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Showing 4 results for Indicator

Amir Saffari, Amir Saffari, Ezatollah Ghanavati, Amir Karam,
Volume 1, Issue 4 (1-2015)

Tectonic geomorphology is part of Earth Sciences, which deal with study of the interaction of tectonic and geomorphology. In other words it studies the effective tectonic processes in forming and changing the landforms. Geomorphic and morphometric indicators are suitable tools to the morphotectonic analysis for different areas. These indicators are used as the base tool to identify and recognition of tectonic deformation or estimates of the relative instability of tectonic activity in a particular region. Some of geomorphic indicators has been widely used, then the results of research projects are used to obtain comprehensive information about active tectonics. Full assessment of contemporary tectonics and tectonic activities, especially the young tectonic and its hazards need to Full understanding of geomorphologic processes speed and made for this purpose, geomorphological methods play an important role in this context.

     This research uses a descriptive-analytical approach, using library studies and aims at determininge the activity of Neotectonic in 7 Watersheds of Tehran metropolis (from west to east: Kan, Vesk, Farahzad, Darakeh, Velenjak, Darband and Darabad). In the first step, using topographic and geological maps of  under the studied area, faults, drainage networks and watersheds are identified, then to evaluation  the indicators of Mountain Front sinuosity (Smf), the main river sinuosity (S), the drainage watershed asymmetry (Af), rivers density index (D), hypsometric integral (HI), the ratio of the watershed shape (BS), the ratio of valley floor width to valley height (Vf), river longitudinal gradient index (SL) and Index active Tectonic(IAT) have been determined. Survey of these indicators by topographic and geologic maps and Google Earth images of the under studied area using software of Google Earth, Arc GIS and Global Mapper are derived and calculated. In the following, parameters and how they are calculated are given:

-Mountain Front sinuosity is the result from equation (1):

Smf = Lmf / Ls     (1)

In the equation (1), Smf is index of sinuosity Mountain Front. Lmf is the front along the foothills and mountains of the specified slope failure and Ls: straight line along the front of the mountain.

- The main river sinuosity index is as follows: S = C / V.  In this formula, S is main river sinuosity.  C: along of the river. V: valley along of the straight line.

- Rivers density index, drainage density is obtained from the formula:


Li is length in kilometers of drainage Watershed, A is area in square kilometers, μ is total drainage watershed in terms of kilometers per square kilometer.

- Hypsometric integral is an indicator which represents the distribution of surface heights variation from equation (2) is obtained:

HI= H - Hmin / H max – H min    (2)

In this equation Hi is hypsometric integral, Hmin and Hmax respectively are the minimum and maximum height and H is the height of watershed.

- The ratio of width to height of the valley floor is another geomorphologic parameters to investigate the tectonic forces in the region .This index is obtained from the equation (3):

VF =      (3)

VF, represents the relationship of the valley floor width to valley height, VFW: the valley, Eld and Erd to the height of the left and right and Esc is valley floor elevation valley.

- The ratio of the area ratio of the area and the equation (4) is obtained:

BS= Bl / BW      (4)

-BS; the shape of the watershed; Bl; length dividers watershed of water to the bottom of the watershed outlet and BW:  width of the flat portion of the watershed.

-The longitudinal gradient index (SL) for a range of drainage path is calculated and determined by the relationship: SL = (ΔH / Δ L) * L. In this regard, SL: the longitudinal gradient index, ΔH: height difference between two points measured, ΔL: during the interval and L: total length of the specified channel to assess where the index to the highest point of the canal.

The classification provided for indicators Sl, Smf, Vf, Bs, Af by Homduni et al (2008), this indicator is obtained based on the amount of 1, 2, 3 classified in three classes. Index of active tectonic (Iat) Geomorphic indicators by means of different classes Calculated based on the value of (S /n) is divided into four classes, That the division are characterized by class 1 with very high activity Neotectonic, Class 2 with high Neotectonic activity, Class 3 with medium Neotectonic activities and and Class 4 with low Neotectonic activity. In this classification of Class1 have the highest and Class 3 have the lowest Neotectonic activities (Table11).

On the basis of Iat indicator Neotectonic activities in the under studied area were assessment and results were is in table (13). Based on the data in Table (13) , watersheds of Kan and Darband hava a high Neotectonic activities and located in Class 2 and watersheds of Vesk, Frahzad, Darakeh, Velenjak and Darabad  have a medium Neotectonics activities and and located in Class 2, and Neotectonic activities are a high relative tectonic activity in all watersheds. Geomorphic indicators are reflecting activities in the metropolitan Tehran watersheds can say that tectonically active watershed has not yet reached stability and tectonic activity are relatively high. Geomorphologic indicators drainage watershed asymmetry, the main river sinuosity, the valley floor width to height ratio of density of rivers and valleys, structural geology and tectonic activity in the7watersheds of Tehran metropolis better show it.

The results show that Tehran metropolis Watersheds have a high relative tectonic activity in all watersheds, because of the proximity to the major faults (such as Mosha- Fasham and North Tehran faults) and minor faults, tectonic activity exists. Finally it can be stated that, due to the presence of multiple faults and background seismicity and tectonic activity in Tehran metropolis and its watersheds, occurrence of earthquakes in the study area is not unexpected and this issue requires serious consideration and management.

