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Dr Hossein Asgharpur, Dr Behzad Salmani, Majid Feshari, Ali Dehghani, Volume 1, Issue 3 (6-2011)
The investigation of determinants in Gross National Saving behavior especially effect of corruption, is one of the important issues in macroeconomics literature.
For this purpose, we use the corruption perception index in dynamic panel data approach (Arellano and Bond Method). The Empirical results indicate that the corruption perception index (reduction of corruption) has positive and significant effect on the gross national saving. The main results of model estimation for two groups of oil and non-oil countries of MENA, shows that in oil countries the elasticity of gross national saving is more than of non-oil countries and reduction of corruption can be increase the national saving in oil countries.
Moreover the results of model estimation shows that the inflation rate has negative effect and real per capita income and terms of trade variables have positive and significant effects on the gross national of saving in these countries.
Amir Jabari, Dr Mohsen Renani, Dr Nematollah Akbari, Volume 1, Issue 3 (6-2011)
The unequal allocation of economic resources, or other resources of wealth, regarding to the efficiency among the factors of production, is considered as one of the most important condition of optimal resource allocation in the market system. In other words, the market mechanism in the process of allocating resources among the factors of production rewards to the resources with higher returns. So, the article’s main question is whether the unequal distribution of votes similar to the unequal distribution of money, can be applied in the process of the optimal allocation of citizens' benefits in the democracy system?
The answer of this question has been given by the monetary model which is similar to the democracy, using the concept of Anthony Downs’s (1957) rational voter hypothesis, the idea of Paul Samuelson's (1958) monetary economic model, the microeconomic theory of consumption and just one of the major components of the market –the unequal distribution of money–. Using the designed model, we can survey several statuses, Such as: vote exchange possibility (similar to the barter economy) and weighting of votes.
The article’s results show that the social contract possibility for exchange and the ability to save money causes to change of the shape and nature of the money from public goods to private goods and the interest rate creation. In this situation, one of the important findings of Samuelson model of monetary is appeared in the space of voting theory. One of the contributions of the monetary model of Samuelson is that one of the origins of the monetary interest rate is population growth. The other results show that the weighting of buyers in the monetary model design under conditions can be led to more efficient choices and social welfare increase ultimately.
KEYWORDS: Democracy, Market, Political Market, Money, the Weighting of Votes, Downs’s Rational Voter Hypothesis, Samuelson's Monetary Economic Model.
Dr Ghadir Mahdavi, Vahid Majed, Volume 2, Issue 5 (12-2011)
Life insurance as an investment and assurance tool provides a great source of investment financing in different economies. Despite life insurance development in advanced countries and in many developing economies, it could not get its appropriate share in Iranian family’s basket.
This paper investigates factors that affect life insurance demand in Iran. So, random sampling used to get required information in three provinces of Iran (Tehran, East Azerbayjan and Mazandaran).
Factors are divided into two main groups: Socioeconomics and psychological. Required data were gathered using questionnaire. Results show that life insurance demand has negative relationship with individual expected health condition, premium, expected inflation, degree of risk aversion and income. Bequest, economic optimism, age, employment of partner and reading has positive relation with life insurance demand. Based on the sample, result show that life insurance demand is not affected by advertisements but is affected by others recommendations.
Homa Ghasemi, Dr Mostafa Dinmohammadi, Dr Esmaeil Najafi, Volume 2, Issue 6 (3-2012)
Data envelopment analysis (DEA) estimates the relative performance of decision making units (DMUs). This paper uses the idea of the Analytical hierarchy process (AHP) method and fuzzy set theory to modify the model of DEA which can be used to evaluate the performance of business units. In this paper, a new method has been proposed for estimating the performance of DMUs with interval data and weights of data. The models proposed in previous studies have interval data or interval weights of data, so the proposed model has more flexibility than previous studies . Thus, innovation has been done theoretically and the experimental part is for testing the theory. Finally, a method is introduced for ranking the DMUs by computed performance. In order to prove the applicability of the proposed method, a case study for ranking of some Iranian automotive companies products is given. The model results indicate that the proposed model will be useful for practical problems, especially when the number of choices is limited.
