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Showing 2 results for googerdchian

Dr Ahmad Googerdchian, Simin Mirhashemi,
Volume 3, Issue 11 (6-2013)

Since the liquidity shortage has some undesirable consequences for banks, the evaluation of different strategies of providing liquidity is very important. In normal market conditions, there are plenty of adjustment strategies available for banks which allow them to have higher liquid assets when they face higher payment obligations. This paper mainly focuses on three strategies of liquidity management in country's banking system in above conditions. The main aim of current paper is to test three strategies of liquidity management based on the recommendations of Basel Committee in the condition of increasing the payment obligations of the banking network, by applying Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) method. We used the data from 20 Iranian commercial banks for the period 2001-2009. Results show that there is a positive relationship between payment obligations and securities stock growth rates and also between payment obligations and repayments of loans growth rates. However there is a diverse relation between payment obligations and long-term loans growth rates.
Ahmad Googerdchian, Komail Tayyebi, Effat Ghazavi,
Volume 5, Issue 17 (12-2014)

Women as half of the workforce in society can be an effective lever to promote economic and social development goals. In recent years, participation of women in development activities has increased. But the participation of women has been associated with discrimination against them. In recent years with increasing participation of women in the labor market, the income gap between men and women in the labor market is one of the most important discrimination they are facing with it. Understanding the factors affecting women's employment and the impact of these factors on the wage level and understanding the factors affecting the gender gap, can be very useful in reducing discrimination and achieving sustainable desirable development.
With attention, in this study, we tried to analyze influence employment, productivity, education and educating of men and women on decrease gender gap in wages paid to an econometric model. Theoretical basis of this model is based on Blinder- Oaxaca gender gap (1974) and in the period 1370 to 1390. The experimental results with model coefficients using panel data and with using Stata and Eveiws software is obtained and then analyzed.
Based on the results, however, productivity and employment increase wages of men and women but it Increase the gender income gap. Education increases wages of men and women but it reduces the gender income gap. Educating reduces wages of women and gender income gap too.

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فصلنامه تحقیقات مدلسازی اقتصادی Journal of Economic Modeling Research
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