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koohestani S, Sayyafzadeh B, sarvghad moghadam A, sharifi M. A qualitative investigation of the effect of natural hazards on industrial plants (with emphasis on oil and gas industries) and Iran's position in this field. Journal of Spatial Analysis Environmental Hazards 2023; 10 (4) :183-208
URL: http://jsaeh.khu.ac.ir/article-1-3362-en.html
1- Department of Civil engineering, Engineering faculty, university of Qom, Qom, Iran
2- International Research Institute of Seismology and Earthquake Engineering, Tehran.
3- Department of Civil engineering, Engineering faculty, university of Qom, Qom, Iran , m.sharifi@qom.ac.ir
Abstract:   (1562 Views)
By increasing the number of process industrial plants because of societies necessity to their productions, a new branch of accidents caused by various occurred process failures and their effect on the societies and environment and economy has been introduced. Beside it, the increase of the accidents because of natural hazards effect on the industrial plants and their huge costs to the societies and governments and high vulnerability of plants and urbanized territory to the branch of the accidents, increased the attention to this type of accidents. However, in many parts of the world still do not pay attention seriously to this issue and by considering them as very low probability accidents, eliminate paying attention and accepting the responsibility of them while the frequency of such accidents is under growing! In this article according to the existing statistics, an evaluation and comparison of consequences of natural hazards that caused NaTech events has been done. The purpose of the NaTech events is process events that triggered because of natural hazards that are known as events with low probability and high consequences that can affect a wide area and cause huge accidents associated with domino effects. After introducing and categorizing NaTech events, a comparison of their distribution and consequences of these events in Iran and the world has been done according existing articles and researches. Researches shows opposite of the natural hazards and their effects on some structures and infrastructures, Natech events has not been paid under attention enough in Iran. While the variety of industrial plants and their structures in Iran is high, their existing condition and repairing and maintenance of them is not proper and according collected statistics in this article, the potential of NaTech events is also high in country. In the first step, to increase the preparedness for NaTech events, review of effective world experiences in this field is recommended. Recognition of past events and categorizing them and codification of data that should be included in safety reports and scenarios evaluation and considering the domino effects and review the recommendations in this field are parts of this step.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: General
Received: 2023/01/27 | Accepted: 2023/12/5 | Published: 2024/05/12

1. “51 important incidents in the oil industry in recent years.” (n.d.). the world of economy, .
2. Ahmadi, B., Rahimi Foroushani, A., Tanha, N., Bolban Abad, A. M., and Asadi, H. (2016). “Study of Functional Vulnerability Status of Tehran Hospitals in Dealing With Natural Disasters.” Electronic physician, 8(11), 3198–3204.
3. Alcántara-Ayala, I. (2002). “Geomorphology, natural hazards, vulnerability and prevention of natural disasters in developing countries.” Geomorphology, 47(2–4), 107–124.
4. Annen, C., and Wagner, J.-J. (2003). “The Impact of Volcanic Eruptions During the 1990s.” Natural Hazards Review, 4(4), 169–175.
5. Antonioni, G., Spadoni, G., and Cozzani, V. (2007). “A methodology for the quantitative risk assessment of major accidents triggered by seismic events.” 147, 48–59.
7. Casal, J., and Sanchez-silva, M. (2020). “Advances and Gaps in Natech Quantitative Risk Analysis.” (December).
8. Chang, J. I., and Lin, C.-C. (2006). “A study of storage tank accidents.” Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 19(1), 51–59.
9. Chegini, M. A. N., Sarebanzadeh, K., and Jahangiri, M. (2016). Risk management and assessment (Quantitative risk assessment in process industries) (Volume 2). Fan Avran.
10. Cox, T. (1998). “Risk integration and decision-making.” Industrial Safety Series, Elsevier, 277–311.
11. Cozzani, V., Antonioni, G., Landucci, G., Tugnoli, A., Bonvicini, S., and Spadoni, G. (2014). “Quantitative assessment of domino and NaTech scenarios in complex industrial areas.” Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 28, 10–22.
12. Cozzani, V., Campedel, M., Renni, E., and Krausmann, E. (2010). “Industrial accidents triggered by flood events: Analysis of past accidents.” Journal of Hazardous Materials, 175(1–3), 501–509.
13. Cozzani, V., Gubinelli, G., Antonioni, G., Spadoni, G., and Zanelli, S. (2005). “The assessment of risk caused by domino effect in quantitative area risk analysis.” 127, 14–30.
