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Showing 3 results for Game Theory

Dr Ghahraman Abdoli, Dr Vahid Majed,
Volume 2, Issue 7 (6-2012)

  In the past decades, a range of discussions has been formed on coalition theory in economics and international sciences. The focus of this discussion is that in the absence of a superior power, and while some players want to expand their authorities, is it possible to cooperate or not. These theories agree on the principle that if such condition be a sequential game, cooperation will be permanent only if the players are patient enough. In the real world, there are many partnerships between groups that don’t have a same patience, i.e. the discount factor isn’t equal for each of the members. OPEC is an example of those groups which composed of members with different discount factor.

  This paper investigates the future of OPEC members and their different discount factors. So, cooperative theory is used to analyze the behavior of OPEC members using panel data techniques. Results show that a fixed effects model is appropriate to explain OPEC member’s behavior. According to the model, the amount of marketed crude oil by members has positive relationship with stocks and sales in the previous period and also there is a negative relationship between the amount of marketed oil and square of proven reserves per capita. The results show that bargaining and negotiation between some members to achieve agreement rapidly and also relents or blackmails guarantees OPEC Survival.

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Volume 4, Issue 14 (3-2014)

The Iranian electricity industry has been restructured following the global experiences. The main objective of restructuring is transition from natural monopoly towards competition in order to improve efficiency. Currently, the Iranian electricity market is performing as imperfect competition and Pay-as-Bid (PAB) auctions are the major trade mechanism in this market. This paper proves that Supply Function Equilibrium (SFE) is an appropriate approach to analyze behavior of the Iranian electricity market. Isfahan electricity market has been considered as a case study in which SFE is applied (regarding marginal cost estimation as well as demand uncertainty). The derived SFE indicates that there is major difference between SFE and Nash equilibrium.
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Volume 4, Issue 15 (6-2014)

The unavoidable consequences of increased demand and decreasing water resources and Deduction rainfall and drought is caused to arise disutes among water user in recent years.

On the other hand, vital need of agriculture sector to water and developing industry sector in Isfahan, have increased competition between water users of industry sector and agriculture sector. In this paper, we use game theory for optimal allocation water resources zayande rud basin. Amount of optimal allocation from zayande rud basin determine by using optimal pareto curve and four conflict solutions For each of sector with enivironment and for game two persons between mentioned sectors over 1379-1388 years. in three games ''industy sector and environment'' and ''agriculture sector and environment'' and ''agriculture sector and industry sector'' find out that allocation water resources isn't optimal between mentioned sectors over 1379-1388 years. After deduction of drinking water, the resulting of game two persons between agriculture and industry sector is share of industry and share of agriculture sector is 85.82% and 14.18%, ,respectively in order to maximize total benefit Isfahan. on the other hand, estimation economic value of water in two sector determine water price in Agricultural sector 13010 rials per M3 and in Industry sector 6001.95 rials per M3 by application linear programming and residual imputation approach. According to the large difference between the actual price of water and tariff set by Ministry of Power for agriculture sector and the results of game theory, it is proposed that give more value to the industry sector, Because it consume less water than agriculture and we use innovative methods for irigation in agriculture sector, so that we prevent from wastage of water resources in this sector.

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فصلنامه تحقیقات مدلسازی اقتصادی Journal of Economic Modeling Research
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