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zangiabadi A, Karimi Ghotbabadi F. Measuring the economic resilience of new urban Habitations against Risk of earthquakes using EDAS Method (Case Study: Isfahan Metropolitan). Journal of Spatial Analysis Environmental Hazards 2023; 10 (4) :41-58
URL: http://jsaeh.khu.ac.ir/article-1-3378-fa.html
زنگی آبادی علی، کریمی قطب آبادی فضل اله. سنجش تاب‌آوری اقتصادی سکونتگاه‌های شهری جدید در برابر خطر زلزله با استفاده از Edas Method (مطالعه موردی: منطقه شهری اصفهان). تحلیل فضایی مخاطرات محیطی. 1402; 10 (4) :41-58

URL: http://jsaeh.khu.ac.ir/article-1-3378-fa.html

1- دانشگاه اصفهان ، a.zangiabadi@geo.ui.ac.ir
2- دانشگاه اصفهان
چکیده:   (1575 مشاهده)
تاب‌آوری اقتصادی در برابر سوانح طبیعی که درواقع نحوه تأثیرگذاری ظرفیت‌های اقتصادی در برابر سوانح  می‌باشد، ازجمله مسایلی است که باید در هر جامعه به آن توجه شود. شایان‌ذکر است که نوع نگرش به مقوله تاب‌آوری اقتصادی و نحوه تحلیل آن ازیک‌طرف، در چگونگی شناخت تاب‌آوری وضع موجود و علل آن نقش کلیدی دارد و از طرف دیگر سیاست‌ها و اقدامات کاهش خطر و نحوۀ رویارویی با آن را نیز تحت تأثیر قرار می‌دهد. هدف از انجام این پژوهش، رتبه ‌بندی تاب آوری اقتصادی سکونتگاه‌های شهری جدید منطقه شهری اصفهان در برابر خطر زلزله است. با توجه به مؤلفه‌های مورد بررسی و ماهیت موضوع، رویکرد حاکم بر این پژوهش، « توصیفی- تحلیلی» است. جامعه آماری این پژوهش شامل 6 سکونتگاه شهری جدید شاهین‌شهر، مجلسی، سپاهان شهر، فولادشهر، بهارستان و شهید کشوری می‌باشند. این تحقیق ازنظر هدف، کاربردی بوده و در بخش ادبیات تحقیق برای جمع‌آوری اطلاعات از روش کتابخانه‌ای اقدام شده است. با توجه به نتایج حاصل از ASI در این پژوهش، سکونتگاه‌های جدید بهارستان، مجلسی، شهیدکشوری، فولادشهر، سپاهان شهر و شاهین شهر به ترتیب رتبه‌های اول تا ششم را از نظر تاب آوری اقتصادی در برابر خطر زلزله را دارا می‌باشند. بنابراین برای کاهش تأثیرات نامطلوب خطر زلزله، باید به ظرفیت‌های اقتصادی سکونتگاه‌های مورد مطالعه و کاهش عوامل خطرزای اقتصادی در هر جامعه، توجه نمود تا از این طریق ازخسارت‌های مالی که براثر این حوادث احتمالی به وجود می‌آید، جلوگیری نمود.  
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نوع مطالعه: كاربردي | موضوع مقاله: تخصصي
دریافت: 1402/2/27 | پذیرش: 1402/8/18 | انتشار: 1403/2/9

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27. Marius, K. Venkatasubramanian. G. (2017). Exploring Urban Economic Resilience: The Case of a Leather Industrial Cluster in Tamil Nadu. USR 3330 “Savoirs et Mondes Indiens” Working Papers Series - 9; SUBURBIN Papers Series - 3. 29 pages.