14. Crowley, H., Colombi, M., Borzi, B., Faravelli, M., Onida, M., Lopez, M., Polli, D., Meroni, F., and Pinho, R. (2009). A comparison of seismic risk maps for Italy. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering.
15. Cruz, A. M., and Krausmann, E. (2008). “Damage to offshore oil and gas facilities following hurricanes Katrina and Rita: An overview.” Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 21(6), 620–626.
16. Cruz, A. M., and Okada, N. (2008). “Methodology for preliminary assessment of Natech risk in urban areas.” Natural Hazards, 46(2), 199–220.
17. Cruz, A. M., Pisano, F., Nordvik, J.-P., and Vetere Arellano, A. L. (2004a). Analysis of Natech (natural hazard triggering technological disasters) disaster management.
18. Cruz, A. M., and Steinberg, L. J. (2005). “Industry Preparedness for Earthquakes and Earthquake-Triggered Hazmat Accidents in the 1999 Kocaeli Earthquake.” Earthquake Spectra, 21(2), 285–303.
19. Cruz, A. M., Steinberg, L. J., and Luna, R. (2001). “Identifying Hurricane-Induced Hazardous Material Release Scenarios in a Petroleum Refinery.” Natural Hazards Review, 2(4), 203–210.
20. Cruz, A. M., Steinberg, L. J., Vetere Arellano, A. L., Nordvik, J.-P., and Pisano, F. (2004b). “State of the art in Natech risk management.” Ispra: European Commission Joint Research Centre.
21. Damle, S., Mani, S. K., and Balamurugan, G. (2021a). “Natech guide words: A new approach to assess and manage natech risk to ensure business continuity.” Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, Elsevier Ltd, 72(April), 104564.
22. Damle, S., Mani, S. K., and Balamurugan, G. (2021b). “Natech guide words: A new approach to assess and manage natech risk to ensure business continuity.” Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, Elsevier Ltd, 72(June), 104564.
23. Daneshmandi, M., Amiri, H., Vahedi, M., Farshi, M., Saghafi, A., and Zigheymat, F. (2010). “Assessing the level of preparedness for confronting crisis such as flood, earthquake, fire and storm in some selected hospitals of Iran.” Iranian Journal of Military Medicine, 12(3), 167–171.
24. Eftekhari, S. M., Etemadi, M., and Hosseini, S. M. (2021). “The Approach of a New Model of Earthquake Crisis Management in the Classification of Vital Arteries.” Health in Emergencies & Disasters Quarterly, 7(1), 33–38.
25. EM-DAT (Emergency Event Database). (2018). “The International Disaster Database.” Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters, Université catholique de Louvain, .
26. Fischer, S. (2021). “Post-Disaster Spillovers: Evidence from Iranian Provinces.” Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 14(5), 193.
27. Giacomo, A., Sarah, B., Gigliola, S., and Valerio, C. (2009). “Development of a framework for the risk assessment of Na-Tech accidental events.” 94, 1442–1450.
28. Girgin, S. (2011). “The natech events during the 17 August 1999 Kocaeli earthquake: aftermath and lessons learned.” Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 11(4), 1129–1140.
29. Grossi, P., Williams, C., Cabrera, C., Tabucchi, T., Sarabandi, P., Rodriguez, A., Aslani, H., and Rahnama, M. (2011). “The 2010 Maule, Chile earthquake: lessons and future challenges.” Risk Management Solutions (RMS), Newark.
30. Hosseini Shokouh, S. M., Arab, M., Rahimi, A., Rashidian, A., and Sadr Momtaz, N. (2009). “Preparedness of the Iran University of Medical Sciences hospitals against earthquake.” sjsph, 6(3), 61–77.
31. Hudec, P. (2004). “Flood at SPOLANA as in August 2002.” Loss Prevention Bulletin, Rugby, Warwickshire: Institution of Chemical Engineers., (180), 36–39.
32. “International Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Seismology.” (n.d.). .
33. Karimiparidari, S., Zaré, M., Memarian, H., and Kijko, A. (2013). “Iranian earthquakes, a uniform catalog with moment magnitudes.” Journal of Seismology, 17(3), 897–911.
34. Krausmann, E. (2010a). “Analysis of Natech risk reduction in EU Member States using a questionnaire survey.” Report EUR, 24661.
35. Krausmann, E. (2010b). Analysis of Natech risk reduction in EU Member States using a questionnaire survey.
36. Krausmann, E., and Baranzini, D. (2009). “Natech risk reduction in OECD Member Countries: Results of a questionnaire survey.” Report JRC, 54120.
