۱. ۱) پژوهشکدۀ سوانح طبیعی (۱۳۹۸الف) گزارش مطالعات مطالعات پایدارسازی روستای ازارسی در برابر خطر زمین لغزش (شهرستان بابل، استان مازندران)، منتشر نشده.
۲. ۲) پژوهشکدۀ سوانح طبیعی (۱۳۹۸ب) گزارش مطالعات مطالعات پایدارسازی روستای ارکا در برابر خطر زمین لغزش (شهرستان بابل، استان مازندران)، منتشر نشده.
3. 3) Alvioli, M.; M., Melillo; F., Guzzetti; M., Rossi; E., Palazzi; J., Von Hardenberg; M.T., Brunetti and S., Peruccacci. 2018. Implications of climate change on landslide hazard in Central Italy. Science of the Total Environment, 630:1528–1543. [
4. 4) Baum, R.L.; W.Z., Savage and J.W., Godt. 2002. TRIGRS—A Fortran program for transient rainfall infiltration and grid-based regional slope stability analysis: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 02-0424.
5. 5) Baum, R.L.; W.Z., Savage and J.W., Godt. 2008. TRIGRS—A Fortran Program for Transient Rainfall Infiltration and Grid-Based Regional Slope-Stability Analysis, Version 2.0: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2008–1159.
6. 6) Baum, R.L.; J.W., Godt and W.Z., Savage. 2010. Estimating the timing and location of shallow rainfall-induced landslides using a model for transient, unsaturated infiltration, Journal of Geophysical Research, 115(3): 1-26.
7. 7) Brabb, E. and B., Harrod. 1989. Landslides: Extent and Economic Significance, A. A. Balkema Publisher, Rotterdam: 385.
8. 8) Catani, F.; S., Segoni and G., Falorni. 2010. An empirical geomorphology-based approach to the spatial prediction of soil thickness at catchment scale. Water Resources Research 46, W05508.
9. 9) Ciurleo, M.; S., Ferlisi; V., Foresta; M.C., Mandaglio and N., Moraci. 2022. Landslide Susceptibility Analysis by Applying TRIGRS to a Reliable Geotechnical Slope Model. Geosciences (Switzerland), 12(1). [
10. 10) Delmonaco, G.; G., Leoni, C., Margottini, C., Puglisi and D., Spizzichino. 2003. Large scale debris flow hazard assessment: a geotechnical approach and GIS modeling. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 3: 443–455.
11. 11) Dietrich, W.E.; R., Reiss, M.L., Hus and D.R., Montgomery. 1995. A process-based model for colluvial soil depth and shallow landsliding using digital elevation data. Hydrological Processes 9: 383–400.
12. 12) Freeze, R.A. and J.A. Cherry. 1979. Groundwater, 604 pp., Prentice‐Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ.
13. 13) Gioia, E.; S., Gabriella; M., Ferretti; F., Marincioni; J., Godt and R., Baum. 2013. Rainfall-induced shallow landslide forecasting in large areas: application of the TRIGRS model over a broad area of post-orogenic Quaternary sediments.
14. 14) Grelle, G.; M., Soriano, P., Revellino, L., Guerriero, M.G., Anderson, A., Diambra, F., Fiorillo, L., Esposito, N., Diodato and F.M., Guadagno. 2014. Space-Time Prediction of Rainfall-Induced Shallow Landslides through a Combined Probabilistic/Deterministic Approach, Optimized for Initial Water Table Conditions. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 73: 877-890.
15. 15) Iverson, R.M. 2000. Landslide triggering by rain infiltration: Water Resources Research. 36(7): 1897–1910.
16. 16) Liao, Z.; Y., Hong, D., Kirschbaum, R.F., Adler, J.J., Gourley and R., Wooten. 2011. Evaluation of TRIGRS (transient rainfall infiltration and grid-based regional slope-stability analysis)’s predictive skill for hurricane-triggered landslides: a case study in macon county, north carolina, Nat. Hazards, 58(1): 325-339.
17. 17) Liu, C.N. and C.C., Wu. 2008. Mapping susceptibility of rainfall-triggered shallow landslides using a probabilistic approach, Environ Geol, Vol. 55(4): 907-915.
18. 18) Morgenstern, N.R. 1992. The evaluation of slope stability – A 25-year perspective, in: Stability and Performance of Slopes and Embankments – II, Geotechnical Special Publication No. 31, ASCE, New York.
19. 19) Park, D.W.; N.V., Nikhil and S.R., Lee. 2013. Landslide and debris flow susceptibility zonation using TRIGRS for the 2011 Seoul landslide event, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci, Vol. 1(3):2547-258 .
20. 20) Richards, L. 1931. Capillary conduction of liquids through porous mediums, Physics, 1:318–333
21. 21) Salciarini, D.; J.W., Godt; W.Z., Savage; P., Conversini; R.L., Baum and J.A., Michael. 2006. Modeling regional initiation of rainfall-induced shallow landslides in the eastern Umbria Region of central Italy. Landslides, 3(3):181–194. [
22. 22) Saulnier, G.M.; K.J., Beven and C., Obled. 1997. Including spatially variable effective soil depths in TOPMODEL. Journal of Hydrology 202:158–172.
