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Showing 3 results for Akbari

Dr Nematollah Akbari, Dr Majid Sameti, Dr Saeed Samadi, Reza Nasr Esfahani,
Volume 1, Issue 1 (12-2010)

Municipalities are kind of organizations that due to their diversity in functions and obligations play important roles in urban management .Financing the administration of obligations (urban public finance) is one of the principal tools in achieving targets and urban-related plans. With a glance at the structure of current revenue sources of this administration, it can be found that there is a considerable dependence on the revenue from building permits. This has inappropriate consequences for the economy of cities. Hence, providing an appropriate model that in addition to the quality of being operational and administrative has also the suitable properties can help both the local managements and city economies. To finance municipalities, specific criteria have been offered. In this study, in addition to classifying and grading the presented criteria, the current sources (revenue items) have also been graded, using multi-criteria decision making. And also the pattern of minimum expenditures supply has been modeled. The analysis of urban public finance in Isfahan and generally in Tehran shows that despite having the proper potentials in acquiring some revenues the urban management system relies heavily on building permit. In metropolitan areas, up to 50% of expenditure is obtained from building permit. This is not an appropriate financial strategy. Finally, we suggest that municipality should finance all of its expenditures through tax on pollution and fuel, consumption tax and property tax.
Amir Jabari, Dr Mohsen Renani, Dr Nematollah Akbari,
Volume 1, Issue 3 (6-2011)

The unequal allocation of economic resources, or other resources of wealth, regarding to the efficiency among the factors of production, is considered as one of the most important condition of optimal resource allocation in the market system. In other words, the market mechanism in the process of allocating resources among the factors of production rewards to the resources with higher returns. So, the article’s main question is whether the unequal distribution of votes similar to the unequal distribution of money, can be applied in the process of the optimal allocation of citizens' benefits in the democracy system? The answer of this question has been given by the monetary model which is similar to the democracy, using the concept of Anthony Downs’s (1957) rational voter hypothesis, the idea of Paul Samuelson's (1958) monetary economic model, the microeconomic theory of consumption and just one of the major components of the market –the unequal distribution of money–. Using the designed model, we can survey several statuses, Such as: vote exchange possibility (similar to the barter economy) and weighting of votes. The article’s results show that the social contract possibility for exchange and the ability to save money causes to change of the shape and nature of the money from public goods to private goods and the interest rate creation. In this situation, one of the important findings of Samuelson model of monetary is appeared in the space of voting theory. One of the contributions of the monetary model of Samuelson is that one of the origins of the monetary interest rate is population growth. The other results show that the weighting of buyers in the monetary model design under conditions can be led to more efficient choices and social welfare increase ultimately. KEYWORDS: Democracy, Market, Political Market, Money, the Weighting of Votes, Downs’s Rational Voter Hypothesis, Samuelson's Monetary Economic Model.
Hiva Rahiminia, Beitollah Akbari Moghadam, Mohamad Reza Monjazeb,
Volume 5, Issue 19 (6-2015)

Social and economic impact of change in the subsidies payment policy have been concern in past recent years. In this paper, a Computable General Equilibrium model is used to analyze the impact of change in subsidies payment system from indirect to direct state, on the price and quantity variables of domestic production and employment level economic sectors in two scenarios. The basic data are used in the framework of SAM year 2001. CGE model establishes the relations between accounts of SAM into a set of simultaneous nonlinear equations, by using the modern general equilibrium theory. In first scenario, indirect subsidy of manufacturing and services sectors is remove and its full payment in cash to the urban and rural households. In second scenarios, indirect subsidy of manufacturing and services sectors is remove and its direct payment to the proportions of 50. 30 and 20 percent to the households, economic sectors and Government respectively. The results show that by change in subsidy payment, composition of production and employment in economic sectors are change. The greatest decrease in domestic production and employment level and also the highest increase in the prices level is observed in the transport products. The mining sector is only sector that is face with positive production growth rate in both scenarios, and for most sector, a decline is forecast. But GDP level is face with decline to equal 2.78 percent respectively in first scenario and 3.05 percent in second scenario. In the end, with comparing two scenarios show that more the direct subsidies paid to households increase, more the domestic production of  some sector growth.

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فصلنامه تحقیقات مدلسازی اقتصادی Journal of Economic Modeling Research
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