Yaqoubi R, Sadeghi H, Yaqoubi A. The relationship between some of anthropometrical and biomechanical parameters, front and back crawl swimming in girl’s swimmers. RSMT 2018; 16 (15) :1-10
, ryaqoubi@yahoo.com
Abstract: (5776 Views)
Since the anthropometric and biomechanical parameters role is effective in improving the quality of sports skills, researchers and sports scientists are interesting to identify and communicate between these factors. The purpose of this study was making relationship between some of anthropometrical and biomechanical parameter of girl swimmers in swimming breast strokes. Twenty girl Swimmers (mean±SD: age 12±2 years; heights 147.50±11.23 cm; weights 39.53±9.58 kg) performed in this study. After compeletting the personal and satisfaction form anthropometric charactrastics, motion domain, power swimmer’s record along with information about the number of arm and leg kicks in distance of 25 meters was measured. Descriptive statics (mean, Standard deviation) and deductive statics (pearson corrolation, principle component analysis (PCA) to the determine the main parameters influencing and multiple regression to determine the role of main parameters selected) were used for data analysis. Results indicate the relationship between weight and length with swimmers stroke length in swimming breast stroke. Also there was a relationship between body type (endo morph, mezzo morph) with some of swimmers biomechanical parameters (speed, number of legs kicks, top power, hyper extension, motion domin of thigh). The given results indicate that there was a relationship between percentage of the anthropometric and biomechanical parameters in swimmers, and some of biomechanical parameters predictors of back and front crawl swimming in the same swimmer were different.
Type of Study:
Research |
Received: 2019/01/5 | Accepted: 2019/01/5 | Published: 2019/01/5