:: year 24, Issue 81 (Published issues 2017) ::
Persian Language and Literature 2017, 24(81): 257-273 Back to browse issues page
Allegory: Structure, Interpretation and Polysemy
Abstract:   (6733 Views)

In allegories polysemy relates not only to the context and the audience’s understanding but also to the structural characters of these texts. This paper investigates the function of structural and narrative properties in the creation of multiple interpretations of an allegory. Focusing on the events and following a unique story-line is the most important trait in helping to read the allegories. Thus, polysemy in allegories is also related to the number of the story-lines. Therefore, polysemy in allegories depends on two axes: paradigmatic and syntagmatic. In the first process, multiple interpretations are parallel with the various story-lines. These lines are themselves the result of the many characters and sequences. But in the second process, polysemy is only one story-line and based on the various textual meanings may offer different interpretations of one allegory. This classification may lead to some important results in the polysemy of literary symbols in literary texts.

Keywords: Allegory, Interpretation, Story-Line, Paradigmatic Axis, Syntagmatic Axis
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
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