Volume 1, Issue 3 (Automen 2004, Winter 2005- 2004)                   2004, 1(3): 39-58 | Back to browse issues page

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Haqshenas A M. Freedom and Deliverance in Language and Literature. Journal title 2004; 1 (3) :39-58
URL: http://jls.khu.ac.ir/article-1-809-en.html
Tehran University , amhaghshenas@parsonline.com
Abstract:   (10011 Views)
This article attempts to discuss freedom, liberation and deliverance in language and literature. To this end the author uses two theories: Bloomfild`s “language application” theory and Karl Popper`s “Conjecture and Refutation” theory. It is  argue that language may considered as a substitution for stimulus and real responses and in  so doing it rescues man from the nature determination. Moreover drawing upon Popper`s the paper indicates how literature may exceed real world limitation and constructions and in so doing, paves the way for individual innovations. Literature in deed goes beyond the limits imposed by the two worlds – the real world and the language system and ends p with liberty.
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Type of Study: Research |

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