Abstract: (7353 Views)
Malayer granitoid rocks, as a part of Sanandaj-Sirjan plutonism, are located at latitude 34°00´-34°18´ and longitude 48°30´-48°52´. Tectono-magmatic investigation on the history of Sanandaj-Sirjan Zone attributed the formation of these plutonic rocks to convergence of Iranian and Arabian plates in conjunction with subduction of Neo-Tethys in the western part of Sanandaj-Sirjan Zone. Geochemical studies of Major and Trace elements on Malayer granitic rocks reveal that these granitic plutons are formed in a compressive environment, such as active continental margin in the convergent zone of oceanic crust and continental plate at the magmatic arc of continental margin. High ratio of LILEs/HFSEs and negative anomaly of Sr, Nb, Ba and Ta confirm the relation of these granitoids to subduction zone. These, also point out the role of shallow continental crust in formation and evolution of granitoidic magma. Broad range of mineral composition in petrographical observations and large variations in field studies, high-K calc-alkaline affinity and assessment of trends observed in AFM, K2O-SiO2, FeO-MgO diagrams versus those of plutons of known tectonic setting accentuate the similarities between Malayer granitic rocks and Andian type Magmatic Arc of Active Continental Margins and as a result highlights the role of upper mantle mafic magmas and tectonic movement in formation of their parental magma.
Published: 2009/02/15