28. Mitchell, J. K, 2014, Crucibles of Hazard: Mega – Cities and Disasters in Transition, University Press, Tokyo.
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30. O’Brien. K. Sygna, L. Haugen, J. E (2004). Vulnerable or Resilience? A multi –Scale Assessment of Climate Impacts and Vulnerability in Norway. Climate Change. 64 (1-2). 193-225
31. Rao, F; summers, R. J; (2016). Planning for retail resilience: Comparing Edmonton and Portland. Cities, Vol 58. PP. 97-106
32. Rose, A, (2004), Defining and measuring economic resilience to disasters Pisaster prevention and Management, Vol. 13. 307-314
33. Rus, K. Kilar, V. Koren, D. (2018). Resilience assessment of complex urban systems to natural disasters: A new literature review. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction. 31: 311–33
34. Rusczyk H, A. (2017). The everyday and events: Understanding risk perceptions and resilience in urban Nepal, Durham theses, Durham University.
35. Spaans, M. & Waterhout, B. 2017. Building Up resilience in Cities Worldwide Rotterdam as Participant in the 100 resilient Cities, 61. 109-116
36. Sundstrom, S. M. Angeler, D. G. Barichievy, C. Eason, T. Garmestani, A. Gunderson, L. Knutson, M. Nash, K. L. Spanbauer, T. Stow, C. Allen, C. R. (2018). The distribution and role of functional abundance in Wu, Jianguo. Ecological Resilience as a Foundation for Urban Design and Sustainability, sustainability, 99: 2421–2432
37. Thi, T. Shaw R. (2016). School-based disaster risk reduction education in primary schools in Da Nang city, Central Vietnam. Environ Hazards. 15: 356–73
38. Turner II, BL. 2010. Vulnerability and Resilience: Coalescing or Paralleling for Approaches Sustainability Science? Global Environmental Change, Article in Press, 20(4). 570-576
39. Xie, W. Rose, A. Li, S. He, J. Li, N & Ali, T. (2018). Dynamic Economic Resilience and Economic Recovery from Disasters: A Quantitative Assessment. Risk Analysis. No. 6. PP. 1306-1318
40. Yumnrni. T. (2018). Ten years later: economic resilience of small scale enterprise following earthquake in Bantul Yogyakarta. Procedia Engineering. Vol. 2012. PP. 309-315
41. Zhou, K. Liu, B & Fan, J. (2020). Post-earthquake economic resilience and recovery efficiency in the border areas of the Tibetan Plateau: A case study of areas affected by the Wenchuan Ms 8. 0 Earthquake in Sichuan, China in 2008. Geographical Sciences. No. 8. PP. 1363-1381
42. Bastamnia, A. Rezaie, MR. Tazesh, Y. Dastoorpoor, M. (2016). Evaluation of Urban Resilience to Earthquake a Case Study: Dehdasht City. International Journal of Ecology & Development. 31: 46-56
43. Batabyal, A. A. (1998). The Concept of Resilience: retrospect and Prospect. Environment and development Economics. 3: 221-262
44. Bundschuh, M. Schulz, R. Schafer, B. Allen, CR. Angeler, D. G. (2017). Resilience in ecotoxicology towards a multiple equilibrium context. Environ Toxicol Chemistry, 36: 2574–2580
45. Christophersona, S., Michieb, J and Tylerc, Peter. (2010). Cambridge Journal of Regons, Economy and Society, Regional resilience: theoretical and empirical Perspectives.
46. Cortinovis, C. Geneletti, D. (2019). A framework to explore the effects of urban planning decisions on regulating ecosystem services in cities. Ecosystem Services, 38: 1-13
47. Cutter. S. L, Ash. K. D. Christopher T. Emrich. (2016). Urban–Rural Differences in Disaster Resilience, Annals of the American Association of Geographers, 106: 1236- 1252.
