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Volume 14, Issue 53 (9-2006)

Nasser Nikoobakht, Gholam Ali Zareh,
Volume 14, Issue 55 (3-2007)

A subject of great concern in Persian poetry of the Constitution Age is the concept of 'Nation'. The correct understanding and interpretation of the message of this age, to a great extent , depends on an understanding of its position. There is a sharp difference between what the poets of this age stated and those of their predecessors.  In this article, the concept of 'Nation' is examined under the two parts of Pre-Islam and Post-Islam. The Pre-Islam Iranian were well familiar with such concepts as nation, and race. However, quickly after their acceptance of Islam, their attitudes towards the concept of 'Nation' changed drastically. In general, the major meanings of 'Nation' comprise Islam world, Restoration world, place of birth, and nation world.   The results of this study reveal that the conceptualization of 'Nation' in the Constitution Age Poetry must be different, even though some traditional senses of the concept prevail. 'Nation' in its new sense subsumes  elements like a shift in the role of the government and people, racial and national dependencies, and Iranian identity with all its features.

Naser Nikoubakht, Abbas Ranjbaran,
Volume 16, Issue 60 (6-2008)

Revival of written works in a society is a way for a better understanding of the society’s culture and civilization. The knowledge of criticism and correction of the texts helps to study the past written works by removing the dust of distortion and time that sits on such works. Saeed Nafisi is a researcher who has entered into this area and corrected some texts in a critical manner for the first time. Most of his efforts were concentrated on reviving verse type texts.

Considering the criteria required in correcting texts, this paper has dealt with his critical methods and views by studying 10 texts corrected by him, including 6 verse type works (Divan-e Anvari, Divan-e Attar, Divan-e Amaaq, Divan-e Rashidoddin-e Vatvat, Robaiyate Baba Afzal, Kkoliat-e Araqi) and four prose type works (Tarikh-e Beyhaqi, Goshayesh and Rahayesh, Lobab-al Albab, Reslaeye Fereydone Sepahsalar).

Gholamhossein Gholamhosseinzadeh, Naser Nikoubakht, Zahra Lorestani,
Volume 19, Issue 70 (3-2011)

Language is a collection of conventional symbols. Although these symbols do not  have any natural connection with what they their purport, their constant usage has made rendered them natural symbols. So the authors of literary work, in order to attract their listeners, resort to this strategy and change the ordinary form of language. This change can be implemented in the structure of sentences or words; like manipulating sentence structures; deleting part of the phrase or repeating the other parts or making changes in meaningful bases of the word such as applying them in an unusual and awkward position. Sometimes, changes are materialized ignoring the principles of language use. Irony is also one of the noticeable language devices. Irony makes natural language structures unnatural by making changes in the field of implications. Predominating via use of irony is done by displacing the known structures and changing valuable bases of words.  So the message is narrated by a part of the text which is not implicitly said. In other words, the author relies on the listener psychic suggestions.  In Farsi eloquence, the word ”irony” is not applied, but its definition is vastly used in Farsi language; although this usage is sometimes like the usage of other Farsi figures. All in all, it is known as a single type and different from the other eloquent figures.  Since, in Farsi writings, these differences and similarities have not been examined yet. Accordingly, this paper addresses the similarities and differences of irony with other eloquent figures. Irony can enter Farsi eloquence with the same subject; of course not as an imported array because ironic words and methods have already been common in Farsi literature. In most cases, however, no title is determined for it. So, it is argued that irony is a kind of dichotomy in word and meaning or face and content which is based on opposition or antithesis and is built on an unexpected and sometimes ridiculous form. 

Mahbobeh Shamshirgarha,
Volume 20, Issue 72 (5-2012)

Saadi is undoubtedly the master of lyric poem in Persian literature. His Melodious and impressive speech in comparison with other poets' sonnets, is related to many cultural, linguistic, expressive, pictorial factors. Although many elegant points concerning his poems have already been investigated by Henri Masse, Gh.Yousefi, A.dashti, M.Ebadiyan, S.Hamidiyan, T. Poornamdariyan, Z.Movahhed etc., there are still many details about the unique techniques in his sonnets which await further research in order to understand the secret of his beautiful speech and extraordinary impulse. In this article, we have addressed ''addressing'' as a determining factor. The determinative appearance of this factor in Saadi's sonnets has a great role in motivational aspect of his poems. Following a quick introduction of addressing, we present the factors that amplify this sense in saadi's sonnets. He has made the addressing factors in his poems by utilizing artistic techniques and making a presence feeling. It is concluded that the most important effect of "presence feeling" and the "addressing factor" is the audience's excitation. Finally, the addressed factors of saadi's speech are analyzed and presented. In this research, we have used the document analysis method and in the last section we present the distribution of data and statistics of the addressed factors.