37. Krausmann, E., and Baranzini, D. (2012). “Natech risk reduction in the European :union:.” Journal of Risk Research, 15(8), 1027–1047.
38. Krausmann, E., Cozzani, V., Salzano, E., and Renni, E. (2011). “Industrial accidents triggered by natural hazards: An emerging risk issue.” Natural Hazards and Earth System Science, 11(3), 921–929.
39. Krausmann, E., and Cruz, A. M. (2013). “Impact of the 11 March 2011, Great East Japan earthquake and tsunami on the chemical industry.” Natural Hazards, 67(2), 811–828.
40. Krausmann, E., Cruz, A. M., and Affeltranger, B. (2010). “The impact of the 12 May 2008 Wenchuan earthquake on industrial facilities.” Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 23(2), 242–248.
41. Krausmann, E., Cruz, A. M., and Salzano, E. (2016). Natech Risk Assessment and Management: Reducing the Risk of Natural-Hazard Impact on Hazardous Installations. Natech Risk Assessment and Management: Reducing the Risk of Natural-Hazard Impact on Hazardous Installations.
42. Krausmann, E., and Necci, A. (2021). “Thinking the unthinkable: A perspective on Natech risks and Black Swans.” Safety Science, Elsevier Ltd, 139(March).
43. Lindell, M. K., and Perry, R. W. (1997). “Hazardous Materials Releases in the Northridge Earthquake: Implications for Seismic Risk Assessment.” Risk Analysis, 17(2), 147–156.
44. Masys, A. J., Ray-Bennett, N., Shiroshita, H., and Jackson, P. (2014). “High Impact/Low Frequency Extreme Events: Enabling Reflection and Resilience in a Hyper-connected World.” Procedia Economics and Finance, 18, 772–779.
45. Mesa-Gómez, A., Casal, J., Sánchez-Silva, M., and Muñoz, F. (2021). “Advances and gaps in natech quantitative risk analysis.” Processes, 9(1), 1–14.
46. Misuri, A., Casson Moreno, V., Quddus, N., and Cozzani, V. (2019). “Lessons learnt from the impact of hurricane Harvey on the chemical and process industry.” Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 190, 106521.
47. El Morjanil, Z. E. A., Ebener, S., Boos, J., Abdel Ghaffar, E., and Musani, A. (2007). “Modelling the spatial distribution of five natural hazards in the context of the WHO/EMRO Atlas of Disaster Risk as a step towards the reduction of the health impact related to disasters.” International Journal of Health Geographics, 6, 1–28.
48. Namor, K. (2017). “Investigating the effect of earthquake on the vital water artery.” Proceedings of the fourth comprehensive crisis management and HSE conference.
49. Nascimento, K. R. D. S., and Alencar, M. H. (2016). “Management of risks in natural disasters: A systematic review of the literature on NATECH events.” Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 44, 347–359.
50. Necci, A., Krausmann, E., and Girgin, S. (2018). “Emergency planning and response for Natech accidents.” Towards an All-Hazards Approach to Emergency Preparedness and Response: Lessons Learnt from Non-Nuclear Events, (January), 61–68.
51. Nojomi, A., Nikdel, S., and Syed Mohammad Ali Heydaripour. (2013). “An overview of the fire incidents of the last two years in Iran’s oil, gas and petrochemical industries.” The first process engineering conference in oil, gas, petrochemical and energy industries.
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77. Alcántara-Ayala, I. (2002). “Geomorphology, natural hazards, vulnerability and prevention of natural disasters in developing countries.” Geomorphology, 47(2–4), 107–124.
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82. Chang, J. I., and Lin, C.-C. (2006). “A study of storage tank accidents.” Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 19(1), 51–59.
83. Chegini, M. A. N., Sarebanzadeh, K., and Jahangiri, M. (2016). Risk management and assessment (Quantitative risk assessment in process industries) (Volume 2). Fan Avran.
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85. Cozzani, V., Antonioni, G., Landucci, G., Tugnoli, A., Bonvicini, S., and Spadoni, G. (2014). “Quantitative assessment of domino and NaTech scenarios in complex industrial areas.” Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 28, 10–22.
86. Cozzani, V., Campedel, M., Renni, E., and Krausmann, E. (2010). “Industrial accidents triggered by flood events: Analysis of past accidents.” Journal of Hazardous Materials, 175(1–3), 501–509.
87. Cozzani, V., Gubinelli, G., Antonioni, G., Spadoni, G., and Zanelli, S. (2005). “The assessment of risk caused by domino effect in quantitative area risk analysis.” 127, 14–30.
