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Showing 2 results for tavakolan

Sir Naser Mohamadi, Dr Hosin Mojtabazadeh, Ali Tavakolan,
Volume 21, Issue 63 (12-2021)

Proper urban management based on the right methods has always been a serious challenge for urban professionals and has been the subject of various discussions and studies over time. Each city, due to its specific characteristics, experiences special issues that are specific to the city and its surroundings, and in the meantime, creating a single model is not acceptable. Good urban governance is an important principle in urban management, which unfortunately In our country, it faces many obstacles. The present article has been done in terms of purpose, application-development and quantitative-analytical method, which first identifies the most important obstacles to the actual implementation of urban governance in the country and then examines these cases in the study area of ​​Garmadreh. The results show that the factor of lack of integration between different sectors of urban management with an average of 3.8 has the greatest impact on the lack of governance in the country. From the results of the first part, 4 basic effective indicators in the implementation of urban governance in the study area have been studied. In the executive level of Garmadreh city, in the field of accountability index of weakness factor in continuous and public supervision with an average rank of 5.38, in the index of rule of law rule, there are multiple, parallel, interpretable and sometimes contradictory laws with an average rank of 3.73, in the transparency index of factor of lack of access to information 4.56 And in the participation index, the factor of intense centralism and top-down management with an average rank of 4.48 have the greatest impact on the lack of proper implementation of urban governance in the city of Garmadreh.

Gholam Reza Soroushan, Abdallah Hendiani, Parvane Zivyar Pardei, Ali Tavakolan,
Volume 22, Issue 67 (12-2022)

In recent decades, the issue of resilience has become a specialized and public issue in society. Concepts of resilience in urban communities, which is in fact an action against development at the national level and purely physical development on an urban scale, and an attempt to achieve qualitative standards in the field of urban planning. In the meantime, the issue of resilience in urban communities means that society is able to withstand severe natural disasters without major damage, injury, production stoppage and reduced quality of life, and also at the superficial level, the goal of resilience as an ideal. The world is at the individual, organizational and community level. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of urban governance on urban resilience. This research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical in terms of method. The statistical population of the study consisted of citizens living in Tehran and experts in the field of research. The sample size was estimated for the statistical group of citizens using Cochran's formula 384 people and for specialists 60 people. In order to analyze the information and achieve the research objectives, structural equation modeling in LISREL software environment was used. Findings of this study showed that urban governance has a direct effect on urban resilience so that 0.42% of the variance of urban resilience variable can be explained by urban governance.

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