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Showing 3 results for ghanavati

Somaie Jahantigh, Dr Amir Karam, Dr Ezatollah Ghanavati,
Volume 22, Issue 65 (6-2022)

Geotourism is kind of responsible tourism with the aim of socio - economic development and strengthening of the scientific tourism destinations and tourism geological locations that emphasizes the protection of the heritage of the land and people of Sciences. Requires the development of a geo-tourism destination is recognizing its value and capability concept and planning barriers and providing favorable to its management. Tourism zone of Tangeh Vashi in the city of Firouzkoh, with different geological phenomena and scientific and complementary values, ​​is geotourism destination in local and sometimes national level. Therefore, in this study, using a variety of assessment methods geotourism area of ​​land that was presented in 2015 by Brill. In this, steps were taken. Therefore, the optimum user Tangeh Vashi Tourism, Economic User scientific approach - protective. The results shows that in generally, Tangeh Vashi has suitable condition in educational and tourism values. Also, Risk of collapse in Tangeh Vashi is relatively high. According to the results, the optimal management of geotourism Tange Vashi, the powers of access and the center of the province's population and strengthening of the complementary and diversity of geological and strengthen tourism and the preservation interpretation capability along with the application the physical protection and promotion of scientific partnership rural and legal controls.

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Dr Amir Saffati, Dr Ezatallah Ghanavati, Mr Hamid Alipour Dezdouli Asl,
Volume 23, Issue 68 (3-2023)

Studying the morphology of the rivers and identifying the causes of these changes are widely useful in determining the evolution of rivers and planning the maintenance of the river system. The Karun River, between Bandar-e-Khoramshahr and the constant flow of water in the country, plays an important role in the country's water cycle. Due to the morphological changes of this river that have disrupted the normal functioning of the river, it is necessary to investigate the morphological changes and its causes. In this study, with the aim of investigating these changes with satellite imagery, Landsat images for 1990, 2005 and 2018 were prepared and morphological changes were extracted after required processing. The results show that out of the 36 investigated sections, the width of the river has decreased in 29 sections so that it has narrowed to 450 m around Ahwaz. In order to investigate the causes of changes, the effective parameters in changes such as precipitation, discharge, runoff coefficient, waterway length, permeability coefficient, landform, lithology, land use change, wasteland, slope percentage, drainage density and vegetation density, land Theology and floodplains, To assess the hazards of the area, were used. Floodplain parameter was extracted using ANP_Fuzzy model and landslide and land use parameters were extracted using SVM model. Among the factors affecting these changes that were investigated using logistic regression models and factor analysis were land use changes, vegetation density and sediment yield. These changes have resulted in the destruction of natural habitats along the river, the ability to self-purify water, sudden floods, threatening and damaging human structures, agriculture, and so on.

Somayeh Jahantigh Mand, Amir Karam, Ezat Ghanavati, ,
Volume 25, Issue 77 (6-2025)

Geotourism is one of the important types of ecotourism with a responsible and conservation-oriented approach that emphasizes the popularization of earth sciences and the cultural, social, and economic development of the local community. In order to evaluate and explain the geotourism conditions of a region and the capabilities of a destination to become a geopark, it is necessary to present and explain the optimal and desirable model for the development of geotourism destinations. Firouzkouh County, with its numerous earth heritage assets, is considered one of the areas susceptible to geotourism. Given the high potential of geotourism for development as a geopark and the lack of necessary utilization of these capabilities in the development of the county, it is necessary to present an optimal model for analyzing the development of geopark capabilities in the county. In this research, through library and survey methods and using geotourism evaluation methods including the Facilas method, the GAM method, and the terrestrial diversity sites method, the county's geosites were evaluated and analyzed from the perspective of different values. The results show that most of the geosites in the region, despite their high representation, educational potential, and aesthetic value, have a weak connection with the local community, and their vulnerability and risk of extinction are increasing. Also, from the perspective of assessing the geopark capabilities, it was determined that this county currently does not have the capability to become an independent geopark. Accordingly, a model for developing the county's capability to become a geopark has been presented, which mainly emphasizes participatory management, entrepreneurship, multipurpose tourists, and geotourism typology, etc.

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