Volume 20, Issue 24 (3-2023)                   RSMT 2023, 20(24): 103-119 | Back to browse issues page

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Khazaei R, Sahebozamani M, Daneshjoo A. Durability Effects of Corrective Eexercise Program with Kinesiotaping and Physio Ball on EMG of Selected Shoulder Girdle Muscles in Boy with Upper Crossed Syndrome. RSMT 2023; 20 (24) :103-119
URL: http://jsmt.khu.ac.ir/article-1-567-en.html
Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman
Abstract:   (2347 Views)
 Postural disorders disrupt muscle activity and lead to joint dysfunction. Maintaining the function of the shoulder joint requires precise coordination and on-time action of muscles, and its dysfunction lead to change in the level of muscle activity, movement disorder. This study aimed to measure the effects of corrective exercise program with kinesiotaping and physio-ball and durability of these effects after 4 weeks on EMG of serratus anterior, middle trapezius and rhomboids major muscles among male young with upper crossed syndrome. Forty-five male young with upper crossed syndrome (control group: age:17.00±0.75, height 163.93±2.01, weight 65.20±6.51، BMI 25.10±2.76, corrective exercise with physio-ball: age 16.93±0.88, height 161.66±6.85 ,weight 63.40±10.09، BMI 26.84±3/04, corrective exercise with kinesiotaping: age 17.00± 0.92, height 161.53±7.25, weight 62.86±6/81, BMI 27.88±3/84) objectively selected and participated in this study. The training program designed based on the previous studies and conducted during 8 weeks, three sessions per week (each session 40 to 60 minutes) under the supervision of the examiner. EMG device was used to measure of the MVIC electrical activity of trapezius, rhomboids and serratus anterior muscle during external and internal rotation and extension of shoulder. After 4 weeks of the training, the post-tests were repeated.The one way ANCOVA was showed that the amount of electrical activity of the selected shoulder girdle muscles after eight weeks of testing in both experimental groups in the post-test and after one month inactivity test were significantly improved than the pre-test Group corrective exercise with physioball (serratus anterior p= 0.001,17.14%, middle trapezius p=0.001,15.79%  and rhomboids major p=0.001,14.81%), corrective exercise with kinesiotaping (serratus anterior p=0.001,17.14%, middle trapezius p=0.001,21.62% and rhomboids major p=0.001,20%) and durability in group of corrective exercise with physioball (serratus anterior p=0.001, 8.6%،, middle trapezius p=0.001, 7.9% and rhomboids major p=0.001, 7.4%) durability in group corrective exercise with kinesiotaping (serratus anterior p=0.001, 8.6%, middle trapezius p=0.001،16.2 % and rhomboids major p=0.001, 8%).  Considering the results of the present research, it can be stated that corrective exercise programs with kinesio taping and physioball have an effect on the electrical activity and durability of selected shoulder girdle muscles and And these effects are lasting even after 4 weeks. It is suggested to use this program of corrective exercises for male students with upper crossed syndrome to improve their shoulder girdle muscles strength.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: آسیب شناسی و حرکات اصلاحی
Received: 2022/08/4 | Accepted: 2023/01/26 | Published: 2023/03/6

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