[صفحه اصلی ]   [Archive] [ English ]  
:: صفحه اصلي :: درباره نشريه :: آخرين شماره :: تمام شماره‌ها :: جستجو :: ثبت نام :: ارسال مقاله :: تماس با ما ::
Journal statistics (in total)
Number of volumes 20
Number of issues 40
Published articles 408
Acceptance rate 22.2
Rejection rate 77.8
Average time to review (days) 350
Average time to publish (days) 708
Iranian authors 715
Non-Iranian authors 3
Non-Iranian percent 0
Article statistics (in total)
Submitted manuscripts 2041
Views 2079418
Downloads 557983
Average view per article 5097
Average download per article 1368
Sections (in total)
Research 1,739
Applicable 12
case report 3
گردآوری 10
ترویجی 10
Not Assigned 30