Volume 8, Issue 20 (8-2021)                   2021, 8(20): 105-127 | Back to browse issues page

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fallahi Z, haji aqa babaei M. Investigating the Element of Time in the Novel “Chess with the Doomsday Machine”. Journal title 2021; 8 (20) :105-127
URL: http://jls.khu.ac.ir/article-1-1939-en.html
1- Allameh Tabatabayi University , golestancheshmeh@gmail.com
2- Allameh Tabatabayi University
Abstract:   (5761 Views)
Time is one of the elements that gives the fictional text its identity and distinguishes a story and a narrative. In addition, time takes on different functions in the fictional text and contributes to the progression of the story in various ways. The present research investigated the element of time in the novel “Chess with the Doomsday Machine” based on Gérard Genette’s theory. Considering the memory-like structure of the novel, anachronism has a high frequency in the text and calendar time is not of much significance. The interest of the author in writing the story based on his mental images has obviated the need to record the precise dates of the events. Drawing on the technique of breaking the time in the narrative, the author has created suspense in the story and resolved some of the ambiguities existing in the text. Frequent descriptions and attention to details have stopped the time of the narrative in most of the scenes of the story. In this novel, the frequency of the narrative of events is of singular type and, drawing on such a method, the author has tried to increase the pace and advancement of the story. The author of the novel “Chess with the Doomsday Machine” has utilized various time-related techniques and methods to narrate the transformation of the perspective of the protagonist of the story from a dogmatic to a relatively tolerant attitude and has wielded time techniques to cast doubt on many learned beliefs of the narrator. 
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special

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