Roya Rezayi, Mohammad Amir Mashhadi, Hamid Reza Shayiri, Abbas Nikbakht,
Volume 25, Issue 82 (Published issues 2017)

Discourse is the domain of producing meaning and metadiscourse is the use of ploys and techniques by the speaker to protect, repair, modify, approve, justify and guarantee his own speech.Nima byemploying metadiscourse, which appearson various levels such as emotional, religious, historical, cultural, and scientific, seeks to highlight his own language and to add consolidation and continuity to the meaning of his words.The main objective of this study is to categorize and analyze the types Nima used in the discourse of his letters with a review of some of those letter, in the process of production and continuity of meaning.
Qolam Ali Fallah, Ferdows Aghagolzadeh, Hamid Abdollahian, Zeinab Zarhani,
Volume 27, Issue 86 (7-2019)

Shahnameh of Ferdowsi has been continuously studied by numerous researchers and scholars from literary, mythological and cultural aspects. One of the rarely and less noticed issues in this regard is investigating the ideological role and function of language in this piece of literature based on a certain adopted theory and method. In other words, the writers of this article try to understand how Ferdowsi utilizes language to engender the ideology of Iranian superiority and revive Iranian identity by producing the relevant discourse. To achieve this goal, the current study has been constructed over the theoretical framework of critical discourse analysis introduced by the famous linguist Teun van Dijk. We also focus on the battle of Rostam and Chengesh in the story of “Rostam and Chinese Khaghan” (“Rostam and the king of China”) to restrict the research area. The results show that Ferdowsi employs some strategies such as ideological polarization, positive self-presentation, negative other-presentation, lexicalization, and actor description to make a discourse on the supremacy of the Iranians.

Mohammad Hasan Jamshidi, Ali Mohammad Moazzeni,
Volume 28, Issue 88 (7-2020)

The purpose of this study is to identify Gardizi’s main motivation for writing the history of Zayn-al-Akhbar.
As the historian’s aim of writing history is reflected in the structure of his text, and Gardizi’s narrative of historical events is a meaningful narration that forms a distinct result in the mind of the reader and promotes, confirms and documents a political thought, the present researchers sought to discover and decipher the meaning and political thought underlying the narrative structure of the history of Zayn-al-Akhbar. To achieve the purpose of the research, Gerard Genette's theory of narrative time was used in harmony with the atmosphere of Gardizi’s history. In this method, the highlighting elements of the narrative time were selected and finally, parts of the text, which were prominent in terms of time, were examined regarding the ideas. As a result, two vital elements of the narrative structure of Gardizi, namely “decline narrative poetics” and “narrative interface loops” were proposed and explained. The analysis of these two elements indicated that the main aim of Gardizi while writing Zina al-Akhbar was to motivate the Ghaznavids to regain control of Khorasan, and his motivation for writing a historiography was to discover the root causes of the decline of various governments to find a way to save the Ghaznavids’ reign from destruction and revive it to the height of Mahmoud Ghaznavi’s rule.
Hamid Abdollahian, Samira Shafiee, Atefeh Zandi,
Volume 28, Issue 88 (7-2020)

One of the approaches to the criticism of fiction that has changed a lot from a linguistic point of view is Roger Fowler’s linguistic theory. This theory is a mixture of Chomsky’s transformational grammar and Halliday’s functional linguistics theories. The story of Golshiri’s “Khaneh-ye-Roshanan” was written in the mode of stream of consciousness, and Fowler believed that in such stories, the surface structure helps to understand the deep structure. The present paper analyzed the story of “Khaneh-ye-Roshanan” based on Fowler’s linguistic approach using the descriptive-analytical method along with library research tools. The results of the study indicate that the types of transformations and the mode of stream of consciousness in this work cause shifts in syntactic structure of sentences, non-compliance with grammatical rules, repetition of pronoun references, creation of rhythm and music in speech, application of associative contrasts, repetitions based on emphasis, confusion in the readers’ minds, and creation of suspension and postponement in speech. The main characters of this work, the actor and alternating narrators, are all passive and sensory-perceptive. It is as if they should not utter a word against the dominant ideology of the text, which would disrupt its monotonous atmosphere. In this work, like the rest of his works, Golshiri wanted to delve into the problems of society and to dominate his interventionist judgments in the text. In terms of looking at the text, the author sometimes dealt with the text from an external perspective and did not consider himself to be able to understand the perceptions of the characters in the story, while he sometimes explored the text from an internal perspective and assimilated his cognitive tendencies into the text. In terms of representation of speech and thought, both direct and indirect speech were used in this work. Both methods could reveal as much as possible the internal and verbal secrets of the main and secondary characters.

Seyed Saeid Ahmadpour Moghaddam, Naser Nikoubakht,
Volume 30, Issue 92 (5-2022)

While Nizami’s adroitness and expertise in detailed illustration and description have always been the focus of attention of the analysts of his works, so far there has been no due analysis of his artistic techniques and the various patterns he has used in description and image-creating. Choosing Haft Peykar as one of the most prominent works of Nizami and using a descriptive-analytical method, this study aims to answer the two fundamental questions of what aesthetic, rhetorical, narrative, etc. functions, Nizami’s skillful illustrations and detailed descriptions in the text are and whether it is possible to determine cogent and verifiable patterns in Nizami’s descriptions and illustrations. As a result of this research, it became clear that Nizami made his work tangible and realistic for the audience by objectifying and reifying what was described. This objective entity itself has secondary functions that can be investigated in the areas of rhetoric, aesthetics, or narrative logic in the text of Haft Peykar. Most of the descriptions and illustrations of this work can be classified under specific patterns.

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