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Showing 11 results for Rumi

N. Mosharraf,
Volume 12, Issue 45 (10-2004)

Mirror is a well- known symbol with deep roots in the world of literature. In Socrates' art, mirror reflects the real world. This distinctive feature of mirror has prevailed through history. This article attempts to trace and scrutinize the symbolic presence of mirror up to Rumi's age. Our discussion incorporatates a subsection on chang, the famous musical instrument, and closes with a hint on the equal and associating role of mirror and chang in Rumi's language.

Hamid Reza Tawakouli,
Volume 13, Issue 47 (9-2005)

One of the most distinctive features of Rumi’s narratives in Mathnavi is blending the stories with each other. The narrator in the midst of the story digresses to another story, links to each other two sequential stories, or sometimes narrates two stories simultaneously. Discussing the technical features of “intersectional narration” and its history and theories the researcher in this paper explains the distinctive features of the form of narration in Mathnavi.

Mahmoud Fotoohi,
Volume 21, Issue 74 (5-2013)

Why did Rumi have empathy with the rulers of Seljuk and Mongols invaders in Konya, while Mongols destroyed Baghdad, the capital of Islamic Caliphate, and killed the Caliph? This question has remained an enigma to many Rumi scholars. This paper examines the political behavior of Rumi as an influential jurist and mystic, exploring the theoretical foundations of his behaviors. To clarify the issue, I have examined Rumi’s political behavior based on historical evidence at three levels: (1) the structure of power in Konya and Rumi’s relation with his contemporary politicians; (2) the relation between Rumi’s political behavior and his political unconscious; and (3) the cause of the inconsistency between Rumi’s political actions and his political thought. I have concluded that the verse “obligation to obey the Muslim Sultan” in the Quran acts as an ideological axiom that justifies appealing to cruel rulers by Muslims and cooperating with them. Ideology as a huge force prevents Rumi and his society from understanding this fundamental contradiction. In other words, ideology naturalizes all the contradictions for its followers.

Hamidreza Tavakoli,
Volume 23, Issue 79 (1-2016)

Despairing of God’s absolution is the most essential trait in Satan that has long been taken into consideration. In Masnavi and Shams Sonnets, Satan is regarded as an outcast, damned and hopeless character, but on special occasions, Rumi reveals hope to frustrated individuals and looks at creation story from a different perspective. This perspective is in line with tradition of defending Satan in our mystical culture, the tradition that is in contrast with traditional mystical approach to Satan, a narrow and obsolete but outstanding and thoughtful tradition. Although hinting at Satan’s hopefulness has been noticed in a few studies prior to Rumi, his eloquence and perspective in this area is unique, a perspective originated from his worldview. Noteworthy to say, even in the legacy of those mystics defending Satan there is not as much emphasis on this issues as Rumi’s and Satan mostly appears in the role of a tragic lover.

Khodabakhsh Asadollahi, Mansour Alizadeh Beygdiloo, Ibrahim Ranjbar,
Volume 27, Issue 86 (7-2019)

Sufi and mystic poets employ linguistic evidence, especially expressions regarding animals, to represent mystic concepts. In this study, to explore and clarify the meanings Mulana intended to convey as the field of destination, we will examine the linguistic expression “the Lion” as the field of origination in ghazals of Divan Kabir by using the conceptual theories of metaphor introduced by George Lakoff and Mark Johnsen. Studies have shown that Mulana, by utilizing linguistic economy and provoking multiple mental images with the use of a single expression (lion), has successfully exhibited a vital and variegated spectrum of his mystic thoughts.  According to the frequency explored in this article, the expression ‘lion’ in the mystic conceptual system of Mulana enjoys a positive meaning; heart and love are more significant in comparison to reason; the crucial concept of “complete man” against human ego and “beloved” are used to represent the absolute superiority of God through visual representation of “the lion”. All in all, employing the expression of the lion to point to sublime meanings and concepts central to mysticism is an indication of Mulana’s idealistic spirit, his sanguinity and sublimated nature. In this piece of research, which is carried out through a descriptive-analytical method, after an introductory note on conceptual metaphor, origination of animal metaphors, and Mulana’s metaphoric language, the writers provide different verses as an example of different kinds of destination fields. Determining the conceptual framework, field of origination or emotive field, application of various meanings’ general and local inscription in each category would be the next step. Finally, the frequency of the fields of destination and their conceptual generalizations will be presented in a table and the data will be explicated.   
Yadollah Bahmani Motlagh, Mansooreh Hoosh-Alsadat,
Volume 27, Issue 87 (12-2019)

