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Showing 3 results for Iranian Economy
Dr Ebrahim Rezaei, Volume 2, Issue 6 (3-2012)
The number of factors affecting total factor productivity has been increasing far from those which considered in growth models. So, institutional factors have been attracting strong attention of researchers. This paper aims at investigating the effects of these institutional factors together with traditional factors on TFP growth during 1971-2007. For this purpose, we present a State-Space model. Using this approach, TFP has been regarded as a latent variable and in the state equation, we introduced some exogenous variables. Some endogenous variables which were mainly measures of institutional factors have been specified as proxies. Our result show that the introduced measures of institutions such as governance(political stability and accountability) institutions and degree of government intervention together with an older and known institutional factors, such as macroeconomic instability, have significant effects on TFP growth. In addition, the residuals from state-space model (either deterministic or stochastic) were different from the residuals of other models.
Seyed Aziz Arman, Masumeh Mirabizadeh, Volume 2, Issue 8 (9-2012)
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the effects of inflation on real investment in Iran. After briefly reviewing the investment theories and their situation in Iran, we consider the determinants of investment by using annual data (1958-2009). Results of the Augmented Dickey- Fuller (ADF) test indicate that all of the variables appearing in model are I(1). So, the results of the threshold regression model indicate that real GDP, the trade openness index and inflation rate can influence investment. Results also show that the effect of inflation on investment follows an asymmetric adjustment process. The threshold level for the rate of inflation has been estimated 11.9 percent. If the annual rate of inflation exceeds this threshold level, it will have a negative impact on investment. But, if inflation remains below this level, not only the negative effect fades away but also rising prices can boost investment.
Narges Samadpoor, Mostafa Emadzade, Homayoun Rangbar, Firozeh Azizi, Volume 4, Issue 15 (6-2014)
The growth of non-communicable diseases, and the enormous costs of health care, has led policy makers to focus on “education”, as an effective instrument to improve the public health. Recent empirical studies show that education can improve health and increase life expectancy via ameliorating the life style. The main objective of this paper is to investigate the effect of education on health in Iran over the period of 1974- 2010. Health production function is defined based on the Grossman (1972) model. The empirical model has been estimated by using co-integration technique and error correction model. Separation of short and long-term effects and estimate of impact by education’s temporary and permanent lag time changes on health is considered the innovation aspect of this research. The results of model estimation indicate that there is a positive and long-term equilibrium relationship between health and education. Based on evidence obtained, education plays a key role in health improvement. Empowering people by investment in their education can prevent many non-communicable diseases. Diseases that are imposed by our incorrect life style. Today we believe that an active participation of elementary and high schools, higher education, and mass media can ameliorate the health statue of society.