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EISSN 24766941
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Comparison of language quality and poetic images of Nasser Khosrow and Attar
Mostafa Mirdar rezaei *
Department of Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature and Human Sciences, Gilan University, Rasht, Iran. , m.mirdar@guilan.ac.ir
Abstract:   (1135 Views)
Nasser Khosrow's poetry is full of intellectual arguments, religious topics, sermons and judgments, etc., which has given his words a philosophical and somewhat complicated flavor. On the other hand, in his works, Attar has tried to present the heritage of Sufism of Khorasan and the heritage of poetry before him in a different way, with a simple language and free of glamor and impressive embellishments. The question of this research is whether the simplicity or complexity of language plays a role in the simplicity or complexity of the structure of poetic images. The present research, which is written in a quantitative and statistical method, deals with the statistical and comparative analysis of the structure of the poetic images of Nasser Khosro and Attar. The results of this research show that the simplicity or complexity of a poet's language has little to do with the structure of his images; In other words, the simplicity or difficulty of a poet's words cannot be considered simple or complex in the geometry of his images. The language of Nasser Khosrow's poetry is difficult and complex, but this feature has not had a significant effect on the geometry of his poem's images, and most of his poetry's images are simple and far from complex. On the other hand, the structure of Attar's poetic images, despite the simplicity of the language and appearance, has a subtle and narrow complexity that cannot be integrated into a network except by analyzing the rhetorical materials used in the construction of the images. understand the relationship of those tools with each other; In other words, Attar's language is simple and his images are complex.
Keywords: Naser Khosro, Attar, image, language, image-making techniques.
Type of Study: Research | Subject: فنون بلاغی
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دوفصلنامه  زبان و ادبیات فارسی دانشگاه خوارزمی Half-Yearly Persian Language and Literature
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