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Garakani S A, Falahati F. Identifying and prioritizing the villages at risk of natural disasters in the country with the aim of providing safety plans and realizing clause 8 of article 27 of the 6th Development Plan of I.R. Journal of Spatial Analysis Environmental Hazards 2023; 10 (1) :91-108
URL: http://jsaeh.khu.ac.ir/article-1-3364-en.html
1- Natural Disaster Research Institute (NDRI)
2- Natural Disaster Research Institute (NDRI) , falahati_fp@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (3144 Views)
Many villages in the country are faced with a series of dangerous factors and elements due to their location and settlement method, the most important of which are natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods, landslides, subsidence, rockfalls, avalanches and snadstorms. A set of biological, environmental, social, economic, and physical factors and processes can also increase the level of risk and vulnerability of villages.. Therefore, it is necessary to take steps to reduce the effects and consequences of accidents by using scientific methods of crisis management based on risk management. Experience shows that the huge costs of reconstruction after disasters can be reduced with prevention, prediction and preparation and according to the sixth development plan, 30% of villages and 20% of the border villages must be secured. The current plan is carried out referring to the sixth development program (clause 8th of article 27th) with the aim of securing villages exposed to the risk of natural disasters in order to identify the villages with the characteristic of being exposed to natural hazards, prioritizing and presenting suggestions regarding how to reduce the risk at the villages are exposed the risk of natural disasters in cooperation with the Islamic Revolution Housing Foundation and the National Disater Management Organization. The priority natural disasters in this plan are: floods, subsidence and sinkholes, earthquakes, sandstorm and slope movements (including landslides, rockfalls, creeping and mudflows) in rural areas. At first, a list of villages at risk of natural disasters was prepared and reviewed through inquiries from provincial disaster management and housing foundations. This project was based on appropriate models and methods and with using of disaster risk zoning maps, screening and selecting the list of villages that are more at risk than others  and by combining risk assessment indicators and criteria with environmental, physical, demographic indicators and risk incident records, the villages with the first priority of risk are extracted separately for each province, and then the results of this stage were checked for accuracy in a collaborative process with related organizations at each province and the project entered the phase of field collection and providing implementation solutions. In this plan, out of 48,857 villages with more than 20 households across the country, about 9,000 villages are at risk with high risk categorized in 5 classes and 1,418 villages across 31 provinces with the first priority visited after verification, in order to local check and providing solutions for risk reduction. These villages were visited by experts from different fields and detailed risk assessment was done. In order to obtain the same and comprehensive information by the referring experts for the field visiting, field evaluation forms were designed with a multi-risk management approach.
 The results of the field visits and the proposed solutions were prepared separately for each village according to the environmental characteristics with the aim of reducing the risk and securing and presented to the Islamic Revolution Housing Foundation, the Disaster Management Organization and the Program and Budget Organization. Also, by designing and establishing a spatial information system for monitoring and evaluating rural settlements at risk, on the web-GIS platform (WEB GIS) at the same time as visiting the mentioned villages, the information collected according to the field collection forms was loaded into the system and according to the characteristics This system, such as designing in the Oracle environment, defining the access level for different stakeholders from national to local levels, the possibility of updating information, having different modules, reporting, spatial analysis of risks and producing thematic and combined maps, it is possible to use this system as a decision support system in all stages of crisis management, before, during and after the disaster, at the country level. Increasing and completing the required information in analyzes related to risk assessments, simultaneously with entering the information collected during field visits, as well as updating the information, will lead to an increase the empowerment of the society regarding the risk management of natural disasters and an increase Speed and accuracy in the analysis of the effects, management decisions and as a result reduce the costs of reconstruction and rehabilitation. It is worth mentioning that in order to create the ability to register information collected online, the mobile application system of rural settlements at risk was also designed and operated.

Key words: villages at risk of natural disasters, immunization,identification, prioritization, webGIS

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2023/02/5 | Accepted: 2023/06/20 | Published: 2023/10/4

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11. Altaany, F. H. 2013. Impact of management information systems to improve performance in municipalities in north of Jordan. Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business, 5: 429-446.
12. Ghafory, M. 2005. Earthquake Risk Management Strategies: Iranian Experience. UNESCO and International Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Seismology (IIEES), Tehran.
13. Yodmani, S. 2000. Disaster Risk Management and Vulnerability Reduction: Protecting the Poor. Paper Presented at The Asia and Pacific Forum on Poverty Organized by Asian Development Bank.
14. Hansson, K.; M. Danielson and L. Ekenberg. 2008. Assessment of a Flood Management Formwork. International Journal of public Information Systems, 1: 25-37.
15. Jigyasu, R. 2002. Reducing Disaster vulnerability through local knowledge and capacity the Case of Earthquake Prone Rural Communities in India and Nepal. Department of Town and Regional Planning, Trondheim.
16. Environmental Resources Management (ERM). 2001. Natural Disaster and Disaster Risk Reduction Measures: A Desk Review of Costs and Benefits. United Kingdom. Government, United Kingdom.