23. 23) Savage, W.Z.; J.W., Godt, and R.L., Baum. 2003. A model for spatially and temporally distributed shallow landslide initiation by rainfall infiltration, in Rickenmann, D., and Chen, C., eds., Debris- flow hazards mitigation—mechanics, prediction and assessment: Rotterdam, Millpress, p:179–187.
24. 24) Savage, W.Z.; J.W., Godt, and R.L., Baum. 2004. Modeling time-dependent aerial slope stability, in Lacerda, W.A., Erlich, M., Fontoura, S.A.B., and Sayao, A.S.F., eds., Landslides—Evaluation and stabilization, Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Landslides: London, A.A. Balkema Publishers, 1: 23–36.
25. 25) Schilirò, L.; C., Esposito and G., Scarascia Mugnozza. 2015. Evaluation of shallow landslide-triggering scenarios through a physically based approach: An example of application in the southern Messina area (northeastern Sicily, Italy). Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 15(9), 2091–2109.
26. 26) Schilirò, L.; J., Cepeda; G., Devoli and L., Piciullo. 2021. Regional analyses of rainfall-induced landslide initiation in upper gudbrandsdalen (South-eastern Norway) using TRIGRS model. Geosciences (Switzerland), 11(1): 1–15.
27. 27) Srivastava, R. and T.C.J., Yeh. 1991. Analytical solutions for one-dimensional, transient infiltration toward the water table in homogeneous and layered soils: Water Resources Research، 27: 753–762.
28. 28) Tarboton, D.G. 1997. A new method for the determination of flow directions and contributing areas in grid digital elevation models: Water Resources Research, v. 33(2): 309–319.
29. 29) Vieira, B.C.; N.F., Fernandes; O., Augusto Filho; T.D., Martins and D.R., Montgomery. 2018. Assessing shallow landslide hazards using the TRIGRS and SHALSTAB models, Serra do Mar, Brazil. Environmental Earth Sciences, 77(6). [
30. 30) Viet, T.T.; G., Lee, T.M., Thu and H.U., An. 2017. Effect of Digital Elevation Model Resolution on Shallow Landslide Modeling Using TRIGRS, Natural Hazards Review, V. 18 (2) - May 2017
۳۱. ۱) پژوهشکدۀ سوانح طبیعی (۱۳۹۸الف) گزارش مطالعات مطالعات پایدارسازی روستای ازارسی در برابر خطر زمین لغزش (شهرستان بابل، استان مازندران)، منتشر نشده.
۳۲. ۲) پژوهشکدۀ سوانح طبیعی (۱۳۹۸ب) گزارش مطالعات مطالعات پایدارسازی روستای ارکا در برابر خطر زمین لغزش (شهرستان بابل، استان مازندران)، منتشر نشده.
33. 3) Alvioli, M.; M., Melillo; F., Guzzetti; M., Rossi; E., Palazzi; J., Von Hardenberg; M.T., Brunetti and S., Peruccacci. 2018. Implications of climate change on landslide hazard in Central Italy. Science of the Total Environment, 630:1528–1543. [
34. 4) Baum, R.L.; W.Z., Savage and J.W., Godt. 2002. TRIGRS—A Fortran program for transient rainfall infiltration and grid-based regional slope stability analysis: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 02-0424.
35. 5) Baum, R.L.; W.Z., Savage and J.W., Godt. 2008. TRIGRS—A Fortran Program for Transient Rainfall Infiltration and Grid-Based Regional Slope-Stability Analysis, Version 2.0: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2008–1159.
36. 6) Baum, R.L.; J.W., Godt and W.Z., Savage. 2010. Estimating the timing and location of shallow rainfall-induced landslides using a model for transient, unsaturated infiltration, Journal of Geophysical Research, 115(3): 1-26.
37. 7) Brabb, E. and B., Harrod. 1989. Landslides: Extent and Economic Significance, A. A. Balkema Publisher, Rotterdam: 385.
38. 8) Catani, F.; S., Segoni and G., Falorni. 2010. An empirical geomorphology-based approach to the spatial prediction of soil thickness at catchment scale. Water Resources Research 46, W05508.
39. 9) Ciurleo, M.; S., Ferlisi; V., Foresta; M.C., Mandaglio and N., Moraci. 2022. Landslide Susceptibility Analysis by Applying TRIGRS to a Reliable Geotechnical Slope Model. Geosciences (Switzerland), 12(1). [
40. 10) Delmonaco, G.; G., Leoni, C., Margottini, C., Puglisi and D., Spizzichino. 2003. Large scale debris flow hazard assessment: a geotechnical approach and GIS modeling. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 3: 443–455.