88. Crowley, H., Colombi, M., Borzi, B., Faravelli, M., Onida, M., Lopez, M., Polli, D., Meroni, F., and Pinho, R. (2009). A comparison of seismic risk maps for Italy. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering.
89. Cruz, A. M., and Krausmann, E. (2008). “Damage to offshore oil and gas facilities following hurricanes Katrina and Rita: An overview.” Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 21(6), 620–626.
90. Cruz, A. M., and Okada, N. (2008). “Methodology for preliminary assessment of Natech risk in urban areas.” Natural Hazards, 46(2), 199–220.
91. Cruz, A. M., Pisano, F., Nordvik, J.-P., and Vetere Arellano, A. L. (2004a). Analysis of Natech (natural hazard triggering technological disasters) disaster management.
92. Cruz, A. M., and Steinberg, L. J. (2005). “Industry Preparedness for Earthquakes and Earthquake-Triggered Hazmat Accidents in the 1999 Kocaeli Earthquake.” Earthquake Spectra, 21(2), 285–303.
93. Cruz, A. M., Steinberg, L. J., and Luna, R. (2001). “Identifying Hurricane-Induced Hazardous Material Release Scenarios in a Petroleum Refinery.” Natural Hazards Review, 2(4), 203–210.
94. Cruz, A. M., Steinberg, L. J., Vetere Arellano, A. L., Nordvik, J.-P., and Pisano, F. (2004b). “State of the art in Natech risk management.” Ispra: European Commission Joint Research Centre.
95. Damle, S., Mani, S. K., and Balamurugan, G. (2021a). “Natech guide words: A new approach to assess and manage natech risk to ensure business continuity.” Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, Elsevier Ltd, 72(April), 104564.
96. Damle, S., Mani, S. K., and Balamurugan, G. (2021b). “Natech guide words: A new approach to assess and manage natech risk to ensure business continuity.” Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, Elsevier Ltd, 72(June), 104564.
97. Daneshmandi, M., Amiri, H., Vahedi, M., Farshi, M., Saghafi, A., and Zigheymat, F. (2010). “Assessing the level of preparedness for confronting crisis such as flood, earthquake, fire and storm in some selected hospitals of Iran.” Iranian Journal of Military Medicine, 12(3), 167–171.
98. Eftekhari, S. M., Etemadi, M., and Hosseini, S. M. (2021). “The Approach of a New Model of Earthquake Crisis Management in the Classification of Vital Arteries.” Health in Emergencies & Disasters Quarterly, 7(1), 33–38.
99. EM-DAT (Emergency Event Database). (2018). “The International Disaster Database.” Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters, Université catholique de Louvain, .
100. Fischer, S. (2021). “Post-Disaster Spillovers: Evidence from Iranian Provinces.” Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 14(5), 193.
101. Giacomo, A., Sarah, B., Gigliola, S., and Valerio, C. (2009). “Development of a framework for the risk assessment of Na-Tech accidental events.” 94, 1442–1450.
102. Girgin, S. (2011). “The natech events during the 17 August 1999 Kocaeli earthquake: aftermath and lessons learned.” Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 11(4), 1129–1140.
103. Grossi, P., Williams, C., Cabrera, C., Tabucchi, T., Sarabandi, P., Rodriguez, A., Aslani, H., and Rahnama, M. (2011). “The 2010 Maule, Chile earthquake: lessons and future challenges.” Risk Management Solutions (RMS), Newark.
104. Hosseini Shokouh, S. M., Arab, M., Rahimi, A., Rashidian, A., and Sadr Momtaz, N. (2009). “Preparedness of the Iran University of Medical Sciences hospitals against earthquake.” sjsph, 6(3), 61–77.
105. Hudec, P. (2004). “Flood at SPOLANA as in August 2002.” Loss Prevention Bulletin, Rugby, Warwickshire: Institution of Chemical Engineers., (180), 36–39.
106. “International Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Seismology.” (n.d.). .
107. Karimiparidari, S., Zaré, M., Memarian, H., and Kijko, A. (2013). “Iranian earthquakes, a uniform catalog with moment magnitudes.” Journal of Seismology, 17(3), 897–911.
108. Krausmann, E. (2010a). “Analysis of Natech risk reduction in EU Member States using a questionnaire survey.” Report EUR, 24661.
109. Krausmann, E. (2010b). Analysis of Natech risk reduction in EU Member States using a questionnaire survey.
110. Krausmann, E., and Baranzini, D. (2009). “Natech risk reduction in OECD Member Countries: Results of a questionnaire survey.” Report JRC, 54120.