17. Altaany, F. H. 2013. Impact of management information systems to improve performance in municipalities in north of Jordan. Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business, 5: 429-446.
18. Azmi, Aizeh; Farzad Mirzaei Qala and Saba Darvishi. 2014. The place of local knowledge in the management of natural hazards in villages - case study: Shizer village - Hersin city. Geography and Environmental Hazards, 13: 23-39.
19. Draback, Thomas, and Gerald J. Huatmer. 2013. Crisis management, principles and practical guide for local governments, Reza Pourkhordmand. First Edition. Tehran Study and Planning Center, Tehran.
20. Environmental Resources Management (ERM). 2001. Natural Disaster and Disaster Risk Reduction Measures: A Desk Review of Costs and Benefits. United Kingdom. Government, United Kingdom.
21. Falahati, Fatemeh; Ali Akbar Sarmadi and Nabi Elah Soltani. 2019. The role and process of implementing web-based spatial information database in crisis management. 7th International Conference on Environmental Engineering and Natural Resources, Tehran.
22. Farahani, Hossein; Jamshid Ainali and Hamid Ghasemi Viri. 2014. The role of capacity development in the management of earthquake risk reduction in rural areas - case study: Abhar city, Sanbal Abad district. Rural Housing and Environment Quarterly, 33: 74-63.
23. Ghafory, M. 2005. Earthquake Risk Management Strategies: Iranian Experience. UNESCO and International Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Seismology (IIEES), Tehran.
24. Hayat Ghaibi, Zahrasadat and Rama Kalambardzfouli. 1400. Locating temporary accommodation centers after the disaster by using the hierarchical analysis process - case study: District 2 of Tehran. Knowledge of crisis prevention and management, 11:413-401.
25. Hansson, K.; M. Danielson and L. Ekenberg. 2008. Assessment of a Flood Management Formwork. International Journal of public Information Systems, 1: 25-37.
26. Jigyasu, R. 2002. Reducing Disaster vulnerability through local knowledge and capacity the Case of Earthquake Prone Rural Communities in India and Nepal. Department of Town and Regional Planning, Trondheim.
27. National Land Use Regulations. 2013. Islamic Council Research Center. Tehran.
28. Portahari, Mehdi; Hamdallah Sejasi Khedari and Tahereh Sadeghlou. 2018. Comparative evaluation of natural hazard rating methods in rural areas - case study: Zanjan province. Rural Research, 3: 32-35.
29. Qudsipour, Hossein. 2014. AHP Hierarchical Analysis Process, first edition. Publication Center of Amir Kabir University of Technology, Tehran.
30. Rajaei, Abdul Hamid. 2012. Application of natural geography in urban and rural planning. First Edition. Samet Publications, Tehran.
31. Taslimi, Abbas Ali. 2018. A reflection on the necessity of crisis management and earthquake risk reduction management. Scientific Quarterly of Crisis Management Knowledge, 1: 15-38.
32. Yodmani, S. 2000. Disaster Risk Management and Vulnerability Reduction: Protecting the Poor. Paper Presented at The Asia and Pacific Forum on Poverty Organized by Asian Development Bank.
33. پورطاهری، مهدی؛ حمدالله سجاسی قیداری و طاهره صادقلو. 1390. ارزیابی تطبیقی روش های رتبه بندی مخاطرات طبیعی در مناطق روستایی- مطالعه موردی: استان زنجان. پژوهش های روستایی، 3: 32-35.
34. تسلیمی، عباسعلی. 1390. تأملی بر ضرورت‌های مدیریت بحران و مدیریت کاهش خطرپذیری زلزله. فصلنامه‌ی علمی- تخصصی دانش مدیریت بحران، 1: 15-38.
35. حیات غیبی، زهراسادات و راما قلمبردزفولی. 1400. مکان‌یابی مراکز اسکان موقت پس از سانحه با بکارگیری فرآیند تحلیل سلسله مراتبی- مطالعه موردی: منطقه ۲ شهر تهران. دانش پیشگیری و مدیریت بحران، 11 :۴۱۳-۴۰۱.
36. درابک، توماس و جرالد جی هواتمر. 1383. مدیریت بحران، اصول و راهنمای عملی برای دولت‌های محلی، رضا پورخردمند. چاپ اول. مرکز مطالعات و برنامه‌ریزی شهر تهران، تهران.
37. ضوابط ملی آمایش. 1383. مرکز پژوهش‌های مجلس شورای اسلامی. تهران.
38. رجائی، عبدالحمید. 1382. کاربرد جغرافیای طبیعی دربرنامه‌ریزی شهری و روستایی. چاپ اول. انتشارات سمت، تهران.
39. عزمی، آئیژ ؛ فرزاد میرزایی قلعه و سباء درویشی. 1394. جایگاه دانش بومی در مدیریت مخاطرات طبیعی در روستاها- مطالعه موردی: دهستان شیزر- شهرستان هرسین. جغرافیا و مخاطرات محیطی، 13: 23-39.