Linguistic combinations are referred to as a chain of words that associate with one another and form a semantic phrases, such as adjectival and noun. Innovation in this field is one of the main tasks of creative poetry. Shams's sonnets are of the prominent works of Persian literature and their composition is characterized by its stylistic features. In order to express his sublime and mystical thought, Molana has created hundreds of neologisms and used a variety of norms to widen the bottleneck of the vocabulary or to avoid duplicate words and combinations. Among his works, Shams's sonnets are great examples of the fusion of thoughts. In the texts of his sonnets, there are hundreds of fresh adjective phrases such as "Perverted Thought", "Fantasy Imagination", "Golden Excuses" or noun phrases like "Mobs of Fancy", " World of Colors and Smells", “Farm of Heart” that require analysis. Rumi's innovations are not limited to this and different types of new structures are found in his nominative, adjectival, adverbial and verbal phrases and combinations, but this article deals only with this type of innovation. The findings show that Rumi created new and exquisite allusions and metaphors in Farsi using these combinations. And in addition to empowering the language by avoiding the use of repetitive combinations and words, Molana has added to its appeal and has portrayed his inimitable ideas in the form of language.
Malekmohammad Farrokhzad, Mojgan Zarekohan,
Volume 27, Issue 87 (12-2019)

Literature includes comprehensive areas and covers various topics and issues. It relates to the numerous studies and we can use different methods for analyzing and studying it. In other words, most of the issues of literature are “multi-ethnic” and have been firmly rooted in diverse sciences such as psychology. The concept of spiritual intelligence is encountered with the issues followed by meanings and values that because of them our intelligence will be shaped in a more enriched context and background of meanings. Although the term “spiritual intelligence” is not considered to be one of achievements in the area of mysticism and it is discussed in the field of psychology, it does not mean that this issue is totally abandoned in mystical works. To be fair, concepts related to spiritual intelligence and their equivalents are represented broadly and fruitfully in our mystical literature. The elements of religion and spirituality, especially spiritual intelligence, are of great significance in the era of mystical poem in Persian literature and Rumi’s poetry. The present study is library-based with a descriptive-analytical method which indicates that faith, peace, altruism and its practice in life and also the tolerance of the adversities of real world, are the prominent elements of spiritual intelligence in Rumi’s Mathnavi.

Mohammad Javad Etemadi Golriz, Habib-Allah Abbasi, Rasoul Rasoulipour,
Volume 28, Issue 88 (7-2020)

The question of cognition in human life is a long-standing and central issue that has arisen from the beginning of human thought about existence. The set of ideas presented in this regard has created the field of epistemology. There are original and interesting points about cognition in Rumi’s mystical heritage and an important part of his views on this subject is related to the discussion of human cognitive errors and limitations. This question has also been proposed in various ways in the Western philosophical tradition and has received answers and explanations. In this research, using a descriptive-analytical method and adopting a comparative approach an attempt has been made to investigate the multiple dimensions of human cognitive errors and limitations from Rumi’s perspective. To that end, we have also reviewed the evolutionary course of the subject in the Western philosophical tradition. Therefore, categories such as reason, experience, illusion, imagination, existence and appearance of the world have been dealt with followed by quotations and analyses of Rumi’s views on this subject. Finally, it is shown how Rumi also explored and expressed the multiple aspects of errors and limitations of human cognition and what similarities his views bear to the Western philosophical tradition. Moreover, the differences and similarities between the attitudes of philosophers and mystics towards the nature and quality of cognition have been studied. The most important differences can be seen in the pivotal role of reason among philosophers and its invalidity for some other aspects of cognition among mystics. On the other hand, the allegory of the cave in Plato’s philosophy and the question of existence and appearance of the world, and the role of imagination in investigating the world in the eyes of eighteenth-century idealist philosophers are very similar to the fundamentals of epistemology in Rumi’s views. It is found that part of Rumi’s views on describing the position of reason and human’s cognitive limitations is similar to the views of seventeenth-century rationalist epistemologists, and in terms of the special position of experience in cognition and its limitations, it is close to those of eighteenth-century empiricists.

