Journal of Diabetes and Metabolism. 2015 Jul 10;14(5):315-24.
30. Alizadeh M, Siah Kohian M, Imani A. The effects of a full week of garlic supplementation on cardio-respiratory indices in healthy young athletes with hot temper. Journal of Sabzevar University of Medical Sciences. 2016 Jan 21;22(6):1026-34.
31. Kang JH, Jeong IS, Kim MY. Antiangiogenic herbal composition Ob-X reduces abdominal visceral fat in humans: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. 2018 Jan 1;2018. [DOI:10.1155/2018/4381205]
32. Zolfaghari F, Amir Hossein H, Mohammadreza H. The effect of two different doses of green tea on substrate metabolism and energy expenditure before, during and after one session of aerobic exercise in overweight and obese women. medical journal of mashhad university of medical sciences. 2018 Jul 23;61(3):985-96.
33. Ince DI, Sönmez GT, İnce ML. Effects of garlic on aerobic performance. Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences. 2000;30(6):557-61.
34. Besharatloo, F. Z., Batavani, M. R., Ghofrani, M., Emadi, S. The effect of 8 weeks of combined endurance-resistance training with garlic supplement on the serum levels of hs-CRP, IL-6 and IL-10 in inactive overweight boys. Journal of Sports and Biomotor Sciences, 2023; 14(28): 43-51. doi: 10.22034/sbs.2023.372328.0
35. Pavlović R, Solaković S, Simeonov A, Milićević L, Radulović N. Physical activity and health: The benefits of physical activity on the prevention of Diabetes melitus and cardiovascular disorders. European Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science. 2022; 9(1):22-43. [DOI:10.46827/ejpe.v9i1.4464]
36. Singh R, Pattisapu A, Emery MS. US Physical Activity Guidelines: Current state, impact and future directions. Trends in cardiovascular medicine. 2020;30(7):407-12. [DOI:10.1016/j.tcm.2019.10.002]
37. Edwards ES, Sackett SC. Psychosocial variables related to why women are less active than men and related health implications: supplementary issue: health disparities in women. Clinical Medicine Insights: Women's Health. 2016;9:CMWH. S34668. [DOI:10.4137/CMWH.S34668]
38. Wajchenberg BL. Subcutaneous and visceral adipose tissue: their relation to the metabolic syndrome. Endocrine reviews. 2000;21(6):697-738. [DOI:10.1210/edrv.21.6.0415]
39. Purwanto B, Devi AI, Ilmi SBZ, Karimullah A, Syamsudin F, Ayubi N, et al. Single Bout High Intensity Interval Exercise (HIIE) Prevents Adiponectin Reduction in Sedentary Overweight Women. Sport Mont. 2023;21. (1). [DOI:10.26773/smj.230201]
40. Xu Y, Liang M, Ugbolue UC, Fekete G, Gu Y. Effect of physical exercise under different intensity and antioxidative supplementation for plasma superoxide dismutase in healthy adults: systematic review and network meta-analysis. Frontiers in Physiology. 2022:111. [DOI:10.3389/fphys.2022.707176]
41. Cook MD, Myers SD, Gault ML, Edwards VC, Willems MET. Dose effects of New Zealand blackcurrant on substrate oxidation and physiological responses during prolonged cycling. European Journal of Applied Physiology. 2017;117:1207-16. [DOI:10.1007/s00421-017-3607-z]
42. Morais JBS, Cruz KJC, de Oliveira ARS, Cardoso BEP, da Silva Dias TM, de Sousa Melo SR, et al. Association Between Parameters of Cortisol Metabolism, Biomarkers of Minerals (Zinc, Selenium, and Magnesium), and Insulin Resistance and Oxidative Stress in Women with Obesity. Biological Trace Element Research. 2023:1-15. [DOI:10.1007/s12011-023-03639-7]
43. Athanasiou N, Bogdanis GC, Mastorakos G. Endocrine responses of the stress system to different types of exercise. Reviews in Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders. 2022. [DOI:10.1007/s11154-022-09758-1]
44. Anderson T, Vrshek-Schallhorn S, Adams WM, Goldfarb AH, Wideman L. The effect of acute exercise on the cortisol awakening response. European Journal of Applied Physiology. 2023:1-13. [DOI:10.1007/s00421-023-05132-4]
45. Tsunekawa K, Shoho Y, Ushiki K, Yanagawa Y, Matsumoto R, Shimoda N, et al. Assessment of exercise-induced stress via automated measurement of salivary cortisol concentrations and the testosterone-to-cortisol ratio. 2023. [DOI:10.21203/rs.3.rs-2566682/v1]
46. Hill E, Zack E, Battaglini C, Viru M, Viru A, Hackney A. Exercise and circulating cortisol levels: the intensity threshold effect. Journal of endocrinological investigation. 2008;31:587-91. [DOI:10.1007/BF03345606]
47. Samavati SM, Hashemvarzi SA, Azizpour A. Effect of caffeine ingestion in resultant changes of specific interval exercise on blood lactate and FFA in young wrestlers. Journal of Sports and Biomotor Sciences, 2012; 4(8): 45-50.
48. Namjou A, Eskandari Y, Rafieian M, Farid M. Effect of oral administration and topical application of Melissa officinalis ethanolic extract on wound healing and serum biochemical changes in alloxan-induced diabetic rats. Journal of Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences. 2017 Apr 10;27(147):48-61.