111. Krausmann, E., and Baranzini, D. (2012). “Natech risk reduction in the European :union:.” Journal of Risk Research, 15(8), 1027–1047.
112. Krausmann, E., Cozzani, V., Salzano, E., and Renni, E. (2011). “Industrial accidents triggered by natural hazards: An emerging risk issue.” Natural Hazards and Earth System Science, 11(3), 921–929.
113. Krausmann, E., and Cruz, A. M. (2013). “Impact of the 11 March 2011, Great East Japan earthquake and tsunami on the chemical industry.” Natural Hazards, 67(2), 811–828.
114. Krausmann, E., Cruz, A. M., and Affeltranger, B. (2010). “The impact of the 12 May 2008 Wenchuan earthquake on industrial facilities.” Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 23(2), 242–248.
115. Krausmann, E., Cruz, A. M., and Salzano, E. (2016). Natech Risk Assessment and Management: Reducing the Risk of Natural-Hazard Impact on Hazardous Installations. Natech Risk Assessment and Management: Reducing the Risk of Natural-Hazard Impact on Hazardous Installations.
116. Krausmann, E., and Necci, A. (2021). “Thinking the unthinkable: A perspective on Natech risks and Black Swans.” Safety Science, Elsevier Ltd, 139(March).
117. Lindell, M. K., and Perry, R. W. (1997). “Hazardous Materials Releases in the Northridge Earthquake: Implications for Seismic Risk Assessment.” Risk Analysis, 17(2), 147–156.
118. Masys, A. J., Ray-Bennett, N., Shiroshita, H., and Jackson, P. (2014). “High Impact/Low Frequency Extreme Events: Enabling Reflection and Resilience in a Hyper-connected World.” Procedia Economics and Finance, 18, 772–779.
119. Mesa-Gómez, A., Casal, J., Sánchez-Silva, M., and Muñoz, F. (2021). “Advances and gaps in natech quantitative risk analysis.” Processes, 9(1), 1–14.
120. Misuri, A., Casson Moreno, V., Quddus, N., and Cozzani, V. (2019). “Lessons learnt from the impact of hurricane Harvey on the chemical and process industry.” Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 190, 106521.
121. El Morjanil, Z. E. A., Ebener, S., Boos, J., Abdel Ghaffar, E., and Musani, A. (2007). “Modelling the spatial distribution of five natural hazards in the context of the WHO/EMRO Atlas of Disaster Risk as a step towards the reduction of the health impact related to disasters.” International Journal of Health Geographics, 6, 1–28.
122. Namor, K. (2017). “Investigating the effect of earthquake on the vital water artery.” Proceedings of the fourth comprehensive crisis management and HSE conference.
123. Nascimento, K. R. D. S., and Alencar, M. H. (2016). “Management of risks in natural disasters: A systematic review of the literature on NATECH events.” Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 44, 347–359.
124. Necci, A., Krausmann, E., and Girgin, S. (2018). “Emergency planning and response for Natech accidents.” Towards an All-Hazards Approach to Emergency Preparedness and Response: Lessons Learnt from Non-Nuclear Events, (January), 61–68.
125. Nojomi, A., Nikdel, S., and Syed Mohammad Ali Heydaripour. (2013). “An overview of the fire incidents of the last two years in Iran’s oil, gas and petrochemical industries.” The first process engineering conference in oil, gas, petrochemical and energy industries.
126. Park, H., and Cruz, A. M. (2022). “Insights on Chemical and Natech Risk Management in Japan and South Korea: A Review of Current Practices.” International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, Springer Singapore.
127. Planseisme. (2012). “ICPE « à risque spécial » (in French).” Ministère du Développement Durable.
128. Qin, R., Khakzad, N., and Zhu, J. (2020). “An overview of the impact of Hurricane Harvey on chemical and process facilities in Texas.” International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 45, 101453.
129. Rahnama, R., Rsti, R., Hasani, N., and Ghiasvand, M. (2016). “Study of Seismic Vulnerability for Retrofitting Water Supply Network of Tehran District 11.” Disaster Prevention and Management Knowledge (DPMK), 5(4), 308–314.
130. Renni, E., Krausmann, E., and Cozzani, V. (2010). “Industrial accidents triggered by lightning.” Journal of Hazardous Materials, 184(1–3), 42–48.
131. Sachin, D., Mani, S. K., and Guru, B. (2021). “Risk management of technological accidents triggered by natural-hazards (Natech): A review of relevant indian legislation.” Disaster Advances, 14(4), 95–106.
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