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:: year 31, Issue 94 (6-2023) ::
Persian Language and Literature 2023, 31(94): 209-234 Back to browse issues page
The Macro-Construction of Nima Yushij’s Quatrains
Ahmad Sancholi
University of Zabol , ah-sanchooli@uoz.ac.ir
Abstract:   (1255 Views)
Macro-construction refers to the basic structure that explains and interprets the system and organization of a text or discourse. In the study of the macro-construction of Nima’s quatrains, which is based on the discourse and text construction plan of Lotfollah Yarmohammadi about Khayyams quatrains and is grounded on three constructs of “description”, “recommendation” and “explanation”; three more constructs of “wish”, “regret” and “surprise” are also recognizable. According to this plan, Nima’s quatrains can be divided into three groups of one-construct, two-construct, and three-construct quatrains. The one-construct quatrains account for more than half of all Nima’s quatrains. The main and pivotal construct in Nima’s quatrains is the description construct, which has the highest frequency, in which Nima describes his condition, especially his emotional condition through romantic conversations with his beloved one. Moreover, the descriptions of nature, man, the world, and other general categories are other aspects of the description construct in Nima’s quatrains. Since in the communication system of Nima’s quatrains, the sender is in the center and focus, the discourse of his quatrains is descriptive. In these poems, Nima’s perspective on categories such as love, man, and the world is often a view based on traditional attitude and just in the quatrains in which he describes nature, the signs of his novel insight are visible.
Keywords: Macro-Construction, Nima Yushij, Quatrain, Yarmohammadi.
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sancholi A. The Macro-Construction of Nima Yushij’s Quatrains. Persian Language and Literature 2023; 31 (94) :209-234
URL: http://jpll.khu.ac.ir/article-1-4265-en.html

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