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Showing 2 results for heydar

Dr Asad-Ollah Farzinvash, Hassani Heydar,
Volume 1, Issue 2 (3-2011)

Banks play an important role in many modern economies. The main functioning of banks is to reduce the information problems between lenders and borrowers. The experiences show that banks with a powerful balance-sheet have a better ability to isolate their lending activities from monetary shocks. So, the balance-sheet items of commercial banks play an important role in their sensitivity to the monetary downturns. This paper has two distinguishing features compared to other papers. First, we examined the indirect effects of monetary policy on bank lending through the balance-sheet items of the Iranian banks. Second, we have used two separate samples private and public banks, because their organizational systems have significant differences. Our hypothesis is that the monetary policy can indirectly affect the public and private banks’ lending through their balance-sheet items. Our results show that the monetary policy has no direct but indirect effects on bank lending in Iran.
Hassan Heydari,
Volume 2, Issue 6 (3-2012)

  In this paper, a small scale Factor-Augmented Vector Autoregressive (FAVAR) Model is utilized to analyze the effects of monetary shocks on price level and economic activities in the Iranian housing sector. To analyze the "price level", four price indices of the housing sector were used and also six indices to estimate the "economic activities" in this sector were determined. The results show that shocks from liquidity and high powered money will have wave-like effects on the housing sector in Iran. The waves have an approximate duration of 5 years which is confirmed by observations of the housing sector in Iran. Also the results show that the effects of the liquidity shocks have more durable effects on the sector in comparison with the high powered money shocks.

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فصلنامه تحقیقات مدلسازی اقتصادی Journal of Economic Modeling Research
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