Leyla Babaee, Nahideh Parchami, Raoof Mostafazadeh,
Volume 10, Issue 1 (5-2023)

Changes in the hydrological response due to climatic parameters and human induced activities can be derived from indicators based on the analysis of flow duration curves. The purpose of this research is to determine the flood and the low flow parameters using the flow duration curves. The trend detection technique can be used as a useful tool in deterimining the temporal changes of the different hydro-meteorological parameters. The river gauge stations of the Ardabil province were used for the analysis of high and low flow occurrence in this study. The spatial variations of the flood events can be used as a preliminary guideline for the prioritization of the watershed in the vulnerability assessment and management-oriented measures. Also, the assessment of low flow condition is a useful tool in the allocation of environmental flow allocation and utilization of river surface water resources.
In this research, temporal and spatial changes of Q10, Q50, Q90, Q90/50 and Lane indices in 31 hydrometric stations of Ardabil province during the period from 1993- 2014 were evaluated. The flow duration curve of each river gauge stations was derived. The flow duration curves also were plotted based on the dimensionless flow divided by the mean discharge and the upstream area of each river gauge station. Also, the temporal variations of the of Q10, Q50, Q90, Q90/50 and Lane indices were analysed using non-parametric Man Kendall trend test. Then the significant level of upward and downward trend directions were determined. In this study, the results of 5 river gauge stations were presented as example based on the the river flow ranges, which includes low, medium and high river flow discharge (Hajahmadkandi, Nanakaran, Shamsabad, Polesoltani, and Booran).
Based on the results, the trend of Q10 (Flood flow index) was significant at the stations located on the main trunk of the Qarehsou river. Meanwhile the Q50 (average flow index) has a significant decreasing trend in most of the studied river gauge stations. In addition, Q90 and Q90/50 indices have a significant decreasing trend in most stations. In addition, Q90 and Q90/50 indices had a significant decrease at (p<0.05) regarding the Lane index as a flood related indicator in the Arbabkandi and Dostbeglo stations, which are affected by the dam construction there is a significant decreasing trend.
I summary, the values of flood flow index in the upstream rivers of the Ardabil province had a increasing trend.
Shamsollah Asgari, Kourosh Shirani,
Volume 11, Issue 2 (8-2024)

Gully erosion is one of the advanced forms of soil erosion, which needs to be analyzed and identified in order to protect the soil. In this research, according to the complex system of factors influencing the creation of ditch erosion, 23 factors were analyzed in the two famous Dempster-Schiffer models and the entropy model, and using Google Earth images and field visits, 331 ditch points were identified, recorded, and a ditch distribution map was prepared. Spatial data of gully erosion distribution were divided into two random training (70%) and experimental (30%) groups. In this research, two indicators of tolerance coefficient and variance inflation factor were used to check the collinearity test, and as a result, two indicators of waterway density and relative humidity index were removed and 21 factors were used in the modeling process. The output results of the layers, weighting and classification and integration in two Dempster-Schiffer and entropy models are the extraction of the zoning map of the gully's erodibility sensitivity. and 30% of the calibration and validation of the models, the area under the ROC system performance characteristic curve and the area under the AUC diagram of the Dempster-Schiffer model with an explanation factor of 0.934 and the maximum entropy model with an explanation factor of 0.936, both models have an acceptable percentage of the area under the curve were that this issue shows the high performance of both models in the region. Among other results of statistical analysis, the prioritization of the impact of 21 factors in causing ditch erosion in the region was determined. The scientific results of the research can be promoted and taught, and from the practical point of view, the relevant executive body to control ditch erosion can take the necessary measures using the results of this research.
Eng Pouria Ghobakhloo, Dr. Mohammad Kia Kianian Golafshani, Dr. Amin Salehpour, Dr. Shima Nikoo,
Volume 11, Issue 4 (2-2025)

Desertification is a complex issue, which is caused by both natural processes and human activities. This includes land degradation due to various factors such as wind and water erosion, destruction of vegetation and reduction of water resources. Sustainable human development depends on three key elements: people, resources and participation. The purpose of this research is to identify the criteria and indicators that affect the non-sustainable participation of rural communities in desertification plans, to prioritize these criteria and indicators based on the local residents' point of view, and to provide solutions to increase the participation of villagers. The communities in the desertification plans of this research are the villages of Ghayasabad, Shorkazi and Mohsen Abad in Garmsar city, which have existing plans for desertification. After the initial evaluation of the areas, talking with the local residents, appropriate criteria and indicators for preparing the questionnaire were determined and distributed among the people. In order to analyze the questionnaires, the Friedman test was used to prioritize the indicators. The results showed that educational criterion is the most important criterion of non-participation of people in desertification projects from the point of view of local communities (2.69 rank) and social (2.63), economic (2.35) and Planning (2/33) from the point of view of local communities were prioritized in the next stages. Also, Friedman's test showed that, from the point of view of local communities, the index of non-use of local promoter groups, with an average rank of 11.72 and 10.33, respectively, is the most important index affecting people's non-participation in desert projects. were detected.

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