Mohammad Hosein Bayat, Fariba Jabbari,
Volume 29, Issue 90 (7-2021)

Teaching monotheistic topics and trying to understand the ambiguous concepts of epistemology have always been the concern of thinkers. Despite the commonalities in monotheistic teachings, access to rich concepts is not possible for everyone, and there may be contradictions in the understanding of meanings. Hadiqah al-Haqiqah and Masnavi are among the instructive texts that have used figures of speech to express monotheistic concepts. In this article, the teaching style of Sanai and Rumi based on the method of using Monotheistic Images and Corbin’s hermeneutics approach is studied.  The monotheistic language of Masnavi and Hadiqah al-Haqiqah is almost the same. Sanai has expressed monotheism in a general way and at a high level, while Rumi has gone into more details about monotheistic concepts. Hadiqah al-Haqiqah images are mostly designed on the horizontal axis, whereas in Rumi’s Masnavi, many images can also be found on the vertical axis. Rumi has sometimes used Sanai symbols and in many cases has taught monotheistic concepts with completely innovative symbols. The monotheistic images of both mystics are a combination of philosophical teachings and mystical intuitive symbols in Corbin’s hermeneutics. Benefitting from the graphic form of the letters (alphabetical symbolism) and the metaphor of the letters are common to both works.
0 Zohreh Amani, 0 Esmat Khoeini,
Volume 30, Issue 93 (1-2023)

A large part of the impressiveness of Rumi’s words is related to his manner of expression and syntax of his words, most of which are still hidden. To discover these beauties, there is no other way than a detailed analysis of his discourse. In the present study, the authors analyzed one of the factors of text coherence by examining the frequency and syntactic function of simple and compound sentences in Masnavi. This research is based on 1372 verses of the first book of Masnavi and uses statistical methods of structural analysis and classification of sentences. From this study, remarkable results were obtained regarding the close relationship between the content of the text and its sentence structure. The results indicated that the frequency of compound sentences is more than simple sentences, and among different types of compound sentences, those consisting of “main clause + subordinate clause” pattern have a higher frequency. This style of Masnavi wording contributes to the coherence of the text and paves the way for Masnavi to make good teaching material. Additionally, it was found that Rumi actively participated his audience in receiving the meaning of the compound sentences. He sometimes removed the conjunction from the structure of the sentence and allowed the reader to select the appropriate conjunction based on the selection of each of the main or subordinate clauses. In the complex compound sentences, a sentence has both main or subordinate roles at the same time, which means that based on its preceding or following sentence, the role of the sentence changes.
Farzad Baloo, Reza Rezapour,
Volume 31, Issue 95 (11-2023)

In order to understand the meaning of existence, Heidegger analyzes the existential possibilities of the German word for existence, i.e. Dasein, and among these possibilities, he pays special attention to the relationship between language and existence. In addition to speaking, he considers silence as one of the linguistic possibilities. According to Heidegger, linguistic silence has the potential to reveal existence much more broadly than just speaking. This revelation of existence and hearing the voice of existence in silence gives it an interpretive quality, which Heidegger calls hermeneutics. Since in our mystical heritage, Mawlana Jalaluddin Muḥammad (Rumi) speaks of silence and reticence in most of his ghazals, the authors of this article believe that in the light of Heidegger's conception of silence, new horizons of this concept can be opened up in the ghazals of Shams in order to show its interpretive and hermeneutic features in the following propositions: “from the unworldliness of Dasein to the annihilation of the truth-seeker in the general sense and its connection with silence”, “from Dasein's transition from the linguistic position to the linguistic annihilation of the truth-seeker in the specific sense and its connection with silence”, “the hermeneutics of silence and the reception of genuine speech from Dasein to the truth-seeker”, and “Rumi's hermeneutic silence and the reception of genuine speech” as proof of this claim. By proposing genuine silence, Rumi provides a ground for the soul and the world of existence to speak up and to display the shortcomings and inadequacies of language and to reveal the secrets of the universe. Attention to the hermeneutic aspect of silence in the ghazals of Shams distinguishes the present article from the existing research and a new achievement in the field of Rumi research will emerge.

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