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:: Volume 21, Issue 75 (12-2013) ::
Persian Language and Literature 2013, 21(75): 77-96 Back to browse issues page
In-group and Out-group Criticism (Bahar and Eghbal- Bahar and Rafat)
Habib Allah Abbasi * 1, Naimeh Ghaffarpour Sedighi
1- , habibabbasi45@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (8180 Views)

In this research two kinds of critical approaches are introduced and then some examples of these two approaches are selected and discussed. The aim of this article is to consider the critical fields in Constitution period in Iran, which is counted as the turning point in passing from tradition to modernity. The first approach, in-group criticism, is criticism among the members of one group; the second approach, out-group criticism, is done among the members of two different groups. The example selected for the first approach refers to the “Association of the Faculty” and its two members Mohammad TaghiBahar and Abbas EghbalAshtiani, who stand for Neoclassicism. The second example refers to the “Association of the Faculty” and Bahar in particular and Tajaddod-e Tabriz Journal and TaghiRafat at its heads. The latter group represents revolutionary Romanticism. The method of this research is based ontextual analysis.The analysis of the content of these two approaches shows that the in-group approach in Constitution period was more moderate compared tothe out-group approach and sometimes personal prejudices had a role in the process of criticism. There has been difference in taste in the first approach, and in the second approach the difference is in thought and ideas. If approaches like these could have changedinto movements, they could have been useful in criticism of literature and also in widening the field of criticism. These two approaches, however, had been stopped gradually. Moreover, out-group criticism is considered as the opposition of Neoclassicism and Romanticism in Iran. 

Keywords: in-group criticism, out-group criticism, Association of the Faculty, Bahar, EghbalAshtiani, Tajaddod-e Tabriz Journal, TaghiRafat.
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Type of Study: Research |
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Abbasi H A, Ghaffarpour Sedighi N. In-group and Out-group Criticism (Bahar and Eghbal- Bahar and Rafat). Persian Language and Literature 2013; 21 (75) :77-96
URL: http://jpll.khu.ac.ir/article-1-1895-en.html

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Volume 21, Issue 75 (12-2013) Back to browse issues page
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