1- Imam Khomeini International University , s.a.ghasemzadeh@hum.ikiu.ac.ir 2- Imam Khomeini International University
Abstract: (5658 Views)
One of the elements in Persian poetry and sonnets (Ghazal) is penname, which in addition to marking poetry in the name of the poet, sometimes has an amphiboly to another means; but in the poetry of poets such as Hafez - which have a special and coherent intellectual system - in the form of a main metaphor or central metaphor, penname is involved in determining their intellectual system. In this article, Hafez's pennames are analyzed from the perspective of semantic components, such as the confrontation with the specific vocabulary, which are derived from Hafez’s intellectual and biological sensibilities, in the text of the poem. It concludes that his poetic name is also influenced by his language and thoughts; and by means of the meaningful capacity of some words, he serves the translation of the structure of thought and the semantic system of his poems; and also the penname, Hafiz, is in fact the central metaphor of his sonnets, and plays a central role in his intellectual and discursive system.
Ghasemzadeh S A, Golrokh Masouleh E. A Semantic Study of the Pen name of Hafiz as a Central Metaphor. Persian Language and Literature 2019; 27 (87) :177-202 URL: http://jpll.khu.ac.ir/article-1-3724-en.html