Dr Ghahraman Abdoli, Dr Vahid Majed, Volume 2, Issue 7 (6-2012)
In the past decades, a range of discussions has been formed on coalition theory in economics and international sciences. The focus of this discussion is that in the absence of a superior power, and while some players want to expand their authorities, is it possible to cooperate or not. These theories agree on the principle that if such condition be a sequential game, cooperation will be permanent only if the players are patient enough. In the real world, there are many partnerships between groups that don’t have a same patience, i.e. the discount factor isn’t equal for each of the members. OPEC is an example of those groups which composed of members with different discount factor. This paper investigates the future of OPEC members and their different discount factors. So, cooperative theory is used to analyze the behavior of OPEC members using panel data techniques. Results show that a fixed effects model is appropriate to explain OPEC member’s behavior. According to the model, the amount of marketed crude oil by members has positive relationship with stocks and sales in the previous period and also there is a negative relationship between the amount of marketed oil and square of proven reserves per capita. The results show that bargaining and negotiation between some members to achieve agreement rapidly and also relents or blackmails guarantees OPEC Survival.
Hanieh Safamanesh, Dr Mosayeb Pahlavani, Volume 2, Issue 8 (9-2012)
Despite the belief of many economic scholars, women have played a significant role in the industrialization process of communities. Unfortunately, although women have the necessary competence to accept society responsibilities, inappropriate behavior and discriminatory is imposed to them and this problem has caused the women's participation rate slower than the participation rate of men. As women's economic participation rate is the measure of progress and development in developed and developing nations, the issue of women's economic participation is of great importance. This study aims at estimating the women’s participation in Iranian economy using macroeconomic data and econometric method of panel data. Results show that women's economic participation rate in 28 provinces of Iran is affected by the main variable of wage rate and also by the control variables such as gross domestic production per capita, unemployment rate etc. Results also show that increasing the share of industrial and agricultural sectors in supplying new occupations has positive effect on women’s participation while an increase in the share of services sector in the supply of new occupations has a negative effect.
Dr Hassan Heidari, Sahar Bashiri, Volume 3, Issue 9 (12-2012)
This paper investigates the relationship between real exchange rate uncertainty and stock price index in Tehran stock exchange for the period of 1995-2009 by using monthly data and applying Bivariate Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity model (Bivariate GARCH). The results show that there is a negative and significant relationship between real exchange rate uncertainty and stock price index. However, the relationship between stock price uncertainty and real exchange rate is insignificant. Therefore, our results recommend that the policies which cause more volatility in the exchange market and also more volatility in the real exchange rate should be avoided to ensure the sustainable growth of the stock market and its price index.
Dr Rouhollah Shahnazi, Saeed Zabihidan, Volume 3, Issue 12 (9-2013)
The structure-conduct-performance (SCP) paradigm has constituted an enduring empirical tradition in empirical industrial economics and has the advantage of clarifying the basic building blocks of the competitive mechanisms. This paper presents a SCP model to estimate causes and effects in Iranian manufacturing industry in 2009.
The model used in this paper is a system of four simultaneous equations: agglomeration as the standard measure of structure, advertising and R&D as the standard measure of conduct and profitability as the standard measure of performance.
Using the data from a sample of Iranian industries, three-stage least squares results indicate that: a) Advertisement has positive and significant impacts on agglomeration and profitability. b) Profitability has positive and significant impacts on agglomeration and advertisement. c) Agglomeration has positive and significant impact on profitability and also a negative impact on advertisement.