49. Jandaghi P, Noroozi M, Zavoshi R, Naseri M, Hasheminezhad SA, Alipour M. The effect of lemon balm on blood glucose; cholesterol and triglyceride. Journal of Islamic and Iranian Traditional Medicine. 2014 Dec 10;5(3):218-26.
50. Bagdat RB, Cosge B. The essential oil of lemon balm (Melissa officinalis L.), its components and using fields. Anadolu Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi. 2006;21(1):116-21.
51. Eskandari Z, Mirzaei B, Arazi H. The effect of eight weeks of aerobic training and complementary plant supplements (Indian Valerian and Melissa Officinalis) on migraine. Armaghane Danesh. 2017 Oct 10;22(4):442-58.
52. Chung, M. J., Cho, S. Y., Bhuiyan, M. J. H., Kim, K. H., & Lee, S. J. (2010). Anti-diabetic effects of lemon balm (Melissa officinalis) essential oil on glucose-and lipid-regulating enzymes in type 2 diabetic mice. British journal of nutrition, 104(2), 180-188. [DOI:10.1017/S0007114510001765]
53. Abdinezhad F, Mohammadi M. Effect of Lemon balm (Melissa officinalis) aqueous extract on immune response and performance of broilers. Animal Production. 2015 Sep 23;17(2):281-90.
54. Eskandari Z, Mirzaei B, Arazi H. Comparison of an aerobic training course with a herbal supplementation (Valeriana wallichii and Melissa officinalis) regarding serotonin levels, nitric oxide and headache indices in women with migraine. Daneshvar Medicine. 2018 Jun 22;26(2):51-64.
55. Karina Feliú-Hemmelmann , Francisco Monsalve , César Rivera. (2013). Melissa officinalis and Passiflora caerulea infusion as physiological stress decreaser. Int J Clin Exp Med 2013;6(6):444-451 www.ijcem.com /ISSN:1940-5901/IJCEM1303017 Original Article.
56. Paschalis, V., Nikolaidis, M. G., Giakas, G., Theodorou, A. A., Sakellariou, G. K., Fatouros, I. G., ... & Jamurtas, A. Z. (2010). Beneficial changes in energy expenditure and lipid profile after eccentric exercise in overweight and lean women. Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports, 20(1), e103-e111. [DOI:10.1111/j.1600-0838.2009.00920.x]
57. Lohman TG, Roche AF, Martorell R. Anthropometric standardization reference manual: Human kinetics books; 1988.
58. Esfarjani F, Laursen PB. Manipulating high-intensity interval training: effects on V˙ O2max, the lactate threshold and 3000 m running performance in moderately trained males. Journal of science and medicine in sport. 2007;10(1):27-35. [DOI:10.1016/j.jsams.2006.05.014]
59. Khosravi N, Rohani H, Ghaffari S. The effect of exercise day-time on maximal fat oxidation (MFO), Fatmax and Mfotime in normal and overweight women. Metabolism and Exercise. 2017;5(2):121-32.
60. Venables MC, Achten J, Jeukendrup AE. Determinants of fat oxidation during exercise in healthy men and women: a cross-sectional study. Journal of applied physiology. 2005. [DOI:10.1152/japplphysiol.00662.2003]
61. Tschakert G, Kroepfl JM, Mueller A, Harpf H, Harpf L, Traninger H, Wallner-Liebmann S, Stojakovic T, Scharnagl H, Meinitzer A, Pichlhoefer P. Acute physiological responses to short-and long-stage high-intensity interval exercise in cardiac rehabilitation: a pilot study. Journal of sports science & medicine. 2016 Mar;15(1):80.
62. Haratian M, Rajabian R, Ayatollahi H. The correlation of Salivary and Serum estosterone and Estradiol. Journal of Isfahan Medical School. 2008;26. (91).
63. Moshtaghian J. Effect Extract of Melissa Officinal is onblood lipids and lipoproteins and the prevention of diabetes in rats. Iranian Journal of Diabetes and Metabolism. 2015 Jul 10;14(5):315-24.
64. Alizadeh M, Siah Kohian M, Imani A. The effects of a full week of garlic supplementation on cardio-respiratory indices in healthy young athletes with hot temper. Journal of Sabzevar University of Medical Sciences. 2016 Jan 21;22(6):1026-34.
65. Kang JH, Jeong IS, Kim MY. Antiangiogenic herbal composition Ob-X reduces abdominal visceral fat in humans: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. 2018 Jan 1;2018. [DOI:10.1155/2018/4381205]
66. Zolfaghari F, Amir Hossein H, Mohammadreza H. The effect of two different doses of green tea on substrate metabolism and energy expenditure before, during and after one session of aerobic exercise in overweight and obese women. medical journal of mashhad university of medical sciences. 2018 Jul 23;61(3):985-96.
67. Ince DI, Sönmez GT, İnce ML. Effects of garlic on aerobic performance. Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences. 2000;30(6):557-61.
68. Besharatloo, F. Z., Batavani, M. R., Ghofrani, M., Emadi, S. The effect of 8 weeks of combined endurance-resistance training with garlic supplement on the serum levels of hs-CRP, IL-6 and IL-10 in inactive overweight boys. Journal of Sports and Biomotor Sciences, 2023; 14(28): 43-51. doi: 10.22034/sbs.2023.372328.0

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