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Kharazmi University
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Tahereh sadate Mirahmadi

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Showing 1 results for Hāmoongard

Ali Rezā Nabiloo, Maryam Hāmoongard,
Volume 32, Issue 96 (4-2024)

The story “Zan-e Ziadi” is one of the nine short stories in a collection of the same name, which was first published in 1952 during the lifetime of the contemporary writer, Jalal Al-e Ahmad. The central theme of all the stories in this collection is women, and the author has depicted their sorrows and problems from a critical perspective. This article examines “Zan-e Ziadi” from the perspective of deconstructive criticism. Deconstructive criticism, also known as deconstruction or constructionism, was developed based on the theory of the French philosopher and theorist Jacques Derrida (1930-2004). This term was first used in philosophy and then in literary criticism. The basis of deconstructive criticism is to find hidden binary and contradictions within the text, as by uncovering these binaries, one can discover the hidden layers within the text. According to Derrida, the internal binaries are hierarchical and stair-like, and one part is given superiority over the other, but upon close examination of the text, it becomes clear that none of the binaries have superiority over the other and are in fact complementary to each other. Deconstructive criticism is based on examining accepted assumptions, deconstructing, and revealing textual contradictions and the readers must search within the text for everything they need to know. The conflict in “Zan-e Ziadi” is superficially based on the contradiction between human and human, man/woman, and internally between human and false cultural and social beliefs and traditions. After examining the binaries within the text and identifying the conflicting forces within it, it becomes clear that contrary to what appears from the surface of the text and in the initial reading, the dominant pole in the text and the transcendental signified on which the internal challenge of the text is based is not an oppressive man against an oppressed woman, but rather both the man and the woman are captives and subjugated by false and imposed beliefs of their time, and the two binaries advance the story alongside harmoniously with each other.

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دوفصلنامه  زبان و ادبیات فارسی دانشگاه خوارزمی Half-Yearly Persian Language and Literature
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