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Showing 13 results for Analysis

Mohammad Jafar Yahaqi, Faramarz Adinekalat,
Volume 16, Issue 60 (6-2008)

In the present paper, the analysis of the background and sociological reasons of the defeat of the Sasanian 's emperor  has been examined by Ferdowsi's Shahname. Some of these factors have been pointed out by historiographers, like war for power by the Sasanian 's emperor. But Ferdowsi has new viewpoints about these problems like women’s reign. Some of the reasons have been recognized by Ferdowsi like national origin and women's reign. Although the selection of the starting point of the discussion very difficult but for some reasons, which are mentioned in the text of the research, Khosrow Parviz's reign is the starting point of this discussion.

Ali. A. Mirbaghrifard, Mehdi Rezaei,
Volume 18, Issue 69 (12-2010)

Islamic mysticism and Sufism are among important mental and cultural issues which have influenced Islamic – Iranian culture and Persian language and literature profusely. So the various dimensions of this mental and practical school must be revisited. One way to approach the subject and the end of this school as well as the history and content and changes is to examine the definitions which the pioneers and leading Sufis have provided. In this article, we have a critical look at these definitions in order to know this mental- practical school better and to clarify its hidden dimensions of that. To this end, in addition to referring to the leaders and followers of Sufism, their mental and practical framework will be illustrated.

Mohammad Mahdi Zamani, Ne’matollah Iranzadeh,
Volume 23, Issue 78 (5-2015)

Rabe’e bent-e Ka’b-e Ghozdari, as available documents indicate, is the first female Persian-speaking poet. Scholars have mainly studied her life rather than her poetry. In this research her poetry is analyzed from a linguistic perspective, that is, it is analyzed semantically. Semantic-field theory is one of the theories derived from structural semantics, which is considered as one of the fields of structural linguistics. The analysis of the semantic fields of Rabe’e’s poetry is a step to the stylistic study of its semantic layers. In this study the semantic fields of her poetry that can be considered as stylistic features are recognized, such as whether her language is feminine or masculine, her poetry is mystical or not, and if her description of love is different from that of her contemporaries.

Masoud Rouhani , Mohammad Enayati Ghadikolaee,
Volume 23, Issue 78 (5-2015)

Diction as a primary means of writing poetry is the poet’s medium to express his ideas. Analyzing the title of the poems as a part of diction can be a way to appreciating the aesthetic features of poetry. On the other hand, titles are usually the most important chosen words of the poet and, therefore, by studying the poet's titles one can understand the poet's thoughts. This research is a statistical analysis of the titles of The Mirror for Sounds by Mohammad Reza Shafiy Kadkany (M. Sereshk). It attempts to analyze the titles from different perspectives, namely lexically, linguistically and semantically. To this purpose, the seven chapters of this book were analyzed statistically and the relationship between the titles and the poet’s thoughts was investigated. In addition, in a diagram the significance of the role of the titles in different periods of the poet’s life was indicated. No doubt M. Sereshk had a wide repertoire of Persian words that he employed properly in his titles and, therefore, he has used his titles in their full literary and lexical capacity.

Kolsoom Ghorbani Jouybari,
Volume 23, Issue 79 (1-2016)

Fariba Wafi is a successful writer who described the family and social life of contemporary Iranian women and bringing them into the real-life stories trying to show their problems. This research is an attempt to investigate Fariba Wafi's collection of short stories Even when We Laugh by following Fairclough's approach to critical discourse analysis. In Fiarclough's approach, a text is checked on three different levels. The three levels are: 1. The description level, which is based on formal analysis, grammar, vocabulary, pronouns, verbs and adverbs modality; 2. The interpretation level of the text, which is based on situational context and analyzes the intertextual factors; and 3. Explanation level that explains the production of texts and the dominant discourse and ideology and power play in the text. Discussing the text of the stories on all three levels reveal the following points: 1. Description and use of the words "wife" and "husband" and frequency indicative verbs and adverbs reflect the author's commitment to the truth of the prepositions of the story 2. The frequency of the pronoun "we" reflects the author's identification with all women. 3. In the interpretation of this collection, she questions the living conditions of women under the influence of feminist writers, such as Virginia Woolf and Simone de Beauvoir 4. In the explanation, it is clear that the women's stories depend on the patriarchal power of men. Although in Wafi’s short stories, women live in today's world and apparently are freed from the shackles of traditional society, in reality they are under the dominance of the psychological and male-dominated society and the patriarchic traditions, so that their identity depends on the presence of a man like husband, brother, and the like.

