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Showing 2 results for Dynamic Panel Data

Dr Hossein Asgharpur, Dr Behzad Salmani, Majid Feshari, Ali Dehghani,
Volume 1, Issue 3 (6-2011)

The investigation of determinants in Gross National Saving behavior especially effect of corruption, is one of the important issues in macroeconomics literature. For this purpose, we use the corruption perception index in dynamic panel data approach (Arellano and Bond Method). The Empirical results indicate that the corruption perception index (reduction of corruption) has positive and significant effect on the gross national saving. The main results of model estimation for two groups of oil and non-oil countries of MENA, shows that in oil countries the elasticity of gross national saving is more than of non-oil countries and reduction of corruption can be increase the national saving in oil countries. Moreover the results of model estimation shows that the inflation rate has negative effect and real per capita income and terms of trade variables have positive and significant effects on the gross national of saving in these countries.
Ahmad Tashkini, Amir Reza Soori,
Volume 3, Issue 10 (3-2013)

  In this paper we revisited the recent study examines the determinants of Intra-Industry Trade (IIT) in the agriculture, industry and services sectors between Iran and European :::union:::, ECO, GCC and ASEAN countries in the period 1980-2009, using a dynamic panel data.

  This study uses country-specific characteristics as explanatory variables. The results indicate that IIT is a negative function of the difference in GDP per capita between Iran and trade partners. There is also a statistically significant relationship between IIT and the countries demand similarities. Results also reveal the importance of the size of economy and product diversification in intra industry trades. Finally the hypothesis that trade increases by a decrease in transportation costs can’t be rejected.

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فصلنامه تحقیقات مدلسازی اقتصادی Journal of Economic Modeling Research
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