Volume 6, Issue 16 (4-2011)                   2011, 6(16): 7-32 | Back to browse issues page

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Bahmani Motlagh Y, Najafi Arab M. The Reflection of the World Literary and Political Schools in Myrzadeh Eshghi’s Poems. Journal title 2011; 6 (16) :7-32
URL: http://jls.khu.ac.ir/article-1-1792-en.html
1- Shahid Rajaee Teacher Traning University , y_bahmani43m@yahoo.com
2- Al_Zahra University
Abstract:   (11132 Views)
Myrzadeh Eshghi is one of the innovative and intellectual poets of the Mashrooteh Constitutional era. He was deeply under the influence of the Constitutional Revolution. The developments and events of that time have a great effect on his thinking, as well as language and literary aspects of his poems. This caused him to be a pioneer in using the French vocabulary prior to his colleagues. He was among those who sacrificed their lives for the sake of freedom, love of country. We can see the reflection of literary schools such as Realism (in Manzumeh-e-Ehtiyaj), Symbolism (in Se Tabloye-e-Maryam, parts of Kafan-e-Siyah and Barge Bad Bordeh), Romanticism (parts of Idehal) and post modernism that the poet in the realm of imagination began to break the traditions even the modernism. We can also see in his poems the examples of political schools such as anarchism or a society without any ruler and without government, extreme nationalism and anti-humanist; i.e. poems in which he consider human being lower than the worst animals. This article tries to analyze the effectiveness of this domain of the world literature in Myrzadeh Eshghi.
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