Volume 24, Issue 81 (2-2017)

Literary works are the carriers of many regulations, values, norms, beliefs, structures and existential, cultural, and social aspects of their time. Many of the social and cultural realities of past centuries embedded within the extant literary works of those centuries can be identified and followed through. The critical approach in discourse analysis of literary texts provides a more precise knowledge of different cultural and social manifestations, life aspects, and people’s intellectual systems of the society of the authors of these works. The issue of economy is among social and cultural structures that has been less attended to in literary researches. The study of economic discourse in literary texts can also reveal other social, cultural, and intellectual discourses governing the temporal context of creating these works. This article deals with the critical analysis of economic discourse of the poems of Khaqani Shirvani. The goal is that following this approach to study the influence of this type of economic thought and the resulting culture on the linguistic, aesthetic, and intellectual structure manifested in Khaqani’s poetry and also to find out the reason why such a specific economic culture was dominant at that time. The result of this study indicates that the discourse of social hierarchy and luxury was dominant then and along with the power discourse resulting from wealth it had been naturalized and institutionalized in the economic culture of the time.

Baharak Valinia, Mohammad Behnamfar, Habib-Allah Abbasi,
Volume 25, Issue 82 (9-2017)

The poetry of Mahdi Akhavan Sales in contemporary Persian poetry and Al-Bayati in contemporary Arabic poetry comprises many Romantic elements. This article is mainly a comparative analysis ofthe titles of the two collections: Akhavan's Zemestan and Albayati's Al-Majd lil-Atfal wal-Zeitoon.The researchers attempt through a content analytic method to show and compare the presence of Romantic elements in these poetical titles. The results show that some Romantic elements such as return to childhood, escape and travelling, sadness and loneliness and Romantic archaism are obviously reflected in the titles of the two collections of Akhavan and Al-Bayati. The title has an important role in forming the general identity of the text, and this fact indicates the special position of Romanticism in the two poets’ perspective. Some Romantic elements, such as nationality, are reflected in Al-Bayati's poetic title, but this feature is not seen in Akhavan's poetic title, though the case is different in the text of his poems
Kamin Aalipour, Mir Jalal-O-Aldin Kazzazi,
Volume 25, Issue 83 (3-2018)

Otherness is one of the methods of accessing hidden interests beyond the literary texts which through literary discourse analysis can be in direct relation to political science and sociology. Critical discourse analysis believes that each text is shaped by political and ideological approaches and the relationship between political issues and texts is not an accidental one. Laclauand Mouffe believe that in every discourse one can use two concepts of logic of equality and logic of difference to explain the relations of otherness present in literary texts. That is, in every discourse, a positive pole is foregrounded as“we”or ours, and on the opposite pole the negative side is introduced as“they”or “others”. Foregrounding and backgrounding are used in texts and discourse through language functions. Investigatingthis method in some of Khayyam's Quatrains we will find out why Khayyam has pursued a kind of polarization in his quatrains and also will realize how Khayyam, along with his philosophical views expressed in his Quatrains, has tried to suggest political and critical motives through his discourse.
Zulfaghar Allami, Maedeh Asadullahi,
Volume 25, Issue 83 (3-2018)

The Tragic story of Siavash is one the significant and remarkable stories in Firdausi’s Shahnameh. In this article, the authors will study this story through the lens of Critical Discourse Analysis and based on Van Leeuwen’s network of Social Actors. This is to show how social interactors have been portrayed and see how the poem has reproduced and represented the discourses by linguistic parameters. To this end, dialogic couplets have been singled out, categorized and analyzed. The findings show that Firdausi has equally used latent and manifest parameters. Therefore, concealment of the narrators is as important :as char:acterization and the development of the setting. Moreover, although the story of Siavash is an ancient narrative, it carries with itself Firdausi’s worldview and his emotional, ideological overtone and thus represents Iranian’s idealism, their zeal for identity and conflict between Good and Evil and the final triumph of the Good. The death of Siavash entails the vengeance of the Iranians, and the birth of his son, Keykhosrow, brings about the victory over Afrasiab.
Qolam Ali Fallah, Ferdows Aghagolzadeh, Hamid Abdollahian, Zeinab Zarhani,
Volume 27, Issue 86 (7-2019)

Shahnameh of Ferdowsi has been continuously studied by numerous researchers and scholars from literary, mythological and cultural aspects. One of the rarely and less noticed issues in this regard is investigating the ideological role and function of language in this piece of literature based on a certain adopted theory and method. In other words, the writers of this article try to understand how Ferdowsi utilizes language to engender the ideology of Iranian superiority and revive Iranian identity by producing the relevant discourse. To achieve this goal, the current study has been constructed over the theoretical framework of critical discourse analysis introduced by the famous linguist Teun van Dijk. We also focus on the battle of Rostam and Chengesh in the story of “Rostam and Chinese Khaghan” (“Rostam and the king of China”) to restrict the research area. The results show that Ferdowsi employs some strategies such as ideological polarization, positive self-presentation, negative other-presentation, lexicalization, and actor description to make a discourse on the supremacy of the Iranians.

