Wind erosion is important in areas with less than 150 mm of rainfall Measuring the extent and severity of wind erosion in many countries, including Iran, there is no station to measure wind erosion sediments and so the deposition estimation methods rely on empirical models so that in many cases there are measurement errors. With estimates wind and water erosion and deposition potential compared using IRIFR EA and MPSIAC models in semi-arid Nematabad Bijar watershed concluded that the IRIFR model quantitatively and qualitatively accuracy and, due to a 22.6% wind erosion and 77.4 percent water erosion effective in reducing the fertility of soil (Ahmadi et al, 2006). This study estimates deposition and wind erosion potential using IRIFR method in esfarayen Miandasht region.
In this study, the data collection and basic research in the area uses of maps such as topography, geology, geomorphology, land capability, vegetation, and include information and meteorological studies, field visits, and the prevailing wind direction in the form of desert and question naires were completed and work units to people in another way - specific preparation, IRIFR experimental model of wind erosion in each of the work units were defined the land to wind erosion susceptibility map was prepared using IRIFR and deposition potential temperature using the relationship between precipitation and sediment yield were obtained. After scoring each of the factors affecting wind erosion facies geomorphology (erosion) and the sum of given annual sediment production rates, the rate of erosion severity maps were produced in ArcGIS environment. Soil erosion severity and sedimentation of the area, were obtained nine factors affecting wind erosion scores are considered in five classes.
The results showed erosion class I (very little) with an area of about 11287.21 acres more land erosion. This erosion class is includes geomorphological facies 1-1-2 (water erosion on the erosion piedmont) and 1-2-2 (water erosion on the apandajz piedmont). and class IV (erosion) with an area of 6682.45 acres, is the second largest in the area. This erosional class also includes geomorphological facies detachement region - farm lands – fine desert pavement and the stream. Among stream geomorphologic facies (5-3-2) and arable land (2.3.2) have the most the highest amounts of precipitation.
Wind erosion in the miandasht region, include 8 erosional form and severity of erosion stream facies, etachement region, farm lands and fine desert pavement have high erosion rates. Topography is flat and low-slope land in the north eastern parts of the area where directly affected by the prevailing winds, led to the destructive power of wind improve. One of the best ways to combat wind erosion in the area around the farm and out carminative Miandasht construction area of agricultural land around the study area and the direction of the prevailing winds in parts of the east, the north east is. The study area of wind erosion control perspective is a set of constraints and capabilities. Fine tissue silt abundant salts in the soil and reduces adhesion of soil particle aggregate structure fragmentation and reduce the threshold velocity of wind erosion in the region and the area are prone to erosion. Existence drought resistant species such as Haloxylon prsicum Artimisia sp. in the region can be developed that will help to control wind erosion.
Trend of increasing natural resource degradation in many parts of the world, is a serious threat to humanity. Desertification is one of the manifestations of the damage that has already suffered as a scourge of many countries, including developing countries are. At present, remote sensing is one of technologies with timeliness data and accuracy suitable for monitoring land use changes in the areas of natural resources. Desertification monitoring and tracking changes, which seeks to desertification that the change could be for any reason and also collect and analyze data from activities, projects, plans and programs that may desertification range condition assessment and reporting to provide them. The purpose of this study was to evaluate changes in land use on desertification monitoring using remote sensing techniques to the agricultural lands around zayandeh rood in the East region of Isfahan.
materials and methods
In this study, the image sensor of TM to date 1987, 1998, ETM+ to date 2002 and OLI to date 2014 related to the Landsat 5,7 and 8 to obtain the land use map used and then was performed radiometric and geometric correction.Then was used the color combination, the main component analysis, vegetation index and supervised classification method for detection of complications and the maximum likelihood algorithm as the most appropriate method for supervised classification in classes 9 of land cover. After production the land use map correctness evaluating operations with calculation error matrix and then was performed detection operations for these maps. Finally, for desertification of monitoring, land use years 27 changes around zayandeh rood using the comparison method is paid changes to identify and was obtained the area of each use.
Results and discussion
For investigate the the process of desertification, land use changes in the period of 27 years. In order to select the appropriate bands in supplying the best color composite satellite images and operations classified in order to reconstruct the images, index optimization factor was applied. The results of accuracy assessment shows that For all the images above the 80% overall accuracy and Kappa statistics indicate that almost 80 percent. Generally good agreement between the classification and classes of users on the ground there. By comparing bit images specified land use changes in the period of 27 years, riverbank has the greatest changes during this period. So during these 27 years the river high Zayandehrood degradation, which could be due to the expansion of agricultural activities in rivers. This degradation is generally represents gradual drying of the river and go surrounding cultivated by farmers. This degradation process in the margins of the river and the gradual drying of the river towards the desertification situation in the region shows.
In year 27 time period, Zayandeh Rood neighboring rivers has changed dramatically, so 86.43% of neighboring rivers was destroyed due to the expansion of agricultural activities vicinity of the river and drying river. Another significant changes, loss of agricultural land is notable such that 64% of this land has been reduced compared to 1987. Of reasons for the loss of agricultural land will be noted the region drought and Zayandeh Rood river drying up and Low rainfall, land use change and the proximity of the region desert. Also, has become about hectares 324.99 Of salt marsh lands to agricultural land. Moreover, the developed urban areas to its development contributed agricultural land and rangeland. Bayer lands around Zayandeh Rood Increase and also in region of rangeland lands Low and has increased Bayer lands and somewhat until agricultural land which inappropriate use of this land shows in order to the agricultural. That this is the desertification progress in the region. Generally desertification process in this period years 27 has been a growing trend.Therefore multi-temporal and multi-spectral satellite data for enhancement, especially for desertification monitoring was large capability and classification after comparison method is helpful for determine the type and direction of changes occurred. Since the development of desertification, limited to a small area and is not recommended range is therefore more effective, in addition to work sheets, other sheets around the area also evaluate the process of desertification is to allow for planning and management in the field of combating desertification exist.
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