48. Delavar, m, R., Sadrykia, M., & Zare, M., (2017). A GIS-Based Fuzzy Decision Making Model for Seismic Vulnerability Assessment in Areas with Incomplete Data. International Journal of Geo-Information., 6(119). 1-16
49. Febriyanti, F. Martini, S. Hidajah, Ac. (2021). A study on Community Economic Resilience in Response to Earthquakes in JAILOLO Sub – District, North Maluku, EPIDEMIOL. No. 2. PP. 04-114
50. Fischer, S. Riedel, W. Haring. I (2018). Morphology Dependent Assessment of Resilience for Urban Areas. Sustainability, 10(1800). PP. 1-14
51. Grazino, P. Rizzi, P. (2016). Vulnerability and resilience in the local systems the case of Italian provinces. Since of the total environment, 553: 211-222
52. Imperiale, A. J. Vanclay, F. (2016). Experiencing local community resilience in action: Learning from post-disaster communities. J. Rural Stud. 47, 204–219
53. Keshavarz Ghorabaee, M. Kazimieras Zavadskas, E., Olfat, L & Turskis, Z (2015). Multi – Criteria Inventory Classification Using a New Method of Evaluation Based on Distance from Average Solution (EDAS). INFORMATICA, 26(3). PP. 435-451
54. Lechner. S, Jaco metti, J NC Bean, G & Mitchison. N (2016) Resilience in complex World-Avoiding cross-sector collapse. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, No. 19, PP. 84-91
55. Lin, S., Wu, R., Yang, F., Wang, J., Wu, W. (2018). Spatial trade-offs and synergies among ecosystem services within a global biodiversity hotspot. Ecol. Indic., 84, PP. 371–381
56. Marius, K. Venkatasubramanian. G. (2017). Exploring Urban Economic Resilience: The Case of a Leather Industrial Cluster in Tamil Nadu. USR 3330 “Savoirs et Mondes Indiens” Working Papers Series - 9; SUBURBIN Papers Series - 3. 29 pages.
57. Mitchell, J. K, 2014, Crucibles of Hazard: Mega – Cities and Disasters in Transition, University Press, Tokyo.
58. Nasreen, M; (2004). Disaster Research; Exploring Sociological Approach to Disaster in Bangladesh, Journal of Sociology, Vol 1. PP. 1-8
59. O’Brien. K. Sygna, L. Haugen, J. E (2004). Vulnerable or Resilience? A multi –Scale Assessment of Climate Impacts and Vulnerability in Norway. Climate Change. 64 (1-2). 193-225
60. Rao, F; summers, R. J; (2016). Planning for retail resilience: Comparing Edmonton and Portland. Cities, Vol 58. PP. 97-106
61. Rose, A, (2004), Defining and measuring economic resilience to disasters Pisaster prevention and Management, Vol. 13. 307-314
62. Rus, K. Kilar, V. Koren, D. (2018). Resilience assessment of complex urban systems to natural disasters: A new literature review. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction. 31: 311–33
63. Rusczyk H, A. (2017). The everyday and events: Understanding risk perceptions and resilience in urban Nepal, Durham theses, Durham University.
64. Spaans, M. & Waterhout, B. 2017. Building Up resilience in Cities Worldwide Rotterdam as Participant in the 100 resilient Cities, 61. 109-116
65. Sundstrom, S. M. Angeler, D. G. Barichievy, C. Eason, T. Garmestani, A. Gunderson, L. Knutson, M. Nash, K. L. Spanbauer, T. Stow, C. Allen, C. R. (2018). The distribution and role of functional abundance in Wu, Jianguo. Ecological Resilience as a Foundation for Urban Design and Sustainability, sustainability, 99: 2421–2432
66. Thi, T. Shaw R. (2016). School-based disaster risk reduction education in primary schools in Da Nang city, Central Vietnam. Environ Hazards. 15: 356–73
67. Turner II, BL. 2010. Vulnerability and Resilience: Coalescing or Paralleling for Approaches Sustainability Science? Global Environmental Change, Article in Press, 20(4). 570-576
68. Xie, W. Rose, A. Li, S. He, J. Li, N & Ali, T. (2018). Dynamic Economic Resilience and Economic Recovery from Disasters: A Quantitative Assessment. Risk Analysis. No. 6. PP. 1306-1318
69. Yumnrni. T. (2018). Ten years later: economic resilience of small scale enterprise following earthquake in Bantul Yogyakarta. Procedia Engineering. Vol. 2012. PP. 309-315
70. Zhou, K. Liu, B & Fan, J. (2020). Post-earthquake economic resilience and recovery efficiency in the border areas of the Tibetan Plateau: A case study of areas affected by the Wenchuan Ms 8. 0 Earthquake in Sichuan, China in 2008. Geographical Sciences. No. 8. PP. 1363-1381

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