Shiva Kamali-Asl, Abdollah Zabeti,
Volume 30, Issue 92 (5-2022)

Despite the marginalization of women throughout history, their influence remains in ancient texts. The purpose of this article is to represent the role of women and their signs of activism in three anecdotes of Marzban-Nama based on Fairclough’s approach to critical discourse analysis, and to find the answer to this question: did women, given the patriarchal rule in society, accept the status quo, or change it in their favor? If so, how did they do it and what were the components of this activism? In this study, Marzban-Nama has been examined at three levels of description, interpretation, and explanation, and the signs of women’s power and how they exerted their agency have been represented. Considering the cultural and social situation in Iran at the time of writing the book, the results indicated that women had access to a kind of latent power in these anecdotes and played an active role in the development of the anecdote process. In Marzban-Nama, women often played an active role by symbolizing prudence, wisdom, and morality. Based on the social situation at the time of writing or rewriting this work, while power inequality between men and women was evident, women had access to power as silent rulers and their active role in shaping the process of the story was manifest. In sum, many signs of women’s power and agency were found in these anecdotes, such as having the right to choose, tact and decision-making power.  

Ahmad Rezāei,
Volume 32, Issue 96 (4-2024)

Research on metonymy and related topics in Islamic studies stems from Muslims’ interaction with the Qur’an and their efforts to comprehend the meaning of certain verses. It sparked numerous theological debates among Islamic sects, such as the Ash’arites and the Mu’tazilites, to the extent that some scholars rejected metonymy in the Quran. In addition to theological (Islamic kalam) works, metonymy featured in rhetorical volumes and since the time of Sakkaki it has been transferred from theological to rhetorical works. The main issues in these works relate to the definition of metonymy and truth, the quality of their recognition, metonymy types, and so on. The main debate has been attending to one aspect and neglecting other aspects. Despite the efforts made by Muslim scholars in these works, due to the intermingling of different fields in this subject, current research on metonymy has paid less attention to previous studies. Therefore, the present research has explored this issue from various perspectives while examining the evolution of metonymy studies in the works of Muslim theologians and rhetoricians using a descriptive-analytical method. The results showed that logocentrism, the intermingling of different domains, abstract theological topics, unnecessary divisions, disregard for the functional aspect of language, overlapping types of metonymy, and repetition of the content were the main research barriers. Additionally, one should also mention the neglect of the points made by scholars such as Jurjani and Khatib Qazvini. It seems that if we pay attention to the aspects of information, pragmatics, and the context in the field of metonymy, many problems of its semantic recognition will be solved. On the other hand, dividing this category into metalepsis and compound metonymy as well as their trivial subfields will make us independent from other categories.


Dr Parvin Mortazaie, Dr Raha Zareifard, Dr Zahra Hosseini,
Volume 33, Issue 98 (5-2025)

The Mosibatname is one of the most important of Attar's couplet poem in the field of mystical literature. In this work, the poet's prayers to his god have a special attraction. The structure of these conversations in the layers of fear, intimacy and blame accompanies the poet in expressing social and moral thoughts. In this research, which was formed in a descriptive-analytical way, it seeks to answer the discursive dimensions of Attar's Mosibatname prayers and how to explain and interpret the social and power relations in this text based on Farklough's model. According to this approach, the types of prayers of Attar in the Mosibatname include three branches of fearful, sincere and reproachful prayers, which have been examined at three levels of description, interpretation and explanation. At the description level, the characteristics of vocabulary, sentence structure, and grammar express the poet's social experience and reflect the social unrest and turmoil of the 7th century in Khorasan. In the interpretation, the poet's focus is on the description of God's main attributes and it shows the pure submission of the servant to God, which confirms the dominance of the Ash'ari determinism over the poet's society. In the explanation, we observe the traces of the court system and the poet's desire to purify the atmosphere of the era. A space where social, religious and ideological chaos has been precipitated and worldliness and utilitarianism have flourished. The representation of the social governing system and the poet's aspiration for peace and friendship are among the other findings.
Keywords: Attar, Mosibatnameh, prayers , Fairclough, discourse analysis.

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