41. 11) Dietrich, W.E.; R., Reiss, M.L., Hus and D.R., Montgomery. 1995. A process-based model for colluvial soil depth and shallow landsliding using digital elevation data. Hydrological Processes 9: 383–400.
42. 12) Freeze, R.A. and J.A. Cherry. 1979. Groundwater, 604 pp., Prentice‐Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ.
43. 13) Gioia, E.; S., Gabriella; M., Ferretti; F., Marincioni; J., Godt and R., Baum. 2013. Rainfall-induced shallow landslide forecasting in large areas: application of the TRIGRS model over a broad area of post-orogenic Quaternary sediments.
44. 14) Grelle, G.; M., Soriano, P., Revellino, L., Guerriero, M.G., Anderson, A., Diambra, F., Fiorillo, L., Esposito, N., Diodato and F.M., Guadagno. 2014. Space-Time Prediction of Rainfall-Induced Shallow Landslides through a Combined Probabilistic/Deterministic Approach, Optimized for Initial Water Table Conditions. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 73: 877-890.
45. 15) Iverson, R.M. 2000. Landslide triggering by rain infiltration: Water Resources Research. 36(7): 1897–1910.
46. 16) Liao, Z.; Y., Hong, D., Kirschbaum, R.F., Adler, J.J., Gourley and R., Wooten. 2011. Evaluation of TRIGRS (transient rainfall infiltration and grid-based regional slope-stability analysis)’s predictive skill for hurricane-triggered landslides: a case study in macon county, north carolina, Nat. Hazards, 58(1): 325-339.
47. 17) Liu, C.N. and C.C., Wu. 2008. Mapping susceptibility of rainfall-triggered shallow landslides using a probabilistic approach, Environ Geol, Vol. 55(4): 907-915.
48. 18) Morgenstern, N.R. 1992. The evaluation of slope stability – A 25-year perspective, in: Stability and Performance of Slopes and Embankments – II, Geotechnical Special Publication No. 31, ASCE, New York.
49. 19) Park, D.W.; N.V., Nikhil and S.R., Lee. 2013. Landslide and debris flow susceptibility zonation using TRIGRS for the 2011 Seoul landslide event, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci, Vol. 1(3):2547-258 .
50. 20) Richards, L. 1931. Capillary conduction of liquids through porous mediums, Physics, 1:318–333
51. 21) Salciarini, D.; J.W., Godt; W.Z., Savage; P., Conversini; R.L., Baum and J.A., Michael. 2006. Modeling regional initiation of rainfall-induced shallow landslides in the eastern Umbria Region of central Italy. Landslides, 3(3):181–194. [
52. 22) Saulnier, G.M.; K.J., Beven and C., Obled. 1997. Including spatially variable effective soil depths in TOPMODEL. Journal of Hydrology 202:158–172.
53. 23) Savage, W.Z.; J.W., Godt, and R.L., Baum. 2003. A model for spatially and temporally distributed shallow landslide initiation by rainfall infiltration, in Rickenmann, D., and Chen, C., eds., Debris- flow hazards mitigation—mechanics, prediction and assessment: Rotterdam, Millpress, p:179–187.
54. 24) Savage, W.Z.; J.W., Godt, and R.L., Baum. 2004. Modeling time-dependent aerial slope stability, in Lacerda, W.A., Erlich, M., Fontoura, S.A.B., and Sayao, A.S.F., eds., Landslides—Evaluation and stabilization, Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Landslides: London, A.A. Balkema Publishers, 1: 23–36.
55. 25) Schilirò, L.; C., Esposito and G., Scarascia Mugnozza. 2015. Evaluation of shallow landslide-triggering scenarios through a physically based approach: An example of application in the southern Messina area (northeastern Sicily, Italy). Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 15(9), 2091–2109.
56. 26) Schilirò, L.; J., Cepeda; G., Devoli and L., Piciullo. 2021. Regional analyses of rainfall-induced landslide initiation in upper gudbrandsdalen (South-eastern Norway) using TRIGRS model. Geosciences (Switzerland), 11(1): 1–15.
57. 27) Srivastava, R. and T.C.J., Yeh. 1991. Analytical solutions for one-dimensional, transient infiltration toward the water table in homogeneous and layered soils: Water Resources Research، 27: 753–762.
58. 28) Tarboton, D.G. 1997. A new method for the determination of flow directions and contributing areas in grid digital elevation models: Water Resources Research, v. 33(2): 309–319.
59. 29) Vieira, B.C.; N.F., Fernandes; O., Augusto Filho; T.D., Martins and D.R., Montgomery. 2018. Assessing shallow landslide hazards using the TRIGRS and SHALSTAB models, Serra do Mar, Brazil. Environmental Earth Sciences, 77(6). [
60. 30) Viet, T.T.; G., Lee, T.M., Thu and H.U., An. 2017. Effect of Digital Elevation Model Resolution on Shallow Landslide Modeling Using TRIGRS, Natural Hazards Review, V. 18 (2) - May 2017