Most Downloaded Articles |
Comparative study of indoor sport facilities and equipments of general administration of physical education and education ministry with standards in terms of safety and hygiene in Hamedan province (14660 Downloads) |
The Effect of a Course of Psychological Skills Training (PST) Program on Selected Mental Skills and the Performance of Teenager Female Taekwondo Athletes of Iranian National Team (12889 Downloads) |
The Effect of Three Types of Training Environments (Competitive, NonCompetitive and Combined) on Acquisition and Retention of Open and Closed Skills (12164 Downloads) |
Sport Entrepreneurship: A Recent Approach in Entrepreneurship and Sport Management (11588 Downloads) |
The relationship of service quality, customer satisfaction and loyalty with future intention for participation of fitness centers (Case study Rasht Township) (10264 Downloads) |
Relationship among coaching behavior, achievement motivation and team players performance of Iranian Handball pro-league (9705 Downloads) |
Study of Factors affecting on Attracting of customer's satisfaction from Iran's sport stores based on Kano satisfaction model (9491 Downloads) |
The relationship between principals’ leadership styles and motivational needs of the physical education teachers based on McGregor’s theory (9418 Downloads) |
Investigation of the Talent Identification Factors and Talent Education Development on Track & Field's Athletes in Iran (9338 Downloads) |
Determination of Strategic, Existing and Desirable Situation of Entrepreneurship in Sport of Iran (8525 Downloads) |
The Relationship between organizational culture with knowledge management effectiveness and organizational effectiveness among selected sport organizations of Iran (8400 Downloads) |
The Relationship between Organizational Culture and Organizational Entrepreneurship in Physical Education Headquarter of Tehran (8228 Downloads) |
The Relationship Between Transformational and Transactional Leadership Styles with Organizational Commitment of Physical Educators (8166 Downloads) |
Validation of the Organizational culture Assessment Instrument (OCAI) based on the Competing Values Framework Model (CVF) within Iranian Sport Organizations (Federations) (8124 Downloads) |
Manifestations of Sufism, Chivarly, and Shia Religion in Ancient Sport and Gymnasium of Iran (8011 Downloads) |
The comparison of Physical Skill, Cognitive, and Affective Needs of Female Students in Physical Education Curriculum (7857 Downloads) |
The comparison among fans loyalty motivations, supportive career and attendance in popular soccer pro-league clubs (7791 Downloads) |
The comparative study of barriers of sport participation among athletes and non-athletes’ female teachers in Hamadan, using Crawford hierarchical barriers (case study of female teachers in Hamadan) (7540 Downloads) |
The relationship between perceptions of organizational justice with job satisfaction and organizational commitment of personnel in I.R.I. physical education organization (7372 Downloads) |
Effects of training and Fitness Education on the Health-Related Physical Fitness Factors in Adolescent Students: Evaluating the Mediating Role of Knowledge and Internal Motivation (7205 Downloads) |
Study of Organizational Effectiveness in Selective Sporting Federations (7109 Downloads) |
Designing effective commercialization mechanisms for football clubs in Iran (7071 Downloads) |
Relationship between Social Support Behavior of Physical Education Teachers and motivation of Student in Physical Education Activities (7030 Downloads) |
Measuring the efficiency of provincial administrations of the ministry of sport and youth by using data envelopment analysis (6467 Downloads) |
The Relationship and Comparison between Perfectionism andMood States of Team and Individual Sports Athletes (6204 Downloads) |
Comparison of Factors Affecting on Sport Spectators` Attendance among Football, Basketball and Volleyball Professional Leagues in Iran (6187 Downloads) |
The relationship among transformational and transactional leadership styles and personality of Physical education (P.E) faculty manager`s in Iranian universities (6143 Downloads) |
The Application of BSC Approach in Performance Evaluation of the Physical Education Offices of Iranian Universities (6070 Downloads) |
Relationship between organizational structure and innovation of staff experts of Physical Education Organization (6006 Downloads) |
Ranking the obstacles to effective strategy implementation in Iran sport system based on analytical hierarchy process (AHP) (5837 Downloads) |
The Relation ofAutonomy-Supportive Behaviors of Coaches withSelf-Determined Motivation and Sport Commitment of EliteFemale Players inHandball League (5829 Downloads) |
Relationship between Emotional Intelligence with psychological skills in Female Athletes (5793 Downloads) |
Perceived Motivational Climate, Psychological Needs Satisfaction and Self-Determined Motivation in Youth Male Athletes (5791 Downloads) |
Evaluation of task complexity with using the number of practice trails (5789 Downloads) |
Time Course of Attention during a Volleyball Jumping-Serve Using a Dual-Task Paradigm (5496 Downloads) |
Recognition of professional competence of physical education teachers with grounded theory approach (5404 Downloads) |
The effect of self-control feedback on the learning of generalized motor program and parameters during physical and observational practice (5397 Downloads) |
The relationship between Perceived Organizational Justice & Job burnout and Intent to leave the Profession of the staff in Tehran Province Directorate of Youth and Sports (5211 Downloads) |
Comparison of Orientations to Activities on Exercise Self-efficacy and Indices of Well-being among Physically-motion Disables (5203 Downloads) |
Sport retirement (5171 Downloads) |
Identifying and Prioritizing Effective Factors on Recruiting Volunteers in Sport for All (5150 Downloads) |
The Relationship among Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment and Internal Service Quality in Selected Federations (5139 Downloads) |
The Relationship between Brand Personality dimensions and Consumer’s Loyalty to Sports Brands in Rasht city (5133 Downloads) |
The role of job satisfaction in relationship between organizational culture and turnover intention in sport federations (5121 Downloads) |
Identifying Iranian sport Human brand characteristics and the rate of social acceptance of it in the internal products marketing of Iran (5089 Downloads) |
The Relationship between Personal and Organizational Time Management Skills of Managers of P.E in Khuzestan Province (5054 Downloads) |
The Relationship between Coach's Leadership Styles and Group Cohesion in Teams Participating in the 10thDomestic Universiade (Male Students) (5046 Downloads) |
Analysis of sport for all in Iran, with Application of Structural Equation Modeling (5026 Downloads) |
The effect of changing coach on team’s performance in Iran’s Football Pro-League (4920 Downloads) |
Estimation of Competitive Balance in Iran’s Football Pro League (4917 Downloads) |
Total Sum: 881517 |