:: year 12, Issue 45 (10-2004) ::
Persian Language and Literature 2004, 12(45): 19-46 Back to browse issues page
Ta‘vil (Hermeneutics): A New Look
S.M. Rastgoo
Abstract:   (8188 Views)

Tavil, (Hermeneutics) has long been one of the widely-debated terminologies particularly in the field  of Quranic research. Drawing upon  the earliest lexicographical documents,  the author argues that the term was originally used to mean, changing from potentiality to practice. Sinc this sens of ‘ta‘vil, goes and collocates with ‘Beginning’ ‘End, "Ultimate goal",  and‘ inward nature, the term has gradually acguired these meanings as well.

Then, attempts are made to show how the frequent applications of ta’vil, in the Holy Quran (17 times) go with the original sense of the key word. Towards the end of the paper, the hermeneutics of Quran is discussed vis ―a― vis its being sent down ; the latter has a descending dirction whereas the former has got an ascending movement.

Hence, hermeneutics facilitates man's journey from the explicit structural meaning of the Quran to its inward and superior word. For economy reasons , the author has deliberately skipped the other scholars’ views on this issue.

Keywords: hermeneutics, interpretation, practice, outword nature, inward nature, ultimate cause
Type of Study: Research |

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