40. فراهانی، حسین؛ جمشید عینالی و حمید قاسمی ویری. 1393. نقش توسعه ظرفیتی در مدیریت کاهش خطر زلزله در مناطق روستایی- مطالعه موردی: شهرستان ابهر، دهستان سنبل آباد. فصلنامه مسکن و محیط روستا، 33: 74-63.
41. فلاحتی، فاطمه؛ علی اکبر سرمدی و نبی اله سلطانی. 1399. نقش و روند پیاده‌سازی پایگاه اطلاعات مکانی تحت وب در مدیریت بحران. هفتمین کنفرانس بین‌المللی مهندسی محیط زیست و منابع طبیعی، تهران.
42. قدسی‌پور، حسین. 1384. فرایند تحلیل سلسله مراتبی AHP ، چاپ اول. مرکز نشر دانشگاه صنعتی امیرکبیر، تهران.
43. Altaany, F. H. 2013. Impact of management information systems to improve performance in municipalities in north of Jordan. Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business, 5: 429-446.
44. Ghafory, M. 2005. Earthquake Risk Management Strategies: Iranian Experience. UNESCO and International Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Seismology (IIEES), Tehran.
45. Yodmani, S. 2000. Disaster Risk Management and Vulnerability Reduction: Protecting the Poor. Paper Presented at The Asia and Pacific Forum on Poverty Organized by Asian Development Bank.
46. Hansson, K.; M. Danielson and L. Ekenberg. 2008. Assessment of a Flood Management Formwork. International Journal of public Information Systems, 1: 25-37.
47. Jigyasu, R. 2002. Reducing Disaster vulnerability through local knowledge and capacity the Case of Earthquake Prone Rural Communities in India and Nepal. Department of Town and Regional Planning, Trondheim.
48. Environmental Resources Management (ERM). 2001. Natural Disaster and Disaster Risk Reduction Measures: A Desk Review of Costs and Benefits. United Kingdom. Government, United Kingdom.
49. Altaany, F. H. 2013. Impact of management information systems to improve performance in municipalities in north of Jordan. Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business, 5: 429-446.
50. Azmi, Aizeh; Farzad Mirzaei Qala and Saba Darvishi. 2014. The place of local knowledge in the management of natural hazards in villages - case study: Shizer village - Hersin city. Geography and Environmental Hazards, 13: 23-39.
51. Draback, Thomas, and Gerald J. Huatmer. 2013. Crisis management, principles and practical guide for local governments, Reza Pourkhordmand. First Edition. Tehran Study and Planning Center, Tehran.
52. Environmental Resources Management (ERM). 2001. Natural Disaster and Disaster Risk Reduction Measures: A Desk Review of Costs and Benefits. United Kingdom. Government, United Kingdom.
53. Falahati, Fatemeh; Ali Akbar Sarmadi and Nabi Elah Soltani. 2019. The role and process of implementing web-based spatial information database in crisis management. 7th International Conference on Environmental Engineering and Natural Resources, Tehran.
54. Farahani, Hossein; Jamshid Ainali and Hamid Ghasemi Viri. 2014. The role of capacity development in the management of earthquake risk reduction in rural areas - case study: Abhar city, Sanbal Abad district. Rural Housing and Environment Quarterly, 33: 74-63.
55. Ghafory, M. 2005. Earthquake Risk Management Strategies: Iranian Experience. UNESCO and International Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Seismology (IIEES), Tehran.
56. Hayat Ghaibi, Zahrasadat and Rama Kalambardzfouli. 1400. Locating temporary accommodation centers after the disaster by using the hierarchical analysis process - case study: District 2 of Tehran. Knowledge of crisis prevention and management, 11:413-401.
57. Hansson, K.; M. Danielson and L. Ekenberg. 2008. Assessment of a Flood Management Formwork. International Journal of public Information Systems, 1: 25-37.
58. Jigyasu, R. 2002. Reducing Disaster vulnerability through local knowledge and capacity the Case of Earthquake Prone Rural Communities in India and Nepal. Department of Town and Regional Planning, Trondheim.
59. National Land Use Regulations. 2013. Islamic Council Research Center. Tehran.
60. Portahari, Mehdi; Hamdallah Sejasi Khedari and Tahereh Sadeghlou. 2018. Comparative evaluation of natural hazard rating methods in rural areas - case study: Zanjan province. Rural Research, 3: 32-35.
61. Qudsipour, Hossein. 2014. AHP Hierarchical Analysis Process, first edition. Publication Center of Amir Kabir University of Technology, Tehran.
62. Rajaei, Abdul Hamid. 2012. Application of natural geography in urban and rural planning. First Edition. Samet Publications, Tehran.
63. Taslimi, Abbas Ali. 2018. A reflection on the necessity of crisis management and earthquake risk reduction management. Scientific Quarterly of Crisis Management Knowledge, 1: 15-38.
64. Yodmani, S. 2000. Disaster Risk Management and Vulnerability Reduction: Protecting the Poor. Paper Presented at The Asia and Pacific Forum on Poverty Organized by Asian Development Bank.

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