Dr Naser Farshadgohar, Farnaz Badpar, Volume 4, Issue 13 (12-2013)
This study examines the time series behavior of oil production for OPEC member countries in a fractional integration modeling framework. It’s aim is to identify the potential for structural breaks and outliers. The analysis is based on a monthly data from January 1973 to October 2008 for 12 OPEC member countries. The results indicate that a mean reverting persistence in breaks has been experienced in ten of twelve oil production countries. Thus it is obvious that shocks affect on the structure of OPEC oil production and have persistent effects in the long run for all countries. In some countries is expected the effects to be permanent.
Dr Esmaiel Abounoori, Seyedali Rezvani, Volume 4, Issue 13 (12-2013)
From technology, security and physical points of view automobiles are different regarding Hedonic price model, price of a car is a set of implicit prices concerning different characteristics. In this article we estimate the Hedonic price models using 2009 Iranian automobile market data concerning different characteristics for small cars (Engine capacity of 2000cc and less) and large cars (Engine capacity of more than 2000cc): in Iran cars with engine capacity of 2000cc and less benefits from special petrol subsidies while this is not the care for the large cars. The results indicate that characteristics such as antilock brakes (including ABS and EBD), width, airbag, fuel consumption and engine capacity for small cars, variables such as airbag, antilock brakes(including ABS and EBD), and highs for the large cars are important from the points of view of Iranian customers and have significant effects on the car price.
Dr Hassan Taee, Dr Javid Bahrami, Sima Bagheri, Volume 4, Issue 13 (12-2013)
One of the empirical relationships that have been used to study the dynamics of labor market is the Beveridge curve -the scatter plot of unemployment rates versus vacancy rates- that is used to summarize the state of that market. The starting point for deriving the Beveridge curve is a matching function between unemployed workers and vacant jobs.
In this research, provincial data are combined to estimate the Beveridge curve and the matching function of Iran. The matching function is estimated using provincial data for the period 1993-2008 and for estimating the Beveridge curve, provincial data for period 2005-2008 are used. The outcomes imply that the number of unemployed workers and vacant jobs has a positive and significant relationship with successful job matches. The elasticity of matching function for the unemployed and job vacancies equals 0.24 and 0.79, respectively. The Beveridge curve depicts a convex and negative relationship between unemployment rate and vacancy rate, although the relationship is not strong.
, , Volume 4, Issue 15 (6-2014)
unavoidable consequences of increased demand and decreasing water resources and
Deduction rainfall and drought is caused to arise disutes among water user in
recent years. On
the other hand, vital need of agriculture sector to water and developing
industry sector in Isfahan, have increased competition between water users of
industry sector and agriculture sector. In this paper, we use game theory for
optimal allocation water resources zayande rud basin. Amount of optimal
allocation from zayande rud basin determine by using optimal pareto curve and
four conflict solutions For each of sector with enivironment and for game two
persons between mentioned sectors over 1379-1388 years. in three games
''industy sector and environment'' and ''agriculture sector and environment''
and ''agriculture sector and industry sector'' find out that allocation water
resources isn't optimal between mentioned sectors over 1379-1388 years. After deduction of drinking water, the resulting
of game two persons between agriculture and industry sector is share of
industry and share of agriculture sector is 85.82% and 14.18%, ,respectively
in order to maximize total benefit Isfahan. on the other hand,
estimation economic value of water in two sector determine water price in
Agricultural sector 13010 rials per M3 and in Industry sector
6001.95 rials per M3 by application linear programming and residual
imputation approach. According to the large difference between the actual price
of water and tariff set by Ministry of Power for agriculture sector and the results
of game theory, it is proposed that give more value to the industry sector, Because it
consume less water than agriculture and we use innovative methods for irigation
in agriculture sector, so that we prevent from wastage of water resources in
this sector.
Narges Samadpoor, Mostafa Emadzade, Homayoun Rangbar, Firozeh Azizi, Volume 4, Issue 15 (6-2014)
The growth of non-communicable diseases, and the enormous costs of health care, has led policy makers to focus on “education”, as an effective instrument to improve the public health. Recent empirical studies show that education can improve health and increase life expectancy via ameliorating the life style. The main objective of this paper is to investigate the effect of education on health in Iran over the period of 1974- 2010. Health production function is defined based on the Grossman (1972) model. The empirical model has been estimated by using co-integration technique and error correction model. Separation of short and long-term effects and estimate of impact by education’s temporary and permanent lag time changes on health is considered the innovation aspect of this research. The results of model estimation indicate that there is a positive and long-term equilibrium relationship between health and education. Based on evidence obtained, education plays a key role in health improvement. Empowering people by investment in their education can prevent many non-communicable diseases. Diseases that are imposed by our incorrect life style. Today we believe that an active participation of elementary and high schools, higher education, and mass media can ameliorate the health statue of society.
Mohammad Nabi Shahiki Tash, Zahra Sheidaei, Elham Shivai, Volume 4, Issue 16 (9-2014)
This paper based on the new empirical industrial organization model (NEIO) examines the impact of market concentration and cost efficiency on bank's profit rate margin in Iran. The study uses the model developed by Azzam (1997) to evaluate the market power and cost efficiency for 15 active banks in the banking industry. The empirical findings indicate a decrease in the market power of banks during the period 2001-2011. It is also shown that the conjectural variations index associated with the loans is -0.96, while demand for the loans is completely inelastic where its value is near to 0.087. Additionally, The market power and cost efficiency in the banking industry have been estimated 0.37 and -0.30 respectively meaning a decrease about 0.3 percent for the bank's profit rate due to the efficiency of cost and an increase about 0.07 percent due to the concentration.
Ahmad Googerdchian, Komail Tayyebi, Effat Ghazavi, Volume 5, Issue 17 (12-2014)
Women as half of the workforce in society can be an effective lever to promote economic and social development goals. In recent years, participation of women in development activities has increased. But the participation of women has been associated with discrimination against them. In recent years with increasing participation of women in the labor market, the income gap between men and women in the labor market is one of the most important discrimination they are facing with it. Understanding the factors affecting women's employment and the impact of these factors on the wage level and understanding the factors affecting the gender gap, can be very useful in reducing discrimination and achieving sustainable desirable development. With attention, in this study, we tried to analyze influence employment, productivity, education and educating of men and women on decrease gender gap in wages paid to an econometric model. Theoretical basis of this model is based on Blinder- Oaxaca gender gap (1974) and in the period 1370 to 1390. The experimental results with model coefficients using panel data and with using Stata and Eveiws software is obtained and then analyzed. Based on the results, however, productivity and employment increase wages of men and women but it Increase the gender income gap. Education increases wages of men and women but it reduces the gender income gap. Educating reduces wages of women and gender income gap too.
Ali Hossein Ostadzad, Sajjad Behpour, Volume 5, Issue 18 (3-2015)
In order to estimate the production function besides productivity and economic growth, the time series of capital stock is required. Time-series that available for capital stock is not so reliable because of Variations in suggested methods and also difficulty in the calculation of this variable. The continuously inventory method (CIM) has been more attention, among the existing methods. We improve CIM in this research. For estimating the capital stock we developed an algorithm and titled that “Programming or Recursive Algorithm”.The following can be noted in capabilities of the model that developed in this study. Unlike the previous studies we taking the variable depreciation rate of capital in different periods, considering the quality variable of war and its impact on the rate of depreciation, investigation of nonlinear and linear production function in order to increase estimation accuracy and considering energy as well as labor and capital input.The results show that compared to the time series reported by the Central Bank of Iran, the series calculated in this study are similar trend, but with some differences.The mean of depreciation rate has been calculated 5.1% for the period 2009 to 2010. The estimation results show that in war period we have always higher depreciation rate than average rate of depreciation in period of this study.
Mina Javadinia, Abdolmajid Jalaee, Mehdi Nejati, Volume 5, Issue 18 (3-2015)
Productivity is one of the important factors in exploration, extraction and production of oil and gas. On the other hands, the literature indicates that the process of economic liberalization is an inventible matter and globalization gradually is improving. So it is important that the effect of oil shocks is considered In Iran. Based on International trade statistics, Shanghai’s countries is one of the most important trading partners of Iran. Therefore, this study investigates whether or not the extraction, exploration and production of oil and gas in Iran is affected by productivity shocks in industry sector of Shanghai’s countries. The Computing general equilibrium approach is used for investigating the effect of productivity shocks on four sectors in Iran (including industry, agriculture, services and oil sectors). Social Accounting Matrix Adjusted 2004 is considered for three scenarios including 3, 5 and 7 percent of productivity shocks (based on world economy trend). The results indicate that the increase in productivity in three industry sector scenarios of Shanghai’s countries declines the oil and gas extraction in these countries, representing efficient use of existing resources and superior technology in other industries as well as focus on oil and gas imports from other countries. So, productivity scenarios indicate that increase in the industrial sector productivity of Shanghai’s countries causes increase in oil and gas extraction in Iran. In addition to showing the relationship between economic of Iran and economic situation of Shanghai’s countries, this issue explains the process of economic globalization.
Hassan Heidari, Rana Asghari, Volume 5, Issue 18 (3-2015)
Changes infertility ratesasone of the factors affecting the demographic changes and its rolein the labor supply and there fore economic growth, as an important element ofsocio-economic development of every country is considered. So that the importance of demographic changes in each country in recent years has increased resulting aging population in general and specifically decreased fertility that increased concerns for the global economy and the majority of developing countries-including Iran. However, the range of empirical studies in incurred countries is very limited and in most studies, the surface shape of the subject has investigated in a simple line a reconometric model. Thus this study investigates the impact of fertility’s changes one conomic well-being in selected MENAcountries over the 1970-2010. We apply dynamic consumer optimization model that incorporates end ogenous fertility as well as end ogenous education and health investments offered by Prettner and et al. (2013). The estimation results of non-linear panel smooth transition regression model reports the negative effect of fertility and positive effect of revenue and population on effective labor force, which show that the quantity-quality trade off in population acts in favor of labor force and increases its quality and causes output growth and well-being. This issue is in ferable from positive effect of population on education and health-as delineator indices for well-being- in the countries under investigation.
Kiumars Shahbazi, Jalil Badpaima, Ebrahim Rezaei, Volume 5, Issue 19 (6-2015)
Compared to private
firms, public companies generally have excess labor force. During the
privatization process and conversion of a public enterpriseto a private
enterprise, new employers tend to adjust their labor force in order to reduce
ongoing costsand improve the company's economic goals.In order to persuade the
employees to accept voluntary retirement and leave the firm, these firmsmay
offer a reward to the employees that are eligible for optional retirement but
are not eligible to mandatory retirement. Employees tend to receive the highest
possible premium and in contrast the firm is willing to pay employees the
minimum possible premium. In this paper, we consider the options facing
employer and employee through dynamic games with complete information. Games
between employee and employer was shown in the form of an extensive
game.Minimum premium required to accept the optional retirement was calculated
using subgame perfect equilibrium (SPE) and the effect of ceiling premium has
been studied on minimum premium. The calculations show that the reductions in
mandatory retirement age, the retirement benefits from social security
organizations, expected interest rate and the maximum years of service and an
increase in employee's age and her years of service lead to a reduction in the
minimum premium required to accept the optional retirement. Moreover, due to
lower mandatory retirement age for women than men in many countries, women
accept optional retirement with lower premium. The proposed ceiling premium will
also cause to refuseoptional retirement from the part of the workers with high
salary, young and lownumber of years of service.
Ali Souri, Volume 5, Issue 20 (9-2015)
This study considers the subject of social capital measurement and its problems. Because of the social capital is the qualitative subject, therefore its measurement have special problems, and there is no the same approach in this matter. These problems are in both of international and national level. For the reason, there are different methods to measure social capital. These methods have caused their results to be different and sometimes conflict. These differences are very high, such that the correlation between these indexes is sometime zero, negative and positive.