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:: Volume 30, Issue 92 (5-2022) ::
Persian Language and Literature 2022, 30(92): 171-190 Back to browse issues page
An Intertextual Approach to the Types of Influence in the Narrative of Ghoz Riot
Mostafa Alipour * 1, Habib-Allah Abbasi2
1- Kharazmi University , 1340mostafa@gmail.com
2- Kharazmi University
Abstract:   (3593 Views)
There is a difference between a historical event and the historical narrative of that event, whether it is oral or written. That is why an event is something that happened once in a specific time and place, but the historical narrative is multiple and numerous and does not completely agree with the historical event and is an interpretation of the original incident. Using the descriptive-analytical method and the intertextual approach (based on the three intertextual axes of Genette) in this article, the repetition, reconstruction, and reproduction of the past have been analyzed in two historical narratives of Zahiri Nishaburi and Rawandi about the incident of Ghoz riot, two narratives which are temporally and expressively different. Moreover, it has been shown that these two texts, which have a common theme and are related to each other have been influenced by each other and much communication has taken place between them. In addition to relying and emphasizing on the linguistic features of Rahat al-Sudur, especially its syntactic system, the intertextual relationship of the two works, similarities, and differences in the way of their reporting and narrating of Ghoz riot have been discussed. The result of the research highlights the influence of Seljuq Nameh on Rahat al-Sudur in the historical report, which accuses its author of plagiarism.
Keywords: Plagiarism, Intertextuality, Gerard Genette, Seljuq Nameh, Rahat al-Sudur, Ghoz Riot
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
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Alipour M, Abbasi H. An Intertextual Approach to the Types of Influence in the Narrative of Ghoz Riot. Persian Language and Literature 2022; 30 (92) :171-190
URL: http://jpll.khu.ac.ir/article-1-4184-en.html

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