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Showing 3 results for Forecasting

Esmaeil Naderi, Dr Hossein Abbasi-Nejad,
Volume 2, Issue 8 (9-2012)

This study investigates predictability, chaos analysis, wavelet decomposition and the performance of neural network models in forecasting the return series of the Tehran Stock Exchange Index (TEDPIX). For this purpose, the daily data from April 24, 2009 to May 3, 2012 is used. Results show that TEDPIX series is chaotic and predictable with nonlinear effect. Also, according to obtained inverse of the largest lyapunov exponent, we are able to predict the future values of the series up to 31 days. Besides, our findings suggest that multi-layer feed forward neural network model and fuzzy model based on decomposed data, are of superior performances in predicting the return series. It is worth mentioning that, among these models, MFNN reveals the best performance.

Abbass Memarzadeh, Ali Emami Meibodi, Hamid Amadeh, Amin Ghasemi Nejad,
Volume 4, Issue 14 (3-2014)


 Forecasting of crude oil price plays a crucial role in optimization of production, marketing and market strategies. Furthermore, it plays a significant role in government’s policies, because the government sets and implements its policies not only according to the current situation but also according to short run and long run predictions of important economic variables like oil price. The main purpose of this study is modeling and forecasting spot oil price of Iran by using GARCH model and A Gravitational Search Algorithm. Performed forecasts of this study are based in static and out-of-sample forecasting and each subseries data is divided in to two parts: data for estimation and data for forecasting. The forecast horizon is next leading period and its length is one month. In this study the selected models for forecasting spot oil of Iran are GARCH(2,1) and a Cobb Douglas function which is functional of prices of 5 days ago. Finally, the performances of these models are compared. For comparison of these models MSE, RMSE, MAE, and MAPE criteria are used and the results indicate that except in MAPE criterion, the mentioned criteria are smaller for GARCH model in comparison to GSA algorithm.

Elham Gholami, Yegane Mousavi Jahromi,
Volume 5, Issue 20 (9-2015)

Cigarette and tobacco products in the VAT Law is considered as one of the particular goods and in order to contorlingit’s consumption by price tools, higher tax rates than the standard rate will be levied on it. In this paper, forecasting of revenues of this tax using an approach based on the estimating of tax base has been considered. Thus the first stage, tax base (consumption expenditure) is forecasted for the period 2012 to 2015 and then tax related years by applying the tax rates, will be calculated. In this regard, Because of concerns that policy makers have access to accurate predictions of tax revenues, Supervised neural networks Method to prediction and back-propagation algorithm to train is used. The results indicate that the average annual growth of revenue from value added tax on Cigarette consumption will have 20 percent during the forecasting years.

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فصلنامه تحقیقات مدلسازی اقتصادی Journal of